The Rich Girl Guide

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7 Signs You Need To Make a Change in Your Life

Sometimes we all need a change in life. Whether that means changing jobs, changing hobbies or even changing our daily habits.

Change can be good and sometimes necessary for our personal development. It is also a great way to unlock a rich girl mindset and set you on the right path to achieve your goals.

But, how do you know when a change is needed?

I did a bit of digging and found 7 key signs that suggest you might need to make a change.

Keep reading to learn the tell-tale signs that a change is needed.

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1. You feel unfulfilled

Feeling unfulfilled suggests that life isn’t matching up to what you want it to be.

Everyone has dreams and when your reality doesn’t match them (or resemble them in any way) you can be left feeling unsatisfied.

Fulfillment actually plays a BIG role in your mental health and is present in a lot of psychological theories about mental wellbeing.

For example, in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, if needs and desires aren’t fulfilled you will not be able to reach ‘self-actualization’ (which is the highest point of psychological development).

Therefore, if you feel unfulfilled you might want to do something about it!

You could make a change that fulfills one of your individual needs or desires. This could look like moving into a new job role that allows you to be creative or maybe volunteering to fulfill your desire to help others.

The change that needs to be made will depend on your own needs.

2. You are bored

Boredom is a sign that your current life isn’t stimulating you.

Although it might not seem like a big deal now, prolonged boredom can lead to low motivation, a lack of pleasure, and even depression!

If you have ambitious long-term goals, the last thing you need is to lose motivation or drive. If you feel bored in your life, you might need to make a change!

The best kind of change to reduce boredom is a change that stimulates, or even challenges, your mind.

This could be taking on extra responsibilities at work, starting an online business, learning a new skill or signing yourself up for a challenge.

3. You dream about a different life

This one should seem obvious! However, you would be surprised at how many people overlook this CLEAR sign that something is off.

If you spend your free time daydreaming about a different life, you should probably do something to change your own.

Daydreaming every now and then is normal. However, spending too much time pondering about a different life can lead to feelings of misery, fulfillment and even resentment.

Remember: YOU are the only person who can give you the life that you dream of. So, make a change that gets you closer to it!

If you daydream of having more money, start a side hustle or small business that can boost your income.

If you daydream of travel, book that plane ticket!

If you daydream about being more popular or having a busier social life, join a new club or start attending networking events.

Make a change that moves you closer to the life that you dream of. Trust me, it will make you feel SO much better!

4. You feel burnt out

Burnout is a term that you’ve probably heard a LOT online. It is a feeling of exhaustion that makes it difficult to engage in your day to day activities.

Burnout is a big problem for us ambitious girlies. If you’re like me, you probably have the tendency to do as much as humanly possible and forget to give yourself time to rest!

This can result in fatigue and burnout.

Also see: 7 self care tips for entrepreneurs to avoid burnout

Burnout is a sign that you are biting off more than you can chew. If you experience burnout for a prolonged period of time, you probably need to make a serious change!

Changes that can minimize feelings of burnout include learning to say ‘no’, reducing the number of tasks on your plate, and giving yourself more time to rest.

It’s totally okay to ask for help and admit defeat every now and then. The long-term impact of burnout can be detrimental to your goals so it is important that you address it as soon as possible.

5. Your goals have changed

How often do you take time to reflect on your goals and consider whether or not your current lifestyle is aligned with them?

Our goals change more often than you might think. One minute you might want to become rich by growing wealth and the next, you might be more focused on starting a business or finding financial freedom.

Each of those goals has a similar underlying desire but requires very different action steps.

You should regularly evaluate your current goals and adjust your plan. If your goals have changed significantly, you may need to change course entirely!

Also see: How to set online business goals

6. You don’t enjoy things anymore

It is normal to feel low every now and then. However, if you find yourself not being able to enjoy things that you once loved, this could be a sign that you need a change!

A lack of enjoyment could happen if you are very stressed, burnt out, or fatigued. It is also a common symptom of depression.

You may not notice yourself struggling to enjoy things at first. This is why it is super important to check in with yourself regularly.

If you struggle to enjoy things in life, consider making changes that will lower your stress levels or burnout. If things continue to get worse, it might be a good idea to seek professional help!

7. You find yourself regularly saying ‘it will get better one day’

It’s true that you sometimes have to sacrifice comfort and free time when you’re working towards big goals. However, you should feel some kind of enjoyment in the chaos.

If you find yourself regularly saying something like ‘it will be better one day’ this could be a sign that your current situation isn’t serving you and YOU NEED A CHANGE!

By constantly living for the future, you will never be able to appreciate the present. This could lead to feelings of low mood, burnout, and even depression.

Try to make a small change that improves your ‘now’ whilst also working towards your ‘one day’.

This could be taking more time for yourself or treating yourself every now and then.

If you notice any of these signs in your life, it might be time to make a change!

Here are some ideas for simple changes you could make to improve your current situation:

  • You could start a side hustle that could eventually replace your 9-5. This will help you to ditch the draining day job and find financial freedom.

  • You could start journaling each day to improve your mindset and clear your head.

  • You could invest in self-development books.

  • You could spend more time with friends and family.

  • You could start a new hobby or learn a new skill.

Whatever you decide to do, a small change is better than no change at all!

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