best self improvement books

15 best books for self improvement 2023.

Self-improvement books are an excellent way to gain insight into personal growth, productivity, and mental health. With so many books available on the market, it can be challenging to find the ones that will make a significant impact on your life. Whether you are looking to boost your confidence, increase your motivation, or simply gain a new perspective on life, there is a self-improvement book out there for you.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the best books for self improvement in 2023 that can help you achieve your goals, develop a healthy daily routine and become the best version of yourself.

Best books for self improvement list:

  1. The Secret- The best book to learn about practicing The Law Of Attraction in your daily life

  2. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy- The best self improvement book to improve self esteem

  3. Tao Te Ching- A unique self improvement book that will completely change your way of thinking

  4. 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos- The best book to help you navigate life in easy steps

  5. How To Be An Overnight Success- The best self improvement book for female entrepreneurs

  6. Rich Dad Poor Dad- The best book to help you improve your personal finances

  7. Atomic Habits- The best self help book to break bad habits

  8. The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*CK- The best self improvement book for overthinkers

  9. The 48 Laws Of Power- The best book to learn about the art of gaining power and protecting yourself from it

  10. Make Your Bed- The best book to read for daily motivation and tips for success

  11. How To Win Friends and Influence People- Top self improvement book to learn how to influence others and achieve success

  12. Declutter Your Mind- A great self help book about how to reduce negative thinking patterns

  13. Get Out Of Your Own Way- The best book to break bad habits

  14. Your Are A Badass- The ultimate confidence-booting self improvement book

  15. The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up- The best book about the power of organization to get your life in shape

Also read: 10 Healthy Habits of Successful People

Tao Te Ching Self improvement quote

Best Books For Self Improvement Reviewed

Not sure which book to choose? Below, we have summarized each of the best self improvement books to help you find the best one for your needs!

The Secret- Ronda Byrne

The Secret is widely considered to be the best book about The Law of Attraction- the idea that you can attract positive things into your life through positive energy and daily habits. The book explains how readers can use the power of The Law of Attraction to achieve their goals and improve their lives.

The Secret uses anecdotes and story telling to paint a clear picture of how The Law of Attraction can be used to attract positive things into your life. The book is compelling and easy to follow. It takes number spot on our list for a reason!

The Secret will open your mind to a whole new way of thinking, motivate you to change your daily habits and encourage you to continue pursuing your goals, even when the end is difficult to picture.


Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy- David D. Burns

If you have ever suffered with negative thought’s or symptoms of depression, this book is for you! In fact, this book is often prescribed by therapists to individuals who are going through cognitive behavioral therapy to compliment their treatment.

Feeling Good will teach you how to reduce negative thinking patterns that could be blocking you from achieving success. In the book, Burns outlines several key CBT techniques that you can use in your day-to-day life to improve your thinking. If you are a person that suffers with depression or low mood, this book is a must read!


Tao Te Ching- Lao tzu

Tao Te Ching is one of the most profound self help books ever written. The book itself is completely open to interpretation which makes it a great read for anyone who likes to think! Tao Re Ching teaches lessons from the past with each paragraph giving an overview of ancient texts that have been translated into English. The book is enlightening to some but confusing to others.

Tao Te Ching was originally written by sage Lao Tzu and has since been adapted by James Harris to make it understandable to English readers. If you’re open to some deep thinking and subjective interpretation, this could be an excellent addition to your book shelf!


12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos- Jordan Peterson

Joran Peterson is a renowned clinical psychologist and one of the most influential public speakers in the western world. His book, 12 Rules For Life, outlines 12 principles for living a meaningful life. The book outlines how to follow each of the 12 principles and implement them into your daily life.

Amongst the 12 principles listed include: comparing yourself to the person you were yesterday instead of someone else today, happiness is a pointless goal and perfecting your own life before criticizing the lives of others. The book draws from both clinical practice an Joran’s own life experiences.


How To Be An Overnight Success: Making it in business- Maria Hatzistefanis

How To Be An Overnight Success was written by CEO Maria Hatzistefanis after here own company, Rodial, became an overnight success. The book provides an insight into the reality of creating a successful business and offers guidance to other budding female entrepreneurs.

We particularly like this book because it provides a realistic look at how to become successful in business. Maria talks of hard work, the importance of persistence and taking risks. The book was written so that anyone can follow in Maria’s footsteps and build a successful business from the ground up!


Rich Dad Poor Dad- Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a personal finance classic that has helped millions of people to improve their finances and build wealth. The book is now over 25 years old however, the principles that it teaches are more important than ever.

The book outlines key financial teachings that were taught to author, Robert T. Kiyosaki, by his two fathers. The book provides timeless wisdom that has been passed on by readers for years. This is certainly the best self improvement book for anyone who is looking to improve their personal finance.


Atomic habits- James clear

This book promises to help readers get one percent better every day! Atomic Habits will help you to make the most of daily habits that impact your life. The book teaches readers how to make tiny changes that can make a big impact on their chances of success. Atomic Habits also explains how to get rid of bad habits that may be blocking you from achieving your goals.

Atomic habits are tiny changes that could influence your life outcomes. In the book, Clear reveals how to harness these habits for the better. The book has been rated highly by readers around the globe and is an excellent read for anyone who wants to improve their day-to-day.


The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*CK- Mark manson

This is by far the best self help book for anyone who struggles with overthinking, people pleasing or perfectionism. The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*CK teaches the power of letting go of fear and thinking positively to achieve a full and happy life. In this book, you will learn how fear of judgement can be detrimental on your path to success as well as tips to let go of this fear. The book also teaches the importance of resilience in a world the key to happiness isn’t ‘making lemonade’ but to ‘learn how to stomach lemons better’.

As human beings, we only have room to give a f*ck about a small number pf things. So, it is important to learn which things to prioritize. This book will help you to better understand his concept and use it to improve your everyday life.


The 48 Laws Of Power- Robert Greene

The 48 Laws of Power is a life changing book that summarizes 3,000 of history into 48 principles. The book teaches how to achieve power, use power and avoid falling victim to other people’s power. This is a fascinating read and a great choice for anyone who needs to work on their ability to hold power in a room of people.

The 48 Laws of Power can be applied to many parts of your life including starting a business, getting a promotion at work, navigating a professional relationship and gaining respect. This book can also help people who are prone to the influence of other peoples power through teaching how to spot power plays in a variety of situations.


Make Your Bed- Admiral William H. McRavenAdmiral William H. McRaven

What if we told you that making your bed could change the world? Make Your Bed is a profound self improvement book that was written by ex-Navy Seal William H. McRaven. The book highlights 10 key principles that McRaven learned during his 37 years as a Seal that could help you to completely change your life.

Each of the 10 principles were used by McRaven to help him through life and through his tough career. Each lesson is simple but very effective. The idea behind the book is that even the tiniest of things can completely change the course of your life. The author believes that if everyone does these 10 simple things, we will all live in a better world.


How To Win Friends and Influence People- Dale carnegie

How To Win Friends and Influence People is one of the best motivational guides to ever be written. The book for originally published during the Great Depression and has since been updated to reflect modern day society.

Readers learn how to climb the ladder of success in both their personal and professional lives. Each chapter covers a fundamental topics including how to communicate effectively, how to make people like you, how to increase your ability to get things done and much more! This is a must read for any professionals or budding entrepreneurs.


Declutter Your Mind- S. J. Scott & barrie davenport

Declutter Your Mind is an excellent read for individuals who struggle with anxiety or negative thought patterns. The book teaches exactly what it says in the title- how to declutter your mind. The key to decluttering your mind is to practice specific mindfulness techniques that will free up room in your mind to focus on inner peace and enjoyment. Through the book, readers discover how to clear out their mind to make room for the most important things. By doing this, readers are left feeling calmer and more focused.


Get Out Of Your Own Way- Philip Gouldberg

Get Out Of Your Own Way is a practical self help book that would be a great addition to any bookshelf. The book explains how to overcome 40 different self limited behaviours that may be stopping you from achieving success. Readers will learn how to learn from common challenges and change their mindset to better align with their goals. After all, the only person stopping you is yourself.


You are a badass- Jen Sincero and John Murray

This book provides no-nonsense advice on how to improve your life through humor, personal anecdotes and the occasional swear word! You Are A Badass explains how you can easily reshape your mindset to achieve the life of your dreams. Readers will discover how to identify limiting beliefs and habits, how to refocus their energy to better align with their goals. The book focusses on starting NOW instead of procrastinating.

This is an excellent read for anyone who needs a boost of motivation.


The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up- Marie Kondo

The last book on our list draws from the Japanese art of KonMari- an ancient method of decluttering your space and clearing your mind. Readers learn how to effectively clear their space to achieve a sense of calm and tranquility which can help to improve focus, attention and even mood.

Once you have mastered the art of tidying your space, your whole life will change!