How to Make Money Selling eBooks on Amazon Without Writing.

Last updated: 04/01/2024 Written by: Ruby Layram

If you’re looking to make money online in 2024, selling ebooks on Amazon is a great option to consider! This easy side hustle idea costs very little to start and can quickly generate regular passive income.

However, many people are put-off by the thought of writing an entire novel from scratch. Luckily, it is possible to create and sell best-selling Amazon eBooks without writing a single word yourself.

In this guide, we walk you through how to make money selling Books on Amazon without writing them step-by-step. Get ready to take notes and start building your eBook business today!

How To Sell eBooks Without Writing Them on Amazon - Beginner’s Guide

If you want to start make £1000+ per month in passive income from Amazon eBooks, here is a quick step-by-step guide on how to sell eBooks without writing them. It is important to understand, like any passive income side hustle, an Amazon eBook business won’t make money overnight. Instead, it is important to stay consistent and build the business over time. Follow the guide below to get started today.

Step 1: Identify Profitable eBook Niches

Before you begin selling eBooks on Amazon without writing them, it's essential to research and identify profitable eBook niches. Focus on popular genres or topics that have a high demand and low competition. Utilize Amazon's Best Sellers and Kindle Store categories to gather insights into what types of eBooks are currently performing well. Look for niches where the competition is relatively low but the demand is high, increasing your chances of success.

A good place to start is to think about eBooks that you might buy yourself. Understanding the niche that decide to go into will help you improve marketing efforts further down the line. It’s much easier to market niches that you understand as you will be able to relate to the target audience.

Step 2: Outsource eBook Creation

Once you've chosen a niche, the next step before selling eBooks on Amazon without writing is to outsource the creation of your eBook. Numerous platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr connect you with skilled ghostwriters who can transform your ideas into engaging eBooks. Create a detailed brief outlining the eBook's structure, main points, and any specific requirements. Collaborate closely with the ghostwriter, providing feedback and revisions to ensure the final product meets your expectations.

Step 3: Ensure Quality and Edit the eBook

When you receive the completed eBook from the ghostwriter, it's crucial to review it thoroughly to maintain high quality. The key to successfully selling eBooks on Amazon is to create high quality and engaging content. Edit the content for clarity, grammar, and coherence. You may choose to hire a professional editor for this task if necessary. Make sure the eBook is well-structured, visually appealing, and error-free. Remember, a well-polished eBook will boost its appeal to potential readers and increase your chances of making sales.

Also read: What is the best eBook format for Kindle?

Step 4: Design an Eye-Catching Cover

An attractive and professional eBook cover is essential for grabbing the attention of potential buyers and selling your eBooks. Design a captivating cover that aligns with the genre and content of your eBook. Hiring a professional cover designer or using online tools like Canva can help you to create visually appealing covers that stand out among the competition.

As your Amazon eBook business grows, you could outsource this step of the process to freelancers. Again, Fiverr is a great platform to find freelancers who can design professional book covers that sell. Designers charge anything from £20 to £100 per book cover.

Step 5: Publish Your eBook on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Now that your eBook is ready, it's time to publish it on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Sign up for a KDP account, and navigate to the "Bookshelf" section. Click on "Create Kindle eBook" and follow the prompts to upload your eBook file and cover image. Provide compelling book descriptions, relevant keywords, and select appropriate categories to optimize discoverability. Set a competitive price that attracts buyers while considering the royalties you will receive.

Step 6: Promote Your eBook

To maximize your eBook's visibility and sales potential, it's crucial to promote it effectively. Leverage Amazon's promotional tools such as Kindle Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions to create buzz and generate initial sales. Additionally, utilize social media platforms, author websites, email marketing, and content marketing to expand your reach and build an audience. Encourage readers to leave reviews, as positive reviews play a significant role in boosting credibility and attracting more buyers.

Also read: How to promote your side hustle

Step 7: Monitor and Optimize

A big part of understanding how to sell eBooks without writing them is learning how to optimize your books for Amazon search results. Once your eBook is live, continuously monitor its performance and make data-driven optimizations. Analyze sales, rankings, and customer reviews to gain insights into what's working and what can be improved. Experiment with different pricing strategies, keywords, and promotional tactics to find the optimal combination for maximizing sales. Stay updated with industry trends and adjust your marketing efforts accordingly

amazon kdp

What is Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)?

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a self publishing platform that can be used to build your own Amazon eBook business and sell eBooks without writing them. The platform makes it possible for anyone to self publish their work and list books on the Amazon Kindle marketplace. KDP provides a convenient and accessible way for writers to independently publish their books in digital format, reaching millions of Kindle e-readers, tablets, and smartphones.

KDP offers a user-friendly interface that enables authors to format their manuscripts, design book covers, and set pricing options. It also provides a range of marketing tools and resources to promote and sell books, including promotional deals and the ability to enroll books in Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners' Lending Library. With KDP, authors can take control of their publishing journey, connect directly with readers, and potentially achieve their writing aspirations.

How does Amazon KDP work?

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) operates as a simple and straightforward self-publishing platform that empowers authors to share their works with readers worldwide.

The process begins with creating a KDP account and accessing the user-friendly interface. Authors can upload their manuscript in various digital formats, including PDF, DOC, and MOBI, and use the built-in formatting tools to ensure their book looks professional on Kindle devices and apps. Additionally, KDP provides options for designing a captivating book cover or using their Cover Creator tool. Authors can set their own pricing and royalty preferences, whether opting for a fixed price or participating in promotional campaigns.

Once the book is ready, authors can publish it to the Kindle Store, making it available for purchase by readers across the globe. KDP also offers marketing resources to help authors increase their book's visibility, such as Amazon Advertising and Kindle Countdown Deals. Throughout the process, authors retain control over their work and can track sales and royalties through the KDP dashboard. With KDP, writers can easily navigate the self-publishing journey and connect their stories with a wide audience.

How much money can you make with Amazon KDP?

It is possible to generate passive income by selling eBooks on Amazon KDP without writing them. The exact amount that you can make depends on the popularity and price of the books that you publish. On the lower end, you could make an extra £100 per month with Amazon KDP however, some sellers have reported making over £17k per month by selling eBooks on Amazon.

It is important to note that KDP charges a commission on every sale that you make. This means that you will not receive 100% of all sales and you should take this into consideration when pricing your books. It is also important to consider the costs involved with creating an eBook and to make sure that the price of the books reflects this. The key to maximizing your profits is to spend as little as possible on book creation so that you can sell each book for a competitive price on the marketplace.

How to make money on Kindle without writing?

You can make money selling eBooks on Kindle without writing by following the steps that have been outlined in this guide. Kindle is the native eBook store of Amazon which means that making money on Kindle follows the same process as making money on Amazon through eBooks. To make money on Kindle without writing, hire a ghostwriter to write the content for your book, design a cover and upload the finished eBook to KDP.

Another way to make money on Kindle without writing is to create a book with voice typing. Voice typing is a method of penning text that doesn’t involve actually writing or typing. This method of writing eBooks is often easier, and quicker than typing out long chunks of text. You can voice type whilst walking to work, driving in your car, or doing housework. This is an excellent way to make money on Amazon KDP without writing for people who have book ideas but just don’t want to type.

Is Selling eBooks on Amazon Profitable?

Selling eBooks on Amazon can be very profitable if you get the pricing right and manage to sell enough books to cover the costs of writing and cover design. In 2020, over 191 million eBooks were sold on Amazon. This shows that there is a healthy demand for eBooks which makes selling eBooks on Amazon a very lucrative side hustle opportunity in 2024.

Here are some tips for making money selling eBooks on Kindle in 2024:

  1. The cover sells. The best way to sell books is to create an eye-catching cover. The cover is the first thing that potential customers will see when browsing through the Kindle store. If your eBook cover looks confusing, outdated or low-quality, readers may scroll past to better-looking books. A good idea is to hire a talented cover designer who can create a best-selling design for your eBook.

  2. Ask your family to leave reviews. Before choosing whether or not to buy a book, readers often look at reviews that have been left by previous customers. This makes things difficult for new publishers who have not made any sales. One solution is to ask friends and family members to leave book reviews on Amazon for you. This is a good way to get started on selling eBooks without writing them.

  3. Pay for the top spot. If you’re really struggling to sell any copies of your eBook, you could pay to be featured at the top of Kindle search results. This is costly and should only be done as a last resort. However, paying for a top spot can be a good way to draw attention to your book and attract customers who could leave positive reviews and get the ball rolling.

What eBooks Sell Best on Amazon?

If you want to sell eBooks without writing them, it is important to find a popular niche that will sell easily. In this section of our guide to selling eBooks on Amazon KDP, we will take a look at some of the best eBook niches to consider in 2024.

Read: 10 Profitable eBook Ideas with Low Competition

Literature and fiction books

One of the best eBook niches in 2024 is Literature and Fiction books. These are ‘story books’ that fall into a range of genres including romance, thriller, adventure and Sci-fi. The best literature and fiction eBooks have a compelling story line, good character development and a gripping twist that keeps the reader wanting more.

Despite popular belief, it is possible to sell literature and fiction books even if you are not an established author. Book lovers are constantly in the look out for new titles to read and many people enjoying finding new authors. There are plenty of excellent ghost writers out there who are able to write an entire fiction novel for a competitive price. In fact, some of the best ghost writers charge as little as $50 for a whole book.

The key to selling literature and fiction books is to market them well. You need to engage the reader through the book cover, synopsis and title.

Self help Books

Self-help books have emerged as a highly popular eBook category to sell on Amazon without writing. These books aim to provide guidance, inspiration, and practical advice to individuals seeking personal growth, self-improvement, and fulfillment in various aspects of life.

The appeal of self-help books lies in their ability to address universal human concerns, ranging from relationships and mental health to career success and spirituality. Readers are drawn to these books because they offer actionable strategies, empowering narratives, and valuable insights from experts or authors who have overcome similar challenges.

The secret to selling self help books is to harness controversy or difference. Generic advice has been shared for decades and self help book readers are in search of something different to try. Make your book stand out with a controversial title or unique take on age-old advice.


Selling eBooks on Amazon without writing them is an excellent way to tap into the vast potential of the digital publishing market. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can start your eBook business and generate a passive income stream. Remember to choose the best eBook niches, outsource eBook creation to skilled ghostwriters, ensure quality through thorough editing, and design eye-catching covers. Publishing on Amazon KDP and promoting your eBook effectively will increase its visibility and sales. Regularly monitor and optimize your strategy to stay ahead of the competition and maximize your profits.

While this method allows you to sell eBooks without writing, it's important to acknowledge that creating original content holds its own value. If you aspire to become a writer or have a passion for a particular subject, consider writing your own eBooks in the future. Nonetheless, leveraging existing content through outsourcing can serve as a stepping stone towards building your online publishing business.

Now that you know how to sell eBooks without writing them, take action, and embark on your journey to make money selling eBooks on Amazon. With dedication, perseverance, and strategic marketing, success awaits you in the ever-expanding world of digital publishing.


  • You can sell eBooks that you didn’t write on Amazon in two ways. The first is to use a ghostwriter to write w books in your name and publish them on Amazon KDP. The second way to sell ebooks you didn’t write on Amazon is to sell second hand books that have been written by other authors. If you choose this option, you cannot credit yourself as the author of the book.

    Amazon KDP allows anyone to publish their own content and sell it to Amazon shoppers. Using a ghostwriter is a great way to sell unique books without having to write them yourself. However, it is important to make sure that the writer you use understands that they will not be the names author of the book when it is published. It is also important to check that the finished book is free of plagiarism and doesn’t breach any copyright rules.

  • There is currently no way to detect pirated books on Kindle. However, this doesn’t mean the people who attempt to pirate books will be able to do so risk-free.

    If the true owner of the book finds an unauthorized copy being distributed online, they could take legal action against the seller. If you break copyright rules, you could risk reviewing a substantial fine and your KDP account could be suspended. Therefore, it is a good idea to take all steps necessary to avoid printing books on Kindle.

  • It is completely free to publish a book on Amazon if you use Kindle Direct Publishing. The platform does charge fees for printing and shipping but these are taken after the book has been purchased and will be deducted automatically from the order.

  • To publish a book on Amazon, it must be at least 2,500 words. However, this limit is not set in stone and Amazon does make exceptions for journals, planners and other types of books that require very little text. The 2,500 word recommendation is simply a guide for writers to follow.

  • Authors are not allowed to publish any content that could be considered offensive on KDP. This could include content that is homophobic, racist sexist or content that promotes extremism. If your book includes adult content, you must declare this in the book description.

  • There is no limit for the size of an Amazon eBook cover. However, the platform recommends creating covers that have a ratio of 1.6:1. For high quality images, aim for a height of at least 2500 pixels.

All of our articles are written to help our readers to learn about different side hustles, how they work and how to start earning money from them. Although we mention potential earnings, it is important to understand that there is no guarantee that you will make money from any of the side hustles that are mentioned on our site. Making money from a side hustle requires consistency and significant effort. While we aim to provide useful insight into each side hustle opportunity, it is down to you to follow the right steps towards making any profits.

About The Author

Ruby is the founder of The Rich Girl Guide and has been writing content around personal finance, side hustles and wellbeing for over 3 years. You can find some of Ruby’s published articles on The Motley Fool UK, and