Fiverr Review UK 2024 - Is Fiverr Legit?

fiverr review uk

Fiverr has become a household name in the world of online freelancing, but is it the right platform for beginners looking to kickstart their side hustles? In this Fiverr review, we'll delve deep into the platform, its workings, pros, and cons to help you make an informed decision.

As usual, the information that we will provide in the review is based on both our own experiences and the experiences of others who have tried and tested the platform. We aim to give an objective review that covers both the advantages and disadvantages of Fiverr for UK freelancers.

Fiverr Review UK - The Rundown

Fiverr is considered to be one of the best alternatives to Upwork in the UK. The platform allows freelancers to take control of their work by setting their own rates and advertising their own jobs, instead of applying to other people’s open job opportunities. During our Fiverr review, we found the platform to be best suited to established freelancers who have a portfolio of existing work. It is also a good platform to use for outsourcing. Fiverr is free to use in the UK and welcomes all freelancers and businesses. There is no limit to the types of services that you can provide and search for on the platform. Fiverr supports everything from data entry side hustles to freelance film creation.

fiverr platform review

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is an online marketplace that connects freelancers with clients seeking various digital services. Founded in 2010, it has since grown to host a vast array of services, from graphic design to content writing and web development. The unique aspect of Fiverr is its gig-based system, where freelancers offer their services, referred to as "gigs," at different price points.

Buyers can search through gigs that are available on the platform and find freelancers who offer the services that they are looking for. The gig system makes Fiverr stand out as a good Upwork alternative because it enables freelancers to control how much they get paid for the work that they complete. It also reduces the time spent applying for jobs - freelancers create one gig and then wait for businesses to find them.

How Does Fiverr Work for Sellers?

For those looking to sell their services on Fiverr, the process is straightforward. You create a seller profile, list your skills, and create gigs outlining what you offer. These gigs can range from basic services to more complex projects, each with their price and turnaround time.

It is also possible to create packages that offer multiple services. Sellers can set a price for their gigs and are able to choose how much work they can take on. Payments are made after the work has been completed and approved by the client. If clients are not happy with the work, they are able to start a dispute. In this case, payments will not be made until the dispute has been resolved.

Clients must verify their ID and payment method before they can buy any services. This protects sellers and ensures that they are paid for the work that they complete.

How do you get paid on Fiverr?

Fiverr offers multiple payment options for sellers, including PayPal, bank transfer, and more. When a client places an order, the payment is held in escrow until the work is completed to the client's satisfaction. Once the client approves the work, the funds are released to the seller's account, ready for withdrawal.

How does Fiverr work for buyers?

Fiverr isn’t just a great platform for freelancers. It is also an excellent platform to use if you are looking to outsource work. You could use Fiverr to find ghostwriters, logo designers, virtual assistance and many other talented freelancers that could help your business to grow.

Read: How to make money selling eBooks on Amazon without writing

As a buyer on Fiverr, you can browse through thousands of gigs to find the services you need. You can filter by category, price, and seller rating to narrow down your choices. After selecting a gig, you place an order, provide project details, and communicate with the seller throughout the process.

One of the main advantages of using Fiverr as a buyer is that you can find services for an affordable price. As the name of the platform suggests, gigs start at just £5. During our Fiverr review, we found that many freelancers stick to this price and offer high-quality work at a very competitive rate.

What types of jobs are available on Fiverr?

Fiverr offers a diverse range of jobs, making it suitable for various skills and interests. Popular Fiverr side hustles include graphic design, content writing, video editing, social media marketing, and website development.

It is possible to create any type of gig that you like on Fiverr. This means that you could earn money for skills that you already have which makes it one of the best free side hustles to start in 2024.

We spent a while searching through the gigs available and also joined Reddit groups to discover what types of gigs are most successful of Fiverr. Here's a list of some of the most sought-after gigs:

  • Logo Design

  • Blog Writing

  • Social Media Management

  • Voiceover Services

  • SEO Optimization

  • Video Animation

is fiverr worth it

How much money can you make on Fiverr in the UK?

Earnings on Fiverr in the UK are essentially unlimited. Freelancers can take on as much work as they like and earn an uncapped income on the platform. The rate for gigs starts from £5 and can go anywhere up to £1000+, depending on the complexity and length of the task. With that being said, the average hourly rate for a freelancer on Fiverr is $23 (£18.44) according to Glassdoor.

Assuming that the average rate is applicable to all gigs, a full-time freelancer on Fiverr could make an annual income of around £35,404. This is above the average salary for workers in the UK.

The amount of money that you could earn on Fiverr largely depends on what type of service you offer. Here is an idea of the rates that you could charge for some of the most popular gigs on Fiverr in the UK.

Side Hustle Average Earnings (UK)
Graphic Design £200 - £500 per gig
Content Writing £50 - £150 per article
Social Media Mgmt. £100 - £300 per month
Video Editing £150 - £400 per video
Website Development £300 - £800 per site
Voiceover Services £50 - £200 per gig

Pros and Cons of Using Fiverr for Your Side Hustle in 2024

So far in our Fiverr review, we have taken a look at how the platform works and how much you could potentially make on Fiverr as a freelancer. Now, let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of the platform to get a better idea of whether it is the best platform for you.


  • Diverse Gig Options. It is possible to sell any type of freelance service on the platform.

  • Flexibility in Pricing. Freelancers can set their own rates.

  • Global client base. Fiverr is trusted by businesses and individuals around the world.

  • Secure Payment System. All payment methods are verified before services can be bought.

  • Easy to use platform. The Fiverr platform is accessible to anyone. It is free to use and accepts all freelancers.

  • Educational materials. Fiverr provides a range of helpful resources that can be used by freelancers to increase their earning potential. There are also educational resources available for businesses who want to learn more about the potential of outsourcing.


  • Competitive Marketplace. It may be difficult for beginner freelancers to stand out from seasoned professionals.

  • Fiverr Fees. Fiverr charges a fee which is taken automatically from payments. The fee is 20% for sellers and 5.5% for buyers.

  • Building Reputation Takes Time. You may have to take low-paid jobs to build a good reputation before you can charge more for gigs.

fiverr review trustpilot

How To Sign Up to Fiverr and Create a Gig

Most of The Rich Girl Guide readers are looking to make money online. Therefore, in the next section of our review we will provide a step by step guide on how to sign up to Fiverr and create a gig.

The process of buying services on Fiverr is just as easy and requires the same registration steps.

Step 1: Sign up to Fiverr

Visit Fiverr's website, click "Join" and follow the registration process. You will be asked to provide some basic personal details including your email address and mobile number. You will also be aksed to verify your account by clicking a link that will be sent to your email address.

Step 2: Set up your profile

After registering to Fiverr, you will be able to complete your seller profile. The platform will walk you through how to complete your profile so that it attracts clients.

You will need to provide details about your experience, skills and qualifications.

Step 3: Create a Gig

Click "Create a Gig," provide gig details, pricing, and add a compelling description. Try to provide as much detail as possible so that clients are aware of what they could potentially receive. Also, create an eye-catching image for your gig that will appear in search.

At this point, you will also be able to add gig extras. Offering extra services will increase your chances of landing clients.

Step 4: Publish your Gig

Check your gig thoroughly before publishing it to the platform. Make sure that the description is optimized with keywords an error-free. It is also a good idea to look at existing gigs on Fiverr to make sure that your gig stands out.

Fiverr Best Practices for Sellers in the UK 2024

Anyone can sign up to Fiverr and create a gig. However, this doe not guarantee that you will actually make any money. During our Fiverr review, we took a look at some of the most successful sellers to find out what makes a good gig. Here are some best practices for sellers on Fiverr in the UK 2024.

Also read: 10 side hustles that pay well in the UK

  1. Optimize gig titles: Use relevant keywords for better visibility. Also, make sure that titles are descriptive and easy to understand. The title of your gig will appear in the search results.

  2. Add a professional portfolio. Clients are more likely to trust sellers who can prove that they are good at what they do. The easiest way to do this is to add a professional portfolio to your profile. Showcase your best work as well as positive reviews from previous jobs.

  3. Price your gig competitively. Research other sellers to find out what the average price per gig is in your niche. Try to price your gig below others to attract more clients. However, avoid pricing too low. Clients assume that a low price = low quality.

  4. Communicate with clients. Respond to message as soon as possible and answer any questions that potential clients may have in detail.

  5. Deliver quality work. Clients can leave reviews on your profile so it is important to deliver great work so that you can recieve five-star ratings for your profile.

  6. Offer gig extras. This will make your gig stand out from others in your niche and attract more clients.

fiverr review uk

Is Fiverr Safe?

Fiverr prioritizes safety with its escrow payment system, dispute resolution, and user reviews. However, like any online marketplace, it's essential to exercise caution and verify the credibility of clients and sellers before engaging in transactions.

During our Fiverr review, we came across a few Trustpilot reviews that claimed that users had been scammed on Fiverr. These occurrences seem to be rare and most users are happy with the safety of the platform. Nevertheless, it is important to watch out for deals that seem too good to be true.

It is also wise to use a secure internet connection when making or taking any payments online. A good idea is to use a PayPal account to withdraw funds so that you do not have to disclose your bank details to the platform.

Is Fiverr a Good Place For Beginners?

Absolutely! Fiverr offers several advantages for beginners. It provides a platform to showcase your skills, gain experience, and earn money while setting your own pace. The low entry barrier allows you to start with minimal investment, and the diverse gig options cater to various talents. Moreover, Fiverr's user-friendly interface and support system make it accessible to newcomers.

The key to attracting clients as a beginner is to offer extra services and price your gigs competitvely. You will be able to increase your rates as you gain more experience on the platform.

Overall, it is very possible to make money on Fiverr as a beginner. However, the platform is best suited to freelancers who have an exisitng portfolio and some experience. Clients are more likely to choose people with experience to complete jobs. This could make it more difficult for complete beginners to compete against experts on the platform.

Fiverr Review UK - Conclusion

After reviewing the platform and trying it out ourselves, we can conclude that Fiverr is a legit freelance platform that is ideal for people who are looking to start a freelance side hustle in the UK 2024.

One of the most appealing features of Fiverr is the unlimited earning potential. Sellers can price their gigs as high as they like and accept as much work as they are capable of doing. Many people are able to make a full-time income through Fiverr and user reviews suggest that this platform pays more than other alternatives.

Fiverr is free to use for both sellers and buyers. However, a 20% fee is charged to sellers and a 5.5% fee is charged for buyers. The seller’s fee is quite high and should be taken into consideration when you price your gigs. Despite the fees, Fiverr appears to be one of the highest-paying freelance platforms in 2024.


  • Most of the Fiverr reviews are made by genuine users who have tested the platform. These reviews can be trusted because they are based off of real experiences. To create our review, we tried Fiverr for ourselves and also asked questions to users on Quora.

  • Yes, Fiverr works in the UK for both sellers and buyers. It is a great platform to start a freelancing side hustle because you are able to set your own rates and decide how much work you do. Fiverr is compliant with UK tax laws and asks uses to register for tax in the UK.

  • During our review we found that the average freelancer on Fiverr makes around £35,000 per year which s higher than the average salary in the UK. Therefore, it is possible to make good money on Fiverr. The money that you make will depend on your skill level and the type of work that you offer.

Our Reviews


We try and test every single platform that we review to make sure that we can draw an accurate conclusion. If we don’t like a platform, we will say so.


We try to write reviews that are objective which means that we discuss the disadvantages and well as the good things. We will never hide drawbacks.


We don’t make false claims. All of our data is drawn from user testimonials, forums and our own experience with the platform.

About The Author

Ruby is the founder of The Rich Girl Guide and has been writing content around personal finance, side hustles and wellbeing for over 3 years. You can find some of Ruby’s published articles on The Motley Fool UK, and