10 Profitable eBook Ideas with Low Competition

Last updated: 11/02/2024 Written by: Ruby Layam

Selling eBooks through Amazon KDP is an excellent passive side hustle idea with the potential to bring in extra income each month. However, the market has become saturated over the last few years with more and more people realizing the potential of starting an eBook business.

Luckily, it is still possible to make money selling eBooks on Amazon without writing if you choose a profitable niche that has low competition. To help you, we have spent time searching for the best niches with very few Amazon Kindle listings. Here are the top 10 profitable eBook ideas with low competition in 2024.

10 Profitable eBook Ideas with Low Competition

Choosing the right eBook niche is key to making money with this easy passive income idea. As a new writer, you should focus on non-fiction niches that have a high demand but relatively low competition. Of course, it is possible to sell fiction books on Amazon however, readers tend to favor well-known authors when shopping for books in this niche.

To get started, choose a non-fiction niche that interests you and is easy (ish) to write about. Here are 10 profitable eBook ideas to consider.

Also read: What is the best eBook format for Kindle?

1. Educational children’s books

Children’s books are a highly profitable eBook niche that remains fairly untapped on Amazon. In particular, there is a significant lack of educational children’s books available on the Kindle store. This could be a great niche for new eBook sellers to break into as these books are easy to write and sell very well.

Parents are always in need of educational books that can help their children to learn. You could create informative books about anything from dinosaurs to physics. Before creating your children’s book, establish a target audience by selecting an age group. This will help you to create a book that is tailored to children’s needs.

For example, children below the age of 6 will have limited reading abilities so will need books that are very image heavy. On the other hand, teens may prefer books that are funny and slightly more mature in content and structure. It is important to establish an age group before beginning the writing process.

This eBook idea is very broad which means that there is lots of room for creativity. To be successful, try creating books that stand out from existing listings with fun designs, humor, and quirky facts. Selling educational books on Amazon is a good eBook side hustle idea for teachers who probably already know how to create resources for kids.

2. Interactive journals

Journals are a hugely popular eBook category on the Kindle store. The best way to stand out in this market in 2024 is to create interactive journals that readers can follow along with. Interactive journals typically include prompts to help people tap into their thoughts and improve their well-being, stress or self-esteem. This type of journal is particularly popular with beginners who may not know how to effectively journal unprompted.

A good way to create a unique and best-selling product is to niche down and target your journal to a very specific audience. For example, you could create an interactive journal for medical professionals with prompts that are catered specifically towards people who work in healthcare. This would be a potentially great eBook side hustle idea for nurses in the UK.

If you target the right audience and create a high-quality product, it is very easy to make money selling journals on Amazon.

3. ‘How to’ guides

One of the easiest types of eBook to create that actually sells on Amazon is ‘how to’ guide books. These books explain in detail how to achieve a specific goal or skill. These books are popular amongst all age groups and there is room to write about a variety of topics from gardening to DIY.

One great way to find inspiration for your first ‘how to’ eBook is to take a look at Google trends and see what people are asking. At the moment, ‘how to make pancakes’ and ‘how to lose belly fat’ are both popular topics. After finding a topic that needs answering, conduct some research and find out as much as you can about your chosen dilemma. For example, if you choose a book about how to make pancakes, you could explore the different types of pancakes around the world, how to make pancakes for different dietary requirements, and so on.

The next step is to write out a series of mini ‘how to’ guides and then put them all together to create a book.

4. Ultimate guides

Another great profitable eBook idea is ultimate guides that cover unique topics in detail. These guides are very popular with enthusiasts who want to learn as much as possible about a specific subject, niche or industry. There a millions of opportunities out there for new sellers to create best-selling books. A good idea is to create a guide about a unique subject with little existing competition on the marketplace.

Ultimate guide books are relatively easy to create for beginners. It is also possible to find templates online that can be used to draft a best-selling book from scratch. These can be helpful resources for ghostwriters if you are planning to sell eBooks without actually writing them.

5. Diaries and personal stories

One of the easiest types of book to sell online are books about yourself. If you have an interesting story or two to tell, you could make good money by turning it into a book.

There is a huge interest for stories about entrepreneurship, overcoming difficult challenges, and achieving impressive goals. However, it is possible for anyone to sell their personal stories online and make good passive income.

The key to writing a successful personal story book is to write in a way that is authentic and relatable. A good way to market your book is to appear as a guest on podcasts and talk about your story. Podmatch is a great platform that connects podcast guests with hosts. This makes it easy for anyone to land a guest spot on a successful show.

6. Mindfulness and mental wellness books

In today's fast-paced world, more people are seeking ways to reduce stress, improve their mental well-being, and find inner peace. Creating an eBook centered around mindfulness, meditation, or mental wellness can be a rewarding venture. You can explore topics such as meditation practices, coping with anxiety, cultivating gratitude, or mindfulness exercises for everyday life. Presenting practical techniques and relatable anecdotes can make your eBook stand out and appeal to a wide audience looking to enhance their mental health.

Another good way to make your book stand out is to research unique tips and tricks that may not have been covered by other books that are available. It is also a good idea to cater to under-represented audiences to make your book appealing to a specific demographic.

Take a look at our list of the best books for self improvement to get some inspiration.

7. Plant-based diet and healthy eating books

Plant-based diets have seen a surge in popularity over the last few years with an increasing number of people seeking to make choices that are better for the environment. As a result, there is a big market for plant-based diet books that share recipes and cooking tips.

Crafting an eBook that provides guidance on adopting a plant-based lifestyle, delicious vegan recipes, and tips for a balanced diet can attract health-conscious readers. You can focus on specific topics like plant-based meal prep, vegan desserts, or even creating plant-based versions of popular dishes.

8. Low-content books

This is one of the best types of books to publish on KDP if you don’t want to write anything. Low-content books are books that don’t include any long chunks of text. Popular types of low-content book that sell very well include notebooks, coloring books and journals.

The most appealing thing about low-content books is that they are very easy to create. In fact, you can use free tools such as Canva to create professional-looking low-content books in under an hour.

Low-content books typically have a lower ticket price. However, it is possible to publish numerous low-content products on your Amazon KDP store because they are very easy to create.

We’ve included low-content books on our list because anyone can create them for free. However, the market is fairly saturated. Therefore, it is a good idea to think outside of the box and create books that stand out from what’s already available. Another good way to be successful is to create novelty products with funny or memorable themes that can be bought as gifts.

9. Travel guides

Travel guides are an excellent eBook side hustle idea for travelers. It is possible to make a good side income by selling informative travel guides to people who are looking to explore new places. The best travel guides include interesting facts, tourist hacks and tips and tricks for navigating different parts of the globe.

These books are a popular gift idea so tend to sell very well around Christmas time. However, people buy travel guides year-round which makes them a great digital product to sell. If you want to stand out from other travel guides, try creating a guide for lesser-known locations that may not already have their own guides available. Another quirky way to make your product stand out is to find an alternative way to navigate an area such as a guide to local pubs or bars.

10. Textbooks

Textbooks are one of the best-selling categories on the Amazon store with the average book selling for around £20 in the UK. You could take advantage of this lucrative niche by selling your own versions on popular textbooks online.

A good idea is to re-write existing textbooks to make them more appealing to students. Of course, it is important to avoid plagiarism at all costs. However, there is nothing wrong with re-writing existing books into your own words but putting a twist on traditional textbooks.

What Type of eBook Sells the Most?

Fictional story eBooks sell the most on Amazon however, this is a difficult genre to break into if you are looking to sell eBooks without actually writing. Creating a best-selling story requires talent that is expensive to find. Luckily, there are many other best-selling categories that are much easier to create and sell online. Educational children’s books, interactive journals, and how to guides are amongst some of the best genres to sell on Amazon without writing.

In particular, journals are very easy to create. All that you need is a free design tool, a handful of insightful journal prompts, and a laptop that is able to support the KDP platform. Journals typically include a mixture of prompts and blank spaces that customers can use to write down their thoughts.

Another very lucrative, but often overlooked, eBook category is textbooks. There is always a demand for new textbooks that can help students to understand complex subjects more clearly. What’s more, textbooks are fairly easy to create as long as you use accurate information. You do not need to be a talented story teller to re-write facts.

Top Selling eBook Topics in 2024 So Far

  1. Spare by Prince Harry - Autobiography

  2. Atomic Habits by James Clear - Self help

  3. An Immense World by Ed Yong - Educational

  4. Pinch of Nom Budget by Kate Allinson - Cooking book

  5. Ultra Processed People by Chris van Tulleken - Health

How Do I Make an eBook That Will Sell?

eBooks can be an excellent source of passive income with some of the best-selling books bringing in sales for years down the line. Selling eBooks online is also one of the best remote side hustles that can be done from anywhere in the world. However, not all eBook sellers will be successful. Here are some tips for making an eBook that will sell in 2024.

Find Your Niche

The first step in creating a successful eBook is to identify your niche. Choose a topic that you are passionate about and that has a target audience. Your passion will shine through in your writing, and a well-defined audience will ensure that your eBook meets the specific needs of readers.

Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is vital to creating an eBook that resonates with them. Conduct thorough research to determine what your target readers are looking for and the challenges they face. Tailor your content to address these pain points and offer valuable solutions.

Engaging Content is Key

A captivating eBook keeps readers hooked from start to finish. Use a conversational tone and write in a way that connects with your audience on a personal level. Avoid jargon and complicated language, and instead, opt for simplicity and clarity.

Professional Editing

To maintain a high level of quality, consider hiring a professional editor to review your eBook. A well-edited book appears more credible and trustworthy to potential buyers.

Eye-catching Cover Design

They say not to judge a book by its cover, but a visually appealing and professional cover design can significantly impact sales. Invest in a well-designed cover that accurately reflects the content and grabs the attention of potential readers.

Formatting Matters

Ensure that your eBook is formatted correctly for the platform you intend to sell it on. Different platforms have specific formatting guidelines, so follow them diligently to create a polished final product.

Pricing Strategy

Determining the right price for your eBook can be tricky. Research the pricing of similar eBooks in your niche and consider factors such as your book's length, content quality, and your level of expertise. Offering limited-time promotions or discounts can also attract buyers.

Effective Marketing

Creating a great eBook is just the first step; you also need to market it effectively. Utilize social media platforms, author websites, and email lists to promote your eBook to your target audience. Collaborate with influencers or bloggers in your niche to reach a broader audience.

Offer a Sample

Consider providing a free sample or preview of your eBook to give potential readers a taste of what they can expect. This can entice them to make a purchase if they find your content valuable and engaging.

Collect Reviews

Positive reviews can boost the credibility of your eBook and encourage more sales. Encourage readers to leave honest reviews and feedback, and use them as testimonials for your marketing efforts.

Stay Updated

Keep an eye on trends and changes in your niche. Regularly update your eBook to stay relevant and offer the most current information to your readers.

Patience and Persistence

Building a successful eBook business takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged by slow initial sales. Stay persistent, continue creating quality content, and engage with your audience to build a loyal reader base. It can take several weeks to see any eBook sales. Most sellers find that the first sale leads to others and then revenue gradually increases over time.

The Verdict

The top 10 profitable ebook ideas in 2024 allow sellers to make money passively through Amazon KDP and other self-publishing platforms. Selling eBooks online is a great side hustle to consider if you know a thing or two about books. In this article, we have taken a look at 10 eBook ideas to consider in 2024. The best way to see success from this side hustle is to choose an eBook niche that you actually enjoy writing/creating, this will prevent you from giving up too early.

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  • Yes, an eBook can be very profitable as long as you follow the right steps and invest in marketing. It is also important to find a popular niche that has healthy demand and an audience with money to spend. With the right niche, marketing and execution, it is possible to make a steady stream of passive income by selling eBooks.

  • A good idea for an eBook in 2023 is personal stories. These sell very well and are easy to write, even for beginners. The most profitable personal stories are relatable and offer value to the reader by providing helpful insight into how to over come challenges.

  • eBooks are not hard to sell if you understand your target audience and invest in good marketing. The best way to sell eBooks successfully is to encourage readers to leave positive reviews that will appeal to other customers.

All of our articles are written to help our readers to learn about different side hustles, how they work and how to start earning money from them. Although we mention potential earnings, it is important to understand that there is no guarantee that you will make money from any of the side hustles that are mentioned on our site. Making money from a side hustle requires consistency and significant effort. While we aim to provide useful insight into each side hustle opportunity, it is down to you to follow the right steps towards making any profits.

About The Author

Ruby is the founder of The Rich Girl Guide and has been writing content around personal finance, side hustles and wellbeing for over 3 years. You can find some of Ruby’s published articles on The Motley Fool UK, Tradingplatforms.com and Buyshares.co.uk.