How To Make Your Morning Routine More Productive: 20 Ideas

Ever feel like time runs away from you? It get’s to the evening and you’ve only completed 10% of your to-do list!

One of the best ways to boost your productivity and get more done is to focus on the start of your day - your morning routine. Here 20 ideas that will help you to make your morning routine productive so that you can make the most of those previous hours before work.

You would be surprised at how much you can get done in the morning!

Also check out: How to be more productive on your lunch break

how to make your morning routine more productive

1. Keep Your Alarm Away from Your Bed

Ah, the beloved snooze button. It’s oh-so-tempting but often leads to groggy, rushed mornings.

Placing your alarm clock across the room forces you to get up to turn it off. This simple move gets you out of bed and starts your day with a small win.

You’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to stay up once you’re already on your feet!

Top tip: As soon as you are on your feet, switch your phone off. This will stop you from setting another alarm!

2. Shower As Soon As You Wake Up

A refreshing shower can do wonders for waking you up. The warm water can help soothe any stiffness and get your blood circulating.

Plus, it’s a great way to mentally prepare for the day ahead.

If you’re really feeling adventurous, try ending your shower with a quick burst of cold water to really wake up your senses!

Take a look at the benefits of cold water showers!

3. Move Your Body for 15 Minutes

Exercise doesn’t have to mean a full-blown workout session at 6 AM. Just 15 minutes of movement can boost your energy levels and set a positive tone for the day.

Try some gentle yoga, a brisk walk around your block, or a quick dance party in your living room.

It’s about getting your blood pumping and shaking off that morning sluggishness.

I love Lily Sabri’s short YouTube workouts!

4. Don’t Switch on the TV!

It’s tempting to catch up on the latest news or binge a show first thing in the morning, but this can easily derail your plans.

Instead, use that time to focus on more productive activities that set a positive tone for your day. The TV will still be there later, promise!

Instead of watching TV try:

  • Reading a few pages of a book

  • Journaling

  • Answering emails

  • Planning your day

5. Meal Prep Your Breakfast the Night Before

How many times have you skipped breakfast because you were running late?

Prepping your breakfast the night before ensures you have a nutritious start to your day without the morning scramble.

Think overnight oats, smoothie packs, or even prepping ingredients for a quick omelet. This small step can make your mornings so much smoother.

The BEST meal planner!

6. Create a To-Do List

A clear plan can do wonders for your productivity.

Spend a few minutes each morning (or the night before) jotting down your top priorities for the day.

Having a to-do list helps you stay focused and ensures you don’t forget anything important. Plus, there’s something incredibly satisfying about checking off tasks as you complete them!

7. Set a Social Media Timer

We all know how easy it is to lose track of time scrolling through social media. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes to check your notifications and messages, then put your phone away.

This keeps you from getting sucked into the endless scroll and helps you start your day on a productive note.

My favourite social media timers are:

8. Get the Most Important Things Done First

Tackling your most crucial tasks when your mind is fresh can make a huge difference.

Whether it’s a work project or a personal errand, getting the big stuff done early can relieve stress and make the rest of the day feel more manageable.

Prioritize your tasks and knock out the important ones first.

My favorite planner with AMAZING to-do lists

9. Wake Up at the Same Time Every Day

Consistency is key when it comes to waking up.

By getting up at the same time every day, you help regulate your body clock, making it easier to wake up and feel alert.

It might be tough at first, but stick with it and you’ll find it gets easier over time.

10. Wake Up to Natural Sunlight

There’s nothing quite like natural light to help wake you up.

If possible, open your curtains as soon as you get up to let in the sunlight. If natural light isn’t an option, consider investing in a wake-up light alarm clock that simulates a sunrise.

I REALLY like this one.

It’s a gentle and effective way to signal your body that it’s time to wake up.

11. Plan Ahead

Spend a few minutes each evening preparing for the next day.

Lay out your clothes, pack your bag, and make sure you have everything you need ready to go.

This can save you valuable time in the morning and reduce stress. Plus, it feels great to wake up knowing you’re already ahead of the game.

12. Write Down 3 Things You Are Grateful For

Starting your day with gratitude can shift your mindset to a more positive and productive place.

Take a moment to jot down three things you’re thankful for. It’s a small habit that can have a big impact on your overall mood and outlook for the day.

Read my post on: How to practice gratitude every day

13. Practice 10 Minutes of Self-Care

Dedicate a little time each morning to self-care.

Whether it’s a skincare routine, a meditation session, or simply savoring a cup of coffee, taking care of yourself sets a positive tone for the day.

It’s a reminder that you deserve to start your day feeling good.

How adorable is this?


The ultimate guide to daily self care.

14. Listen to a Valuable Podcast

Podcasts are a fantastic way to learn something new or get inspired. Pick a podcast that aligns with your interests or goals and listen while you’re getting ready or commuting.

It’s a great way to make the most of your time and start your day with some valuable insights.

My current favourite podcasts are:

  • Working Hard, Hardly Working

  • Diary of A CEO

15. Multitask Where Possible

Pairing tasks can save time. Listen to a podcast while you shower, or do some light stretches while your coffee brews.

Just be careful not to overdo it—focus is still important!

The key is to find small ways to maximize your time without feeling overwhelmed.

Also try cutting out things that are wasting your time.

16. Use Tech to Your Advantage!

There are countless apps designed to boost productivity. From to-do lists to meditation guides, find tech tools that help streamline your morning routine.

Just remember to use them as aids, not distractions.

Apps like Headspace for meditation, Todoist for task management, or MyFitnessPal for tracking your health can be great additions to your routine.

17. Read a Helpful Blog Post

Start your day with a dose of inspiration or practical advice.

Reading a quick blog post can provide new ideas and motivation to carry through your day.

Pick a few blogs that you love and check in with them regularly for some morning inspiration.

SUBSCRIBE to The Rich Girl Club to get helpful blog posts straight to your inbox.

18. Spend 10 Minutes Journaling

Journaling is a powerful way to clear your mind and set intentions for the day.

Spend a few minutes writing about your goals, thoughts, or anything that comes to mind.

Use one of my favourite guided journals!

It’s a great way to center yourself and get clarity on what you want to achieve.

Life-saving journaling prompts

The prompts are the perfect solution for people who don’t love journaling.


19. Take 5 Minutes to Understand How You’re Feeling

Check in with yourself emotionally. Spend a few minutes reflecting on how you feel and why.

This awareness can help you manage your emotions better throughout the day.

It’s about starting your day with a clear understanding of your emotional state and being mindful of it.

20. Avoid Black and White Thinking (Always Get Back on Track)

Life isn’t all or nothing. If your morning doesn’t go as planned, don’t let it ruin your day.

Embrace flexibility and remind yourself that you can always get back on track.

It’s important to be kind to yourself and recognize that every day is a new opportunity to try again.

Final Thoughts

With the right tools, you can turn your morning routine into a productivity hub that sets you up for the rest of your day.

This doesn’t mean loading up your plate to the point of burnout. Instead, its about making conscious choices and doing things that your future self will thank you for.

Which of these tips are you going to incorporate into your morning routine?

Let me know!

Ruby Layram

Ruby is the founder of The Rich Girl Guide. She holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Winchester and previously volunteered with Mind where she helped people to improve their mental health. As well as running The Rich Girl Guide, Ruby contributes regularly to a number of personal finance publications including The Motley Fool UK and MoneyMagpie UK.


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