How To Change Your Money Mindset in 5 Simple Steps

How you think about money plays a big role in how you manage it. When I was studying psychology at university, I learned that people who worry about money are more likely to make irrational money decisions. Ironic right?! It turns out that your money mindset is a crucial component that you need to get right if you want to achieve a rich life.

Your view on money really does impact your money health and happiness. Recognising where you might have slipped up in the past is the first move to change. Letting go of these mistakes is freeing. It lets you fix your money matters and begin a journey where every choice helps your financial dreams and goals.

In this blog post, I will share five useful tips that you can use to fix your money mindset. I used these myself and they completely changed the game!

woman thinking about her money mindset

What Is a Money Mindset?

Your money mindset influences how you manage wealth and personal finances. It's about your beliefs and feelings towards money. This includes what you think you can do with money, how much you should earn, and how to handle your finances.

Creating a definition of money mindset is about your thoughts on money. It's the basis for how you deal with finances. Your mindset decides if you see money as a stress or as a way to plan for the future.

People with a positive money mindset tend to always feel a sense of abundance and hope. On the other hand, people with a negative money mindset feel anxiety (that pit in your stomach) when they think about money.

Your money mindset is also about your financial choices and behaviours. Someone with a positive money mindset will make smart, well-thought-through decisions.

On the other hand, someone with a negative money mindset might find themselves over-spending, wasting money, or making poor financial decisions (hello get rich quick schemes!).

Also read: How to develop a millionaire mindset

How Do You Develop Your Money Mindset?

Your money mindset comes from many sources, including your subconscious beliefs around money. Your own past with money matters a lot. This can be from earning money as a teenager, receiving help, or watching how your parents dealt with money.

Think about the money environment at home when you grew up. This can show you why you think certain ways about money. For those who are married, exploring your different beginnings can explain why you might argue about money.

couple talking about their money mindset

What Does a Good Money Mindset Look Like?

Cultivating a positive money mindset is crucial for reaching your financial goals. It's about having the freedom to spend, yet saying no to what you don't need. Those with this mindset love to help those in need with their money.

A big part of this mindset is not comparing yourself to others. Instead, it's focusing on your own financial goals.

Your money mindset shapes how you view money. It affects your feelings about debt, how you see those with more or less money, and your confidence in investing.

If you feel in control of your money and are hopeful about your financial future, you're on the right track. It's also about making smart choices now, instead of acting out of fear later.

How To Change Your Money Mindset in 5 Simple Steps

Changing your money mindset is crucial for better finances. I managed to turn my own money mindset around from a broke university student to someone who is able to save and invest every single month.

Here are 5 simple steps that you can start today to shift your money mindset.

Step 1: Learn financial literacy

Start your journey with personal financial education. Explore books, podcasts, and online courses. Learn about budgeting, saving, investing, and how to manage debt better.

Read: 15 books to read if you want to become a millionaire

By enhancing your financial literacy, you can make smarter choices. Plus, it will change your mindset. You'll move from thinking about scarcity and uncertainty to abundance and possibility.

Improving your knowledge changes everything. The more you learn, the stronger and more certain you'll be with your money.

Plus, learning financial literacy will help you to better understand those confusing investing reports and news articles which is a pretty impressive thing to be able to do!

Step 2: Believe that success is possible for you

To change your money mindset, it's vital to believe in success for yourself. It doesn't matter where you come from or what life looks like now. Ramsey Solutions researched over 10,000 millionaires. They found that 97% of them believed they could reach millionaire status.

This mindset of success was key. It made them confident they could shape their financial futures. By embracing a mindset focused on success, you empower yourself. You start making moves to reach your financial dreams, instead of letting doubts win.

A good place to start is by practicing daily affirmations for success.

Step 3: Understand how your emotions can influence your money habits

Your feelings about money are closely tied to your emotions. If you feel scared or anxious about money, this can make you spend in bad ways.

But having a good feeling and being confident about money helps you make smart choices. Knowing how your feelings affect how you deal with money is the first step to make things better.

Think about how you feel when you get paid, pay your bills, or buy things.

Note what makes you spend money when you don't need to. Then, find good ways to deal with these feelings.

Don't just use shopping or spending as a way to feel better (note to self!).

Addressing these things will put you on track to start handling your money better. You can then make choices that are good for you and your wallet.

Step 4: Avoid instant gratification

A key part of a positive money mindset is learning to delay gratification. This means not giving in to the wish for instant satisfaction by buying things.

Those who manage their money well can wait, save, and plan ahead.

They understand that money isn’t just for spending today. It's a tool to secure their future and grow.

This shift in thinking takes discipline. You stop seeing money as ready to be spent. Instead, you look at it as a way to build your future. By saying no to quick spending, you set out to achieve bigger financial dreams.

Step 5: Give away some money

Giving money away changes how you see wealth. It moves you from not having enough to having plenty. When you choose to give money, be it as donations or in small acts of kindness, you share. This shows money isn't just for us, it's for others too.

It helps you realise money's real purpose, making a positive difference in the world.

This shift from keeping money for ourselves changes everything. At first, it might not feel easy to let go of what you've earned. But, there's real value in giving to those in need. You touch the lives of others and grow your own sense of joy and wealth. Being generous brings true happiness. It can lead you to smarter choices about your money, making you richer in the long run.

The Importance of Managing Your Money Mindset

Your thoughts about money really matter. Studies find that what you think and feel about money is key. It's more important than how much you know about money. This is because what you think affects how you act with money.

Lots of people in the UK face money problems not because they lack knowledge. It's more about their negative feelings and habits towards money.

Changing how you think about money is vital. It can improve how you spend, save, and handle debt. If you change your mindset to a positive one, you can overcome bad money habits. This will help you create the financial future you dream of.

Positive Money Mindset Checklist

Do you think you have a positive money mindset? Take time to answer these questions. Your answers will show how you see money now. They will also help discover where you can improve.

  • Do you feel like you are in charge of your money, not worried or overwhelmed?

  • Are you hopeful that you can reach your money goals?

  • Do you plan your money moves, not just act from fear?

  • Do you see money as a way to make life better for you and others, not just spend it?

  • Can you stop yourself from buying things on a whim?

If you said 'yes' to most questions, well done. You're on the right track with your positive money mindset. But if not, no worries. Use the tips we talked about to change how you think about money.

Final Thoughts

Changing your financial future starts with your thoughts about money. Dive into what you believe about money. By doing this, you can change how you deal with it. It's about thinking positively, knowing what sets you off, and learning to wait for things.

Your thoughts about money are key for how you act and the results you get. Be strong and keep at it; changing these thoughts can break bad cycles. You can move towards being free and happy with money. It's all about wanting to see things differently and managing the money you work hard for better.

Change how you see money, and a lot of doors will open. It's not always easy, but the results are worth it!

I recommend trying one of the tips above today and then slowly incorporating more into your life.

If you’re a woman who wants to level up your life, join us in The Rich Girl Club! There are big things coming…


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