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What is Manifesting and Does it Actually Work?

Manifesting seems to have blown up over the last year or so and has quickly become a social media buzzword. But, I discovered manifesting years ago, at the very beginning of my self improvement journey.

The art of manifesting quickly transformed my life which is why I wanted to take this opportunity to debunk some myths and explain what manifesting really is, how it works and how to use if to get anything you want.

By the end of this guide, I hope to demonstrate that manifesting isn’t just wishful thinking. It’s about taking intentional steps in the right direction every single day. If you’re feeling curious about what manifesting means and whether it could really make a difference in your life, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into what manifesting is (and isn’t!), how it works, and even introduce you to some famous people who have used it to transform their realities.

Before we get started, make sure to grab my FREE planner below. Creating a plan is a BUG part of manifesting and this one is perfect for anyone who prefers keeping things digital!

What is Manifesting?

Manifesting can sound a bit like magic, but it’s much more practical than that.

At its core, manifesting is the process of bringing something you desire into your life by focusing your energy, thoughts, and actions on that specific goal. It’s about aligning your mindset with what you want to achieve and working toward it intentionally.

Think of manifesting as planting seeds. You don’t just throw them into the soil and hope for the best. You nurture them, water them, and make sure they get sunlight. Similarly, manifesting requires clarity, focus, and effort.

The Definition of ‘Manifest’

The word "manifest" itself means to make something clear or evident, or to display it plainly. In the context of manifesting, it refers to making something you want—be it a goal, an object, or a state of being—become a reality by focusing on it and believing that you can achieve it.

Unlike a vague wish or hope, manifesting involves a clear intention. You’re not just dreaming about what you want—you’re actively visualizing it as if it’s already happening and taking steps to bring it into your reality.

It’s the power of positive thinking, mixed with action, that makes manifesting so effective.

What Manifesting Isn’t

Before we go any further, let’s clear up a few common misconceptions.

Manifesting is not a magic trick. It’s not about sitting around and hoping for the best, nor is it about ignoring reality. You can’t simply think about winning the lottery and expect it to happen (though I wish it worked that way!).

Another misconception is that manifesting means being unrealistically positive all the time. While having a positive attitude is important, manifesting also involves hard work, realistic planning, and action.

In short, you can’t just think good thoughts and expect the universe to hand you everything on a silver platter—you’ve got to do the work too!

How Does Manifesting Work?

So, how does manifesting actually work? It’s all about focusing on what you want, believing that you can have it, and aligning your thoughts and actions to make it a reality.

Manifesting taps into the idea that our thoughts are incredibly powerful and can shape the way we experience the world.

If you think negatively or focus on what you lack, that’s what you’re likely to attract more of. On the flip side, if you focus on abundance, opportunity, and success, you’ll start seeing more of those things come into your life.

It’s a little bit like training your brain to spot the opportunities that were there all along!

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Like I said above, manifesting isn’t wishing. It’s setting an intention, shifting your mindset to a place that is primed to work towards this intention and then taking steps in the right direction.

Here’s an overview of how manifesting worked for me:

  • I set a clear intention to become financially free.

  • I split this intention up into a measurable goal and then split this up into a series of mini goals.

  • I developed a plan to achieve each small goal.

  • I committed to working towards my goals (even just for 5 minutes) EVERY SINGLE DAY.

  • I read TONs of self improvement books, listened to podcasts and used guided journals to develop a growth mindset that would give me the skills I needed to reach my goal.

  • I celebrated each time that I reached a mini milestone or goal.

  • Over time, I kept ticking off goals and getting closer and closer to my big goal.

After a while, manifesting my dream life became second nature. Shifting my mindset made the biggest difference in my journey.

It’s about doing something towards your ideal life every day until you get there.

5 Ways to Manifest Something

Ready to start manifesting something incredible into your life? Here are five simple steps you can follow to turn your desires into reality:

1. Be Clear on What You Want

The first step in manifesting is to be specific about what you want. Vague goals like “I want to be happy” or “I want to be rich” won’t cut it. You need to dig deeper and get clear on the details.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • What does happiness look like for me?

  • How much money do I want to earn?

  • What kind of life do I want to live?

The trick is to be as precise as possible with the details. I recommend using a journal to write everything down so that you can go back to it.

Once you’ve identified your goal, write it down. The act of writing solidifies your intention and helps you visualize it more clearly. You could even create a vision board if you’re a visual person—it’s a great way to keep your goal top of mind.

2. Create an Actionable Plan

Now that you know what you want, it’s time to create a plan.

This step is all about breaking your big goal into smaller, actionable steps. For example, if you want to manifest a new job, you might start by updating your CV, applying for positions, networking with people in your industry, and preparing for interviews.

Manifesting isn’t just about setting an intention—it’s about taking consistent action toward your goal. Remember, every small step you take brings you closer to the life you want to create.

Make your plan as detailed as possible. Outline every single step that you will need to take to reach your goal.

3. Consistently Work Toward Your Goal

Here’s where many people trip up: consistency.

Manifesting doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that requires patience, persistence, and faith. You need to show up every day with your goal in mind and put in the effort to make it happen.

This could mean dedicating time each day to work toward your goal, whether that’s learning a new skill, saving money, or simply staying focused on your intention. Consistency is key to keeping the momentum going.

4. Take Every Opportunity That Comes Your Way

Manifesting also involves being open to new opportunities and recognizing them when they appear. Sometimes, the universe gives you a little nudge in the right direction, but you need to be paying attention!

Say yes to opportunities, even if they seem small or unrelated. You never know where they might lead. Networking events, a chance meeting, or even an unexpected email could be the next step in your manifesting journey.

5. Adopt a Mindset That Aligns With Your Ideal Self

Manifesting isn’t just about what you want—it’s also about who you need to become to achieve it.

Start acting and thinking as if you’ve already achieved your goal. If you want to manifest success, for example, adopt the mindset of someone who is already successful. How would they think? What habits would they have?

You can read my guide on how to develop a success mindset to get started!

This mindset shift is crucial because it helps you align with the energy of what you’re manifesting. If you think like a successful person, you’ll naturally start making choices that lead you closer to that reality.

Does Manifesting Work

Here’s the big question: Does manifesting actually work?

The short answer is yes—if you do it right. Manifesting is not just about wishful thinking or sitting around and waiting for things to happen. It’s about setting a clear intention, taking action, and maintaining a positive mindset that aligns with your goals.

Manifesting Isn’t ‘Wishing’

One of the biggest misconceptions about manifesting is that it’s just wishing. Manifesting is much more than that. It’s about actively working toward your goal and believing that it’s possible, even when obstacles arise.

You’re not just wishing for something to happen—you’re creating the conditions for it to happen.

Think of it this way: wishing is passive, while manifesting is active. It requires effort, discipline, and a positive attitude. So, if you’re ready to put in the work, manifesting can absolutely help you achieve your goals.

Successful People Who Have Manifested Their Realities

If you’re still skeptical, let’s take a look at a few successful people who have used the power of manifesting to turn their dreams into reality. These individuals didn’t just wish for success—they visualized it, believed in it, and worked toward it every day.

Steven Bartlett

Steven Bartlett, entrepreneur and star of Dragon's Den, is a firm believer in the power of manifesting. He has recently created the Manifest-o method to help budding entrepreneurs create a clear vision for their business and manifest success.

From starting a multi-million-pound social media marketing company to becoming one of the UK’s most successful young entrepreneurs, Steven has proven that manifesting, when combined with hard work, can lead to extraordinary results.

Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton didn’t become a global superstar by accident. She’s spoken about how she always believed she would be successful and worked tirelessly toward that goal.

From growing up in poverty to becoming one of the most beloved country singers in the world, Dolly’s journey is a testament to the power of believing in yourself and manifesting your dreams into reality.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is another shining example of someone who used manifesting to build her career. Long before she became a household name, Gaga would visualize herself performing in front of sold-out stadiums. She believed wholeheartedly that she would achieve greatness, and her dedication to manifesting her goals—combined with her undeniable talent—helped her get there.

Manifesting isn’t just about thinking good thoughts and hoping for the best. It’s about getting clear on what you want, taking consistent action, and believing that you can achieve your goals. By aligning your mindset with your desires and working toward them every day, you can start to see real changes in your life.

Whether you’re dreaming of career success, financial freedom, or simply more peace and happiness, manifesting can help you get there. So why not give it a try?

After reading this guide, sit down with a pen and paper and take some time to really think about your goals. This is the first step towards manifesting your dream life.