15 Quick and Easy Ways To Save Time Every Day

One of the biggest challenges that I faced when I started leveling up my life was finding the time to complete my to-do list! There never seemed to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. So, I embarked on a mission to find easy time-saving hacks that could free up more time to complete my tasks. In this post, I wanted to share 15 ways to save time that I find SUPER helpful.

See also: How to get 1% better every day

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Do you remember seeing a viral picture that compared your day to Beyoncé's? It made a good point. They have the same 24 hours as we do. But successful people know how to manage their time so that they seemingly have more of it.

The key is to find tiny ways to save time each day that could add up into a significant number of hours.

Here are 15 easy ways to save time that you could try today.

1. Invest in a GOOD planner

First and foremost, you need to invest in a good planner.

And by this, I mean one that actually works. Not just another book of to-do basic lists.

Good planners save you time by making it easy to map out your day in a way that optimizes the time that you have.

There are a few planners that I personally love:

Spending about 10-15 minutes each morning planning your day is a good idea. You can set an alarm to remember this and do it whilst drinking your morning coffee.

Prioritize one BIG task each day and do this first. This can really boost how much you get done. Experts like Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky say this can make a big difference.

2. Limit distractions

Getting distracted is a major time waster. Studies show it takes about 30 minutes to get back to work after a distraction. Often, this happens because of social media, emails, and other tiny things.

If you want to be better at time management and productivity, here are some tips:

  1. Turn off notifications on your phone and computer to avoid getting distracted.

  2. Use website blockers or browser extensions to keep away from time-wasting sites.

  3. Have a clean, quiet place to work without any distractions.

  4. Listening to soft music can help you concentrate better.

  5. Break big tasks into smaller ones so they feel easier to tackle.

Taking steps to avoid distractions can help you use your time better. Remember, keeping your focus is crucial for a successful day.

3. Try using a walking pad to multitask movement and work

Am I the only person who finds it impossible to get in my daily steps whilst working and building a business?

Probably not!

If your job keeps you sitting for long, think about getting a walking pad. These clever gadgets let you walk on a treadmill while working at your desk. This way, you can combine being active and working, saving time and staying healthy.

Not only can this sCave time. Moving your body has been shown to improve creativity which is vital for any female entrepreneur or self-starter!

Walking pads are an investment and not cheap! But, they are totally worth it in the long-run.

Here are some excellent options that work really well but won’t break your bank:

woman using walking pad as a way to save time

4. Use AI to help with admin

Living in the 21st century has its benefits. You can use AI and other tech to handle admin tasks. These tools can help you with stuff like paying bills, shopping online, and work admin.

By making use of these productivity tools, you get more free time. This way, you can focus on important things more.

See also: 10 ways to use ChatGPT as a freelancer

I personally like to use AI for generating ideas, writing social media captions and crafting emails.

Just make sure to double-check things before sending it off to other people. AI isn’t always perfect!

5. Focus on one thing at a time

In today's busy world, we admire those who can do many things at once. Yet, studies show that focusing on one task at a time works better.

When we switch between tasks, we lose focus. This makes us take longer to finish each job, making us less productive.

Effective time management isn't about doing more things but about doing the right things. By focusing on one task at a time, instead of multitasking, you'll see improvements in productivity. Your efforts to save time will be more valuable in the end.

See also: How to be more productive on your lunch break.

6. Use the 2-minute task rule

One of the best time saving tips that I found was the 2-minute task rule. It’s an easy way to make your day more efficient.

Here’s how it works: if a task will take 2 minutes or less, do it now. Don’t wait and let it clutter your to-do list.

This rule helps you stay motivated and energised by scoring small wins. These quick jobs also help prepare you for bigger tasks.

To use the 2-minute rule, find the quick wins in your day. Things like replying to emails, cleaning up your desk, or watering plants fit well. By doing these little tasks right away, you stop them from building up.

This rule can be tweaked to work best for you. For example, you might decide that 5 or 10 minutes is your sweet spot for quick tasks. This flexibility makes the rule easy to adapt.

In the end, the 2-minute rule is a smart trick for managing your time. It fights off procrastination and frees up your mind for more important work.

So, next time you spot a task that takes just a few minutes, remember this rule. It’s your key to better productivity.

7. Learn to say no

Saying yes to everything can lead to overworking and wasting time. It's important to set boundaries to protect your productivity and keep a good time management schedule. That means learning to say no.

Many professionals find it difficult to turn down new tasks, even when busy. But, by simply pausing for three seconds before accepting, you can avoid taking on too much.

When you're asked to do something new, pause and think about the time and effort needed. Ask for some time to decide.

When deciding whether to accept a new task, think about the time it will take, the resources needed, and if it aligns with your goals. Politely turning down something can be an art. You should explain your decision, thank them for thinking of you, and maybe offer other suggestions.

8. Meal prep

Meal prepping not only saves you time but also prevents you from indulging in fast food every night!

Meal prep means getting your meals ready in advance. It's a smart way to save time and make your day smoother. You won't have to worry about what to eat or cooking every day.

Begin with breakfasts. Then, you can move on to lunches and dinners. Planning your meals ahead makes each day easier. Remember to make meals with the right balance of proteins, carbs, and fats.

Having healthy snacks ready, like fruits and nuts, stops you from getting too hungry between meals. Cooking a lot of chicken (or other protein) at once can also be a big time-saver. It's easy to add to different dishes through the week. Also, preparing vegetables for the week by washing and cutting them helps a lot.

Its a good idea to spend time brainstorming different meal prep ideas to find something that works best for you.

9. Take regular breaks

Taking breaks is key to doing your best work all day. Studies show breaks stop you from getting too tired. They help you come up with new ideas. And best of all, breaks make you want to work again.

Experts say it’s smart to plan your day with breaks in mind. One good method is the Pomodoro Technique. You work hard for 25 minutes, then take a short break. This helps reset your brain. Then, you can face your work feeling fresh and ready.

woman taking a coffee break to save time

10. Invest in helpful gadgets

Looking to boost your productivity? The right time-saving tools and technology can be a game-changer. Smart home gadgets and kitchen tools are great for saving time. They help streamline your daily tasks.

Consider a slow cooker for quick, healthy meals. It's budget-friendly and time-saving. A personal blender is perfect for morning smoothies, keeping you energised.

Gadgets such as walking desks (mentioned above) and voice-typing devices are also super useful for professional women.

11. Outsource tasks

This one is for my fellow female entrepreneurs who find themselves swamped with things to do! Although, it can also be pretty useful for professionals who need a helping hand.

Outsourcing tasks means hiring someone else to do them for you. This means you can clear up your schedule for more important things.

For example, you could get a virtual assistant to help with emails, planning, and admin. Or, a cleaning service to clean your house, someone to look after your lawn, or even a chef to cook for you ( a girl can dream!).

Also, getting someone else to do data entry, payroll, or customer service, can save both time and money. They're experts, so they do these tasks well and let you focus on bigger things.

At first, it can be difficult to let go of the reins. However, you must understand that your time is valuable and worth the extra expense!

12. Set a phone usage timer

The amount of time that you spend scrolling on your phone can add up to hours! Therefore, one of the best ways to save time is by cutting this down.

Many phones now have special settings to help, like Digital Wellbeing for Android and Screen Time for iOS. You can set limits for different apps and types of apps. This is great for cutting down your phone use and staying focused on what you need to do.

13. Understand when you're the most productive

Our productivity changes as the day goes by. Knowing when you're most alert is key. Some people might perform best in the morning. Others get a creative spark when the day’s about to end. This is called your "biological prime time."

I personally work best in the morning so tend to schedule my most taxing tasks for then.

Figure out when you're the most productive by keeping track of your energy and focus for a few weeks. Do this without using things like coffee or alcohol to boost you. You'll soon see when you're sharp and what times are best for working.

Everyone goes by their own clock. It's important to learn how your body ticks and use this to your advantage. Organising your day to match your natural rhythm will help you get more done. You'll also steer clear of those sluggish afternoons.

14. Prepare the night before

Mornings can be hectic, but preparing the night before can ease things out. Lay out your clothes, pack your bag, and set your breakfast items ready.

This makes your morning routine smooth. You won't have to rush and can focus on important tasks using your time management and productivity skills more effectively.

Such simple preparations make your mornings better. You'll feel more organised, full of feeling energised, and ready for the day.

15. Stay organised!

Organisation is key to using time well. If you keep your life in order, you will spend less time cleaning up, reorganising, finding things and making up for forgotten things.

Mess (whether its digital or physical) can take a LOT of time to clear up. So, staying organised from the very start will save you time in the long-run.

For improved organisation and time management, keep your to-do lists clear and tasks sorted. This makes a big difference in how productive you are.

Success comes from keeping work and life neat. By focusing on organisation, you’ll have more time for what you love.

That brings me to the end of my list! These 15 ways to save time were a life-changer for me when I started my business and I hope that they can help you to.


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