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10 Simple Tricks to Shift Your Mindset

We’ve all been there—you’re cruising through your day, everything’s fine, and then suddenly, bam! A negative thought or limiting belief sneaks in and pulls you into a spiral.

Before you know it, you’re stuck in a cycle of overthinking, doubting yourself, or just feeling down.

But the good news is that shifting your mindset can be much easier than you think.

With a few simple tricks, you can take control of your thoughts and turn things around—sometimes in a matter of minutes!

This isn’t about pretending everything is perfect or avoiding tough situations. It’s about recognising when your thoughts are dragging you into a negative place and knowing how to bring yourself back to a positive, empowered mindset.

So, if you’re ready to feel more in control of your mind, let’s dive into these 10 easy tricks that can help you shift your mindset to a better place!

Mindset Shifting as a Super Power

Imagine having the ability to quickly shift your mindset from negative to positive, no matter what’s going on around you.

That’s a superpower!

Being able to shift your mindset isn’t just about feeling good in the moment—it has long-term benefits for your mental health, relationships, and even your success.

It’s the difference between feeling stuck and hopeless, and feeling like you’ve got this, even when life throws challenges your way.

Here are a few reasons why you should learn to shift your mindset (if I haven’t already persuaded you!)

To stop Yourself from Spiralling

One of the biggest benefits of being able to shift your mindset quickly is that it stops you from spiralling. We’ve all been there—you start with one tiny worry, and before you know it, your mind has built a whole disaster scenario out of nothing.

Being able to interrupt that spiral and bring your thoughts back to the present can save you so much stress and anxiety. It’s like hitting the pause button on your brain before things get out of control.

To Avoid the Trap of Negative Thoughts

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking, especially when you’re tired or stressed.

But here’s the thing: the more you entertain negative thoughts, the more your brain gets used to thinking that way. Mindset shifting helps you avoid that trap by training your brain to focus on the positive.

It doesn’t mean ignoring the bad stuff, but it does mean not letting it take over.

We have a whole guide on how to challenge negative thoughts that you should check out!

To Maintain an Optimistic Attitude

Optimism is a powerful tool. When you believe good things are possible, you’re more likely to take the actions that lead to success.

Shifting your mindset helps you stay optimistic, even when things aren’t going perfectly. It’s about keeping the bigger picture in mind and reminding yourself that setbacks are temporary, and good things are always around the corner.

I love this article from Forbes that demonstrates just how powerful optimistic thinking can be!

10 Simple Tricks to Shift Your Mindset

Alright, now that we’ve covered why mindset shifting is so important, let’s get into 10 simple tricks you can use anytime, anywhere, to shift your mindset and get back to a positive, productive place.

1. The Mental Stop Sign

First up is my favourite trick!

The moment you notice a negative thought creeping in, picture a big red stop sign in your mind.

This is a mental trick to stop the thought in its tracks before it spirals.

Just visualising that stop sign can create a mental pause and give you a moment to reframe the thought.

It’s a simple but powerful way to interrupt negative thinking and remind yourself that you’re in control of your thoughts, not the other way around.

2. Positive Affirmations Bank

Creating a bank of positive affirmations is like having a personal cheerleader in your pocket.

Write down a few empowering phrases that resonate with you, like “I am capable of overcoming challenges,” or “I attract positive energy into my life.”

Whenever you feel your mindset shifting in the wrong direction, pull out your affirmations and repeat them to yourself. The more you say them, the more your brain believes them, and before you know it, your mood shifts.

3. Look for Evidence

Sometimes we let negative thoughts run wild without stopping to check if they’re even true.

A great way to shift your mindset is to ask yourself, “Where’s the evidence?” For example, if you’re thinking, “I’m terrible at my job,” take a moment to look for evidence that proves otherwise.

Maybe you’ve received praise from your boss, or completed a challenging project. Focusing on the facts helps you see things more clearly and puts your mind at ease.

4. Listen to Uplifting Music

Music has a direct impact on our emotions, so if you’re feeling stuck in a negative mindset, put on some uplifting tunes.

Whether it’s an upbeat pop song, a classical piece, or your favourite throwback track, the right music can shift your mood almost instantly. Singing along (especially if the lyrics are uplifting) can be an added bonus, lifting your spirits even higher.

5. Watch a Clip of a Funny Show

Laughter really is the best medicine, and it’s a fantastic way to break out of a negative mindset.

One great mindset trick is to keep a few short clips from your favourite comedy shows or stand-up routines handy, and pop one on when you need a quick pick-me-up.

A good laugh can shift your energy and remind you not to take things too seriously. After all, it’s hard to stay stuck in a bad mood when you’re laughing!

6. Collect Positive Notes from Loved Ones

Sometimes, we need a little reminder of how much we’re appreciated. A great trick to shift your mindset is to collect positive notes, messages, or texts from loved ones.

This could mean taking photos of birthday cards, screenshotting nice texts or even asking your friends to write positive messages in your journal.

Looking through them helps remind you that you’re loved and valued.

7. Invest in a Pocket Journal

Journaling is a powerful tool for mindset shifting because it gives you a chance to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper.

Invest in a small pocket journal that you can carry with you, and whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck in negative thinking, take a few minutes to write it out.

Often, just getting your thoughts down can help you see things more clearly and feel more in control.

8. 5-Minute Breathing Exercises

When your thoughts start racing, one of the best ways to reset is through breathing exercises.

Try this: take a deep breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and exhale for 4 seconds. Repeat for about 5 minutes.

This simple exercise calms your nervous system and helps you get back into the present moment. Once your body is calm, your mind tends to follow, making it easier to shift into a more positive mindset.

9. Motivational Quotes

Keep a list of your favourite motivational quotes on your phone or in a notebook. Whenever you feel your mindset slipping, read through them and let the words inspire you.

Quotes from people you admire or even ones you’ve discovered on your own can be a powerful way to lift your mood and remind you of your own strength and potential.

10. Take a Walk Outside

Sometimes, the simplest solution is the most effective. Taking a walk outside, especially in nature, can instantly shift your mindset. The fresh air, the movement, and the change of scenery all work together to clear your mind and help you feel more grounded. Whether it’s a 10-minute stroll around the block or a longer walk through a park, being outside can do wonders for your mood and help you reset your thoughts.

My Top Tips for Maintaining a Positive Mindset

Now that you’ve got 10 tricks to shift your mindset quickly, let’s talk about how to maintain that positive mindset in the long term. While it’s great to have quick fixes, building a habit of positivity is key to lasting mental well-being.

1. Practice Gratitude Daily

One of the easiest ways to stay positive is to practice gratitude. Take a few moments each day to reflect on what you’re thankful for, no matter how small. This shifts your focus away from what’s going wrong and onto what’s going right.

2. Surround Yourself with Positivity

The people, media, and environments we surround ourselves with can influence our mindset. Make a conscious effort to spend time with positive, supportive people, and limit your exposure to negativity—whether it’s on social media, TV, or even certain conversations.

3. Be Kind to Yourself

We’re often our own worst critics, and that negative self-talk can drag us down fast. Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness, the same way you’d treat a friend who’s having a hard time.

It takes practice, but over time, being kind to yourself can become a habit.

4. Keep Setting Goals

In my opinion, this is the most transformative tip!

Having something to work towards can keep your mindset focused and positive. Set small, achievable goals and celebrate your progress along the way. It doesn’t matter how big or small the goal is—what matters is that you’re always moving forward.

Shifting your mindset doesn’t have to be a monumental task. With these simple tricks, you can take back control of your thoughts and steer them in a more positive direction whenever you need to.

The key is to practice these techniques regularly, so they become second nature. Empowering yourself with the ability to shift your mindset is like having a secret weapon for staying optimistic, productive, and in control of your life.

And the best part? You can start right now!