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Top 100 Self Improvement Books to Change Your Life

I am a big fan of reading books as part of my own personal development journey. In this post, I wanted to share a complete list of the top 100 self improvement books that you should read in 2024. 

I have created this list from books that I have read (and LOVED) myself as well as titles that have received amazing reviews from others (and I will definitely be reading soon!).

Save this list for your own inspiration. I am currently trying to read 1 book per month as part of my self-improvement challenge for this year. It's amazing what reading a good book can do to your mindset!

Also see: 10 books to read if you want to become a millionaire

I will be honest here. I hate book review posts.

It’s not because I’m not interested in the books (I really love finding a good book!). I just don’t like reading through the same reviews that you can find at the click of a button on Amazon.

So, for this post, I am going to talk a bit about my top 5 self improvement books. I will also share a complete list of 95 other titles that have received excellent ratings and reviews.

100 self improvement books that are worth reading

Let’s get straight to it. Here is a complete list of 100 books for self improvement.

1. The Secret - Rhonda Byrne

This one is a conversation starter for sure! Some people love it and others don’t. Can you guess which team I’m on?

The Secret is a book about The Law of Attraction. The book shares ancient Toltec wisdom to break self-limiting beliefs and manifest your ideal life.

The book uses anecdotes and subjective interpretations of events to help the reader understand the power of The Law of Attraction and Manifestation.

This is a great book if you are open to new perspectives and beliefs.

However, The Secret isn’t for everyone!

I shared this book with a friend who didn’t get on with it because it’s not evidence-based.

I have put this as number 1 because it was the first book I read that shifted my mindset. So, I guess it works well if you don’t mind a bit of subjectivity!

Why I like it:

The Secret is unlike any other self-improvement book that I’ve read. It doesn’t just repeat the same tips that we already know deep down. Instead, it provides an entirely knew way of thinking that can be truly transformative!

2. Atomic Habits - James Clear

If The Secret is to ‘wishy washy’ for you, try Atomic Habits.

The best-selling novel by James Clear became an instant New York Times bestseller. It provides a solid plan for getting better every day. By focusing on small habits, you can get big results. Clear uses science to make his ideas simple and practical.

If I had to sum up this book with one word it would be, ‘actionable’.

You can start putting James’ ideas into practice from day 1 which makes it an excellent read for anyone who wants to start their self-improvement journey right away!

3. Good Vibes, Good Life - Vex King

I like to think of this book as your ultimate cheerleader.

It’s definitely the one for people who are looking for a self improvement book and pick-me-up in one place.

This book delves into the art of raising your vibration to attract good things into your life. The main concept is very similar to The Secret however, this book is slightly more objective and uses scientific explanations to unpick different analogies.

Similarly to Atomic Habits, a lot of the lessons in this book are actionable. This means that you can start applying the advice from day 1.

Overall, this was a really enjoyable read. It is the perfect book to take on holiday or to read on your daily commute!

4. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is a timeless classic that looks at what makes big names like Henry Ford so successful.

The book dishes out practical tips and a success formula in 15 chapters. It shares the secret to success: all big wins start as a simple thought, then you act and think positively to make it real.

This is a great read for anyone who is interested in developing a millionaire mindset.

The tips are practical but the book itself is an interesting read. I would recommend this book to someone who has already read a few self improvement books and wants to delve into more complex ideas.

5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey

I love this book for a few reasons:

  1. It is actionable (it literally tells you what to do)

  2. It can be applied to any lifestyle

  3. It’s straight-to-the-point

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is called a "life school" for good reason. It's a model that's become super popular. It tells you concrete ways to use Covey's ideas in your life and work. Readers learn to make smart moves and be effective in everything they do.

A complete list of 95 other self help books to read:

As promised, this post will reveal a complete list of 100 self improvement books. Here are 95 other books that have received outstanding reviews from readers.

  1. How to Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie

  2. The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg

  3. Thinking, Fast and Slow - Kahneman

  4. The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

  5. Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins

  6. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson

  7. You Are a Badass - Jen Sincero

  8. The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz

  9. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success - Carol S. Dweck

  10. Daring Greatly - Brené Brown

  11. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance - Angela Duckworth

  12. Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl

  13. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

  14. Start with Why - Simon Sinek

  15. Magic of Thinking Big - David J. Schwartz

  16. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us - by Daniel H. Pink

  17. The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod

  18. Deep Work - Cal Newport

  19. Can't Hurt Me - David Goggins

  20. The 5 AM Club - Robin Sharma

  21. The Art of Happiness - Dalai Lama XIV and Howard Cutler

  22. Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less - Greg McKeown

  23. Radical Acceptance - Tara Brach

  24. "Brene Brown: The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown

  25. "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert

  26. Outliers: The Story of Success - Malcolm Gladwell

  27. The One Thing - Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

  28. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert T. Kiyosaki

  29. The Lean Startup - Eric Ries

  30. Tools of Titans - Tim Ferriss

  31. The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy

  32. Crucial Conversations - Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler

  33. The Slight Edge - Jeff Olson

  34. Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges - Amy Cuddy

  35. The Success Principles - Jack Canfield

  36. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

  37. Make Your Bed - Admiral William H. McRaven

  38. Ego is the Enemy - Ryan Holiday

  39. Mastery - Robert Greene

  40. The Art of War - Sun Tzu

  41. Principles: Life and Work - Ray Dalio

  42. Unlimited Power - Tony Robbins

  43. As a Man Thinketh - James Allen

  44. The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene

  45. The Obstacle is the Way - Ryan Holiday

  46. A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle

  47. Mindfulness in Plain English - Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

  48. The Untethered Soul - Michael A. Singer

  49. Who Moved My Cheese? - Spencer Johnson

  50. Your Best Year Ever - Michael Hyatt

  51. Mind Over Mood - Dennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky

  52. The Road Less Traveled - M. Scott Peck

  53. Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

  54. The War of Art - Steven Pressfield

  55. Boundaries - Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

  56. Getting Things Done - David Allen

  57. The Confidence Code - Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

  58. No Excuses! - Brian Tracy

  59. Mindfulness for Beginners - Jon Kabat-Zinn

  60. Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude - Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone

  61. The Happiness Project - Gretchen Rubin

  62. Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  63. The Art of Possibility- Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander

  64. 12 Rules for Life - Jordan B. Peterson

  65. The Charisma Myth - Olivia Fox Cabane

  66. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up - Marie Kondo

  67. Loving What Is - Byron Katie

  68. The Talent Code - Daniel Coyle

  69. Rising Strong - Brené Brown

  70. Your Money or Your Life - Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

  71. The Confidence Gap - Russ Harris

  72. The Courage to Be Disliked - Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga

  73. Unfu*k Yourself - Gary John Bishop

  74. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway - Susan Jeffers

  75. The Power of Vulnerability - Brené Brown

  76. The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron

  77. The Pursuit of Happyness - Chris Gardner

  78. Better Than Before- Gretchen Rubin

  79. The Speed of Trust - Stephen M.R. Covey

  80. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Dr. Joe Dispenza

  81. The Energy Bus - Jon Gordon

  82. Miracle Morning Millionaires - Hal Elrod and David Osborn

  83. Failing Forward - John C. Maxwell

  84. The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy

  85. The Four Hour Workweek - Timothy Ferriss

  86. Daring Greatly - Brené Brown

  87. The Go-Giver - Bob Burg and John David Mann

  88. Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life - Eric Greitens

  89. The Purpose Driven Life - Rick Warren

  90. What Got You Here Won't Get You There - Marshall Goldsmith

  91. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard - Chip Heath and Dan Heath

  92. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind - Yuval Noah Harari

  93. Living Forward - Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy

  94. The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch

  95. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us - Daniel H. Pink

How To Choose The Best Self Improvement Books for You

It goes without saying that not every book on the above list will resonate with you. I’ve read my fair share of self improvement books that just didn’t hit the spot.

So, how can you save your time (and money) by making sure that the books you choose to buy are worth it?

Choosing the Right Self-Improvement Book for You

When selecting a self-improvement book that aligns with your goals and desires, there are several key factors to consider.

  1. Reading Online Reviews: Before purchasing a self-improvement book, take the time to read online reviews from reputable sources or platforms. Feedback from other readers can provide valuable insights into the book's content, writing style, and effectiveness.

  2. Scientific vs. Anecdotal: Determine whether you prefer a scientific approach supported by research and data or an anecdotal one filled with personal stories and experiences. This choice can greatly impact how you connect with and apply the book's teachings.

  3. Identifying Areas of Improvement: Reflect on the specific areas of your life that you want to enhance or develop. Whether it's boosting confidence, building better relationships, or achieving career success, knowing your priorities will help you pinpoint a book that addresses these aspects effectively.

By considering these factors and being mindful of your preferences and objectives, you can choose a self-improvement book that resonates with you and empowers you to make positive changes in your life.

There you have it, a complete list of 100 self improvement books that could change your life!

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