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12 Self Care Ideas for Busy Women

If you’re a busy gal like me, you probably know how difficult it can be to stay on top of self care ideas and habits.

Quite honestly, when your to-do list is 100+ items long, the last thing on your mind is making yourself feel good. But it should be!

Practicing regular self care is key to staying on track, avoiding burnout and achieving your goals. For busy women, I recommend finding quick and easy ways to make yourself feel good such as daily affirmations, listening to an uplifting podcast or dancing to your favourite music.

In this post, I will share 12 easy self care ideas for busy women that take less than 30 minutes.

See also: 15 Self care tips for female entrepreneurs

The Benefits of Regular Self Care for Busy Women

As a busy woman, taking care of yourself is key. It boosts your well-being in numerous ways such as raising your self-esteem, decreasing anxiety and improving your confidence.

When you make time for self-care, you reduce stress. This helps your body and mind stay healthy. You also boost your energy levels, improve your sleep, and enhance your focus and creativity. Plus, it increases your confidence and brings you joy.

Self-care is not selfish; it's necessary for your health. So, take a few moments each day for it.

As a busy woman, practicing regular self-care will provide you with the mental strength that you need to get everything done. It is impossible to complete a never-ending to-do list whilst feeling burnout, low or ancious!

12 Self Care Ideas for Busy Women

Adding regular self-care into my busy routine was a game-changer! Here are my favourite ways to practice self-care that are suitable for women with a huge to-do list.

1. Have a digital detox

In need of a mental reset AND you want to reduce scrolling time? Why not try a digital detox!

Taking breaks from your devices and social media can be very beneficial. It relieves you from the constant urge to always stay "on".

Setting limits on screen time can help you relax, sleep better, and focus. Even a few hours away can refresh your mind and body. So, put your phone down and find some analogue activities. Your mind will feel much better, promise!

2. Practice daily affirmations

Adding daily affirmations to your self-care routine is a great way to boost your self-esteem and emotional health. By saying positive, empowering phrases, you fight negative thoughts and feel more confident.

It's easy - affirmations can be simple phrases like "I am capable" or "I deserve time for myself."

Starting your day with these affirmations can raise your vibration and increase feelings of self-love. Your mind will definitely benefit!

3. Make yourself your favourite meal

Another quick and easy way to feel better is to cook yourself your favorite meal.

Think of this as a date night for you!

Spending time cooking your favorite food will nourish both your mind and body. It is a great (and low-cost) way to reward yourself for all of your hard work.

Cooking for yourself is the ultimate act of self-love and the perfect way to wind down at the end of a busy day.

4. Dance to your favorite song

One of the best ways to instantly lift your spirits is to have a little dance session! Boogying to your favorite songs is both easy and filled with benefits for busy women. It pumps out endorphins, gets blood flowing better, and makes you feel happier and more energetic right away.

It's not just fun; it's a break that refreshes both your mind and body. Play your tunes loud, forget about being shy, and dance until you're smiling and feeling great. Whether alone or with friends, this activity is all about feeling good and staying healthy.

5. Practice daily meditation

Adding meditation to your daily routine can help in many ways. It soothes your mind, lowers stress, and boosts focus. It also brings a feeling of peace and wellness.

Even 5-10 minutes of deep breathing or guided meditation makes a big difference. It resets your mind and helps you feel balanced again.

Spending a little time on meditation daily can bring big changes to your mindset. It lets you take a break from the busyness of your daily life and find peace. As you focus more on the here and now, handling stress and making smart choices becomes easier. And you can face hard times with a calm and strong attitude.

Why not start meditating today? Begin with a short session in the morning or at night, then add more time as you get used to it. Your mind and body will benefit a lot. It will help you face your day with more peace and confidence.

6. Ask for help

Being a busy woman makes asking for help tough. You might feel like you should do everything alone. But, reaching out to your friends, family, or getting professional help is important. It's a vital part of taking care of yourself.

By letting others take on some tasks, you lower your stress. You also improve how you balance work with the rest of your life. This can stop you from getting burnt out.

Knowing when you need help is a sign of being strong. It shows you want to take care of yourself. So, don't be shy to ask for support when you need it. Friends and family are often ready to help out. This can make a big positive impact on your health, both mentally and physically.

7. Learn to say no

Being busy, it's crucial to say no to some things. This helps you not get too tired or stressed.

Overcommitting leads to feeling overwhelmed and tired, leaving little time for yourself.

By setting clear limits and turning down tasks that don't matter much, you save time. This makes life less stressful and better.

Saying no might be hard, but it shows respect for yourself. No need to explain a lot or feel bad for choosing self-care. A simple "I can't, but thanks for asking" is enough. Remember, it’s okay to protect your time and wellbeing by keeping your calendar clear.

8. Watch a TV show that makes you laugh

Watching a TV show or film that makes you laugh is a great way for women to care for themselves. Studies show that laughter helps reduce stress and boosts our immune system. It makes us feel good by releasing endorphins.

Choose a funny sitcom, stand-up show, or comedy film to enjoy. Let yourself get lost in the humour. This simple joy can refresh your mind and make you feel happier. It's an effective way to deal with life's challenges.

9. Take a walk outside

Adding a daily stroll outdoors to your self-care helps in many ways. Research shows nature lowers stress, boosts brain power, and lifts your spirits.

Moving outside, with the sun on your face, can also fix your sleep and raise your vim. Even 10-15 minutes outside is a good break from the daily rush.

So, take a step outside, deep breath, and enjoy nature. A mindful walk is great for your health and mind. It lets you reconnect with the outdoors and feel the amazing benefits. Looking after yourself this way is perfect for busy women.

10. Prioritize your sleep

Achieving quality sleep is key for your health as a busy woman.

Without enough sleep, you may struggle to focus, be productive, and complete tasks effectively. You'll also find yourself more stressed. Build a soothing bedtime routine and cut down on screen time to maximize sleep.

Make sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. This will make you feel more energetic and focused.

To enhance your sleeping space, lower the lights, cool the room, and stop using screens before sleep.

Do calming activities like reading or light stretching. Breathing exercises help too. They tell your body it's time to relax.

It's also important to sleep at the same time every night. Even on weekends, keep your wake-up time steady. This helps your body know when to sleep and when to wake up.

Your sleep needs are different from others. Find what works best for you to feel rested. Prioritizing good sleep helps you perform your best. It improves your mood and leads to better day-to-day experiences!

11. Eat nutritious foods

Eating whole, nutrient-dense foods a key part of self care. A diet full of colorful fruits, fresh veggies, lean meats, and good fats is important.

This kind of food helps control your blood sugar and boosts your energy. It also keeps your immune system healthy. This can make you happier, more focused, and less stressed.

But remember, self-care isn't about always being perfect. It's about creating healthy habits that you can keep up. So, it's okay to enjoy a sweet or a quick snack sometimes. Just try to eat well most of the time, and don't feel guilty about treats. Your health and joy matter most.

12. Connect with loved ones

Staying close to people you love is essential for your mental health. Your family and friends offer the best support, laughter, and a place to belong. This connection fills your heart and fights off feelings of isolation.

Weekly video calls with your best friend or sharing an activity with your partner makes a difference. Even a quick message to your mum helps. Making time for these relationships boosts your happiness and reduces loneliness.

So, make room in your busy day for those who mean everything to you. Their love and laughter will lift you up. Trust me!

These self care tips for busy women are the perfect way to optimize your daily routine for wellbeing. If you have found yourself feeling burnout, stressed or down recently, it might be time to address your self care!

As a busy woman, self-care is essential for feeling your best and completing your tasks effectively.

Try to spend 30 minutes a day doing something that makes you feel good.

This could include joining The Rich Girl Club - our community of like-minded women who want to level up their lives!

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