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50 I AM Affirmations To Raise Your Vibration in 2024

Getting to a higher state of awareness and making your dreams true begins with how you talk to yourself. The words you use can rewire your subconscious mind for the better. By using "I AM" affirmations, you unlock your own power. This can lead you to take action towards the life you've always wanted.

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I personally LOVE using ‘I am’ affirmations and think that they have hugely helped my confidence and outlook on life.

For this reason, I wanted to share my 50 favourite ‘I am’ affirmations so that you can start your mindset journey.

In this post, I will share 50 powerful ‘ I am’ affirmations that you can use as part of your daily affirmations routine. Save this post for inspiration and check out my Pinterest for downloaded affirmations cards that you can save to your phone.

Why are 'I AM' Affirmations So Powerful?

In the world of self-growth, affirmations stand out as a key for change. The phrase 'I AM' does more than boost us up. It walks straight into our deepest thoughts, shaping what we believe. This, in turn, can change our life path.

"I AM" affirmations change our subconscious mind. It's the part that acts without us knowing, acting on old beliefs. We can use 'I AM' to choose better ideas and goals. This shifts our very reality."

Repeated often, 'I AM' statements stick in our minds, changing how we see ourselves. As self-belief grows, so does confidence and happiness.

'I AM' statements help us:

  • See ourselves in a kinder light.

  • Break free from held-back thinking to grow fully.

  • Face hard times with a clear positive eye.

  • Match our dreams with what we actually do.

Make affirmations part of your daily pattern to keep reminding yourself who you are. With time, these good thoughts sink deep into your mind. This changes how you think and act, pushing you towards your ideal life.

The strength in 'I AM' affirmations is their influence on what we deeply think. If we keep at it with belief, big changes can happen.

Affirmations aren’t magic. BUT, they can help us to subconciously take action towards our goals. You are what you think.

50 I AM Affirmations for Women

In today's fast-paced world, women face many challenges. These range from self-doubt to finding a work-life balance.

So, we've put together 50 affirmations just for women. They aim to empower women and give you the confidence that you need to chase your goals.

  1. I am worthy of love and respect.

  2. I embrace my unique qualities and talents.

  3. I am confident in my abilities.

  4. I deserve success and abundance.

  5. I am capable of achieving my goals.

  6. I am enough just as I am.

  7. I release all self-doubt and embrace my inner strength.

  8. I am a resilient and powerful woman.

  9. I am deserving of self-care and self-compassion.

  10. I am beautiful inside and out.

  11. I trust in my intuition to guide me.

  12. I am proud of my accomplishments.

  13. I attract positive and uplifting relationships into my life.

  14. I am worthy of happiness and fulfilment.

  15. I let go of comparison and embrace my own journey.

  16. I am in control of my own happiness.

  17. I celebrate my strengths and learn from my weaknesses.

  18. I have the power to create the life I desire.

  19. I am fearless in the pursuit of my dreams.

  20. I am a beacon of light and inspiration for others.

  21. I nourish my body and mind with love and care.

  22. I am deserving of success in my career.

  23. I radiate confidence and positivity.

  24. I embrace my feminine energy and embrace my power.

  25. I am worthy of receiving love and recognition.

  26. I attract abundance and prosperity into my life.

  27. I am resilient and bounce back from challenges.

  28. I trust that everything happens for my highest good.

  29. I let go of past hurts and forgive myself and others.

  30. I am worthy of enjoying life to the fullest.

  31. I am grateful for the blessings in my life.

  32. I release all fear and step into my courage.

  33. I am the creator of my own reality.

  34. I radiate love and positivity wherever I go.

  35. I am a magnet for success and prosperity.

  36. I embrace my emotions and allow myself to feel.

  37. I am confident in expressing my needs and boundaries.

  38. I attract loving and supportive friendships.

  39. I am deserving of self-care and relaxation.

  40. I am a strong and resilient woman.

  41. I am grateful for my body and its amazing capabilities.

  42. I release all limitations and expand into my full potential.

  43. I trust in the divine timing of my life.

  44. I am a source of inspiration for others.

  45. I radiate love, joy, and compassion.

  46. I deserve to be celebrated and cherished.

  47. I am deserving of happiness and fulfilment in all areas of my life.

  48. I am the architect of my own destiny.

  49. I trust in my ability to overcome any obstacle.

  50. I am a powerful woman who makes a difference in the world.

Use these affirmations as part of your family routine to foster a positive and confident mindset.

You don’t have to use all 50 every day. Instead, pick a handful of the ones that resonate the most with you.

When Is The Best Time to Practice I am Affirmations?

Practising "I AM" affirmations is great for your well-being and growth. But, when should you do them? Let's see the best times for affirmations and why they're good.

Morning Routine

Affirmations in the morning is a great way to raise your vibration before the day begins. They help you start with positive thoughts, boosting your well-being and mood.

Practicing your affirmations in the more is particularly effective for people that have stressful jobs or lifestyles as it can help you to calm your mind and destress.

When you wake up, say affirmations that inspire you. Repeat them while you get ready and make an effort to write them down to strengthen their effects.

  1. Choose affirmations that match your daily goals and dreams.

  2. Either say them aloud or quietly in your mind, whatever feels best.

  3. Imagine living the qualities you affirm about through visualisation.

Bedtime Routine

Doing affirmations before sleep is one of the most powerful ways to practice them. It makes your mind open to positive thoughts and allows you to tap into your subconscious mind before you go to sleep.

During sleep, our minds go into the ‘theta' state’ and become very receptive. Practicing affirmations just before our mind enters this state is a good way to make sure that they ‘stick’ and have an impact.

Before sleeping, visualise your ideal life and say your affirmations. Let these ideas soothe you to sleep so that they are in your mind when your brain enters the theta state.

  • Mentally say your affirmations or write them in a diary.

  • Stay away from things that excite, like TV or phones, before bed. They can lessen the power of your affirmations.

  • Breathe deeply and relax your mind for a peaceful night.

If you are really looking to tap into the power of I AM affirmations, try practicing them both morning and night.

Top Tips for Practicing I am Affirmations

If you use them correctly, I am affirmations can make a huge impact on your mindset. Here are some top tips for practicing them each day,

1. Make it a habit

Make sure to do your "I AM" affirmations every day. Pick a time that suits you best. This could be in the morning, at lunch, or before you go to sleep. Stick to this routine.

Eventually, your affirmations will become automatic thoughts in your mind and you will find yourself shifting into a positive mindset without even thinking about it. When we make something a habit, it becomes effortless.

2. You have to actually believe

It's vital to really believe in your affirmations. Thinking positively about them isn't enough. Feel your affirmations deeply. When you do this, they can profoundly change your mindset.

You have to believe in the power of affirmations to make them work. Skepticism will prevent you from adopting a positive mindset.

3. Try using visualization

Combining affirmations with visualizing is very effective. See yourself being and doing what you've affirmed. Feel the joy and happiness it brings. This makes your affirmations stronger and more impactful.

Remember to keep at it daily, believe in your words, and visualize your dreams. You hold the power to make your life better.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, 50 I AM affirmations to raise your vibration and shift your mindset.

By repeating these statements daily, you can shift your vibration and adopt a mindset that will help you to achieve your ideal life.

But, changing your vibes isn't just about thinking positive thoughts. It's about making sure what you think, feel, and believe match what you want. When you use these affirmations and really believe in them, you're telling the world what you want. This kicks start the law of attraction in your favour.

Use "I AM" affirmations and see your life shift in wonderful ways. Kick off each morning with sayings that make you feel good and focus on what you want. Keep these words close all day. End your day by being thankful and with affirmations that feed your spirit.

So, are you all set to change your life? Begin with "I AM" affirmations right now.

Remember to save this post and check out my Pinterest for saveable affirmations cards.