The Rich Girl Guide

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How to Stay Consistent with Your Goals (Beginners Guide)

We’ve all been there. You have a big list of goals that could transform your life but none of them ever seem to get completed! Instead, you find ourself constantly restarting your self improvement journey only to give up before seeing any results.

Whether you’re trying to start a business, get fitter or increase your income, staying consistent with your goals is key! Consistency leads to big results that gradually build up over time. Success doesn’t happen over night.

Unfortunately, staying consistent is easier said than done! Pretty much everyone has struggled to stick to a goal at some point - it’s pretty much human nature.

But, what if I told you that there are ways to improve your consistency? These tips and tricks helped me to stick to my goal of starting a profitable blog (hello The Rich Girl Guide), get my 10k time down to 48 minutes and double my income in 6 months.

In this blog post, I will share how to stay consistent with your goals, why you struggle to stay consistent and the next steps you should take on your personal development journey.

Interesting Facts About Setting and Sticking to Goals

Did you know that only a small percentage of people actually stick to their goals? According to research, only about 8% of people achieve their New Year's resolutions. And, most people give up on their goals within six weeks.

So, you’re not alone! It’s totally normal to give up before reaching the end goal.

However, just because it’s normal doesn’t mean its optimal!

Those 8% of people who do stick to their resolutions probably do much better in the long run. These are the kind of people who can face challenges and stick out though times to see great results on the other side.

The ability to do something tough is what sets successful people apart from the rest.

Why Consistency Matters

So, why exactly do you need to work on your consistency?

Success Doesn’t Happen Overnight

Consistency is crucial because success is rarely achieved overnight.

It’s the result of small, persistent efforts over time. Whether you're learning a new skill or working towards a big career goal, it's the daily actions that lead to long-term success.

Sustainable Outcomes Are Built Through Long-Term Efforts

Quick fixes and shortcuts might offer temporary results, but sustainable outcomes are built through long-term efforts.

Consistency helps you develop habits and routines that support your goals, making them more achievable and enduring.

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Being Consistent

Before you start working on your consistency, it’s helpful to understand why you struggle to be consistent in the first place.

1. Your Goals Aren’t Personal

One major reason for inconsistency is that your goals aren’t personal.

If your goals are based on what others expect from you or societal pressures, you’re less likely to stay committed.

Your goals should resonate with your own desires and aspirations.

2. The Reward Doesn’t Outweigh the Effort of Getting There

If the reward of achieving your goal doesn’t seem worth the effort, it’s hard to stay motivated.

Ensure that the benefits of reaching your goal are compelling enough to keep you going, even when the going gets tough.

3. Your Goals Are Too Broad

Broad, undefined goals can be overwhelming and difficult to achieve. Goals like “get fit” or “be successful” are too vague.

Narrowing down your goals to specific, actionable steps makes them more manageable.

4. Success Isn’t Measurable

If you can’t measure your progress, it’s hard to stay motivated. Goals should have clear milestones and metrics that allow you to track your achievements and see how far you’ve come.

5. Your Goals Are Too Ambitious

While it’s great to aim high, overly ambitious goals can lead to burnout and frustration. Setting realistic and attainable goals ensures steady progress and keeps you motivated.

How to Be Consistent with Your Goals in 2024

Now, let’s dive right into to how to be consistent with your goals! These are 10 tricks that I used to improve my consistency and achieve what I set out to (and you can too!).

Step 1: Understand What You Really Want!

Make your goals personal to you. Think about what you truly desire and why it matters.

Avoid being too generic; the more specific and personal your goals, the more motivated you’ll be to achieve them.

Journal prompt: what goals would help me to become my best self?

Step 2: Be Realistic

Set yourself up for success by being realistic. Understand your strengths and limits, and set goals that are challenging yet achievable.

Avoid setting yourself up for failure by expecting too much too soon.

Journal prompt: Can I comfortable achieve this goal?

Step 3: Make Your Goals SMART

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework ensures that your goals are clear and attainable, providing a roadmap for success.

See also: How to set goals for self improvement

Step 4: Get an Accountability Partner

Having someone to check in with can significantly boost your commitment. Ask a friend or family member to hold you accountable, or connect with people who share similar goals. Their support and encouragement can keep you on track.

If you don’t want to share your goals with a friend, try seeking out other people who have similar goals to you. This is where social media can come in handy!

Step 5: Start an Accountability Social Media Page

Consider starting a social media page to document your progress. Keeping it anonymous can help you avoid embarrassment while connecting with like-minded individuals who can offer support and motivation.

By documenting your journey to others, you will feel obliged to do what you set out to.

Step 6: Reward Yourself for Small Wins

Celebrate your progress by rewarding yourself for small wins. Break down big goals into mini-goals and treat yourself when you achieve them.

This positive reinforcement keeps you motivated and acknowledges your hard work.

Step 7: Make It Satisfying

Use a visible progress tracker to see your advancements. Whether it’s a journal, app, or chart, tracking your progress visually can make the process more satisfying and keep you motivated.

I personally love to use a good old to-do list to track my progress! I find it so satisfying ticking off things that I have done.

Step 8: Get Rid of the Black and White Mindset

Understand that one off day doesn’t ruin the entire process. Embrace setbacks as part of the journey and focus on getting back on track. Consistency is about the overall pattern, not perfection.

Step 9: Aim to Get 1% Better Every Day

Small steps are better than no steps at all. Focus on making tiny improvements daily. Over time, these small changes add up to significant progress.

Check out my guide on how to get 1% better every day.

Step 10: Find Sources of Motivation

Seek out success stories, inspirational books, and mentors. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can inspire you and keep your motivation levels high.

Next Steps: Set Your Goals!

Now that you know how to stick to your goals, it’s time to set some goals that will help you to become your best self.

Start by investing in a self-improvement journal that will help you to establish what you want to achieve and keep you motivated throughout the process.

If you’re unsure about exactly what it is that you want to achieve, try asking yourself these 100 questions to get to know yourself better.

Lastly, it would be AMAZING if you could share this guide on Pinterest to help other people stick to their goals! Also, subscribe to The Rich Girl Club below to get access to all of my content plus extra freebies!

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