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How To Improve Yourself in 6 Months (Ultimate Self Improvement Guide)

Want to make 2024 your best year yet? Use our ultimate self improvement guide to learn how to improve yourself over the next six months.

This step by step guide will walk you through the exact process that I followed to level up my life and become the best version of myself.

Why use this guide?

Like anything, self improvement requires structure, planning and focus. You won’t see great results by doing random self improvement activities here and there. I have created this guide to provide a simple framework that you can use to actually see progress and improve your life.

If you’re here, you probably already know the importance of self improvement and you have also probably made the decision to start.

So, let’s jump straight in!

Step 1: Get to know yourself

The first step in your self improvement journey is to get to know yourself.

Before embarking on a self-improvement journey, it is crucial to take the time to get to know yourself. Understanding yourself is the foundation upon which all personal growth is built.

By gaining insights into your own thoughts, feelings, values, and motivations, you will be better equipped to identify areas for improvement, set meaningful goals, leverage your strengths, address your weaknesses, and align your actions with your preferences.

How to Get to Know Yourself:

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time regularly to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Consider journaling to capture your insights and track patterns over time.

  2. Personality Assessments: Utilise tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Enneagram to gain a deeper understanding of your personality traits and preferences.

  3. Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from trusted friends, family members, or colleagues to gain different perspectives on your strengths and areas for improvement.

  4. Mindfulness Practice: Engage in mindfulness activities such as meditation or yoga to increase self-awareness and cultivate presence in the moment.

  5. Try New Things: Step out of your comfort zone and try new activities to discover what excites you, challenges you, or brings you joy.

  6. Values Assessment: Identify your core values by considering what principles are most important to you in life and how they align with your current choices and behaviours.

Taking the time to truly understand yourself is a powerful investment that will guide you towards a more authentic, fulfilling, and successful self-improvement journey.

Top tip: Use daily journaling to keep track of the things that you learn about yourself so that you can look back over them later on in your journey.

Also read: How to journal for self improvement

Step 2: Identify key areas for improvement

Now that you know yourself a little better, you can start thinking about the areas of your life that you would like to improve.

Self improvement can cover a lot of different areas of your life including physical health, mental health, your career, your relationships, your daily habits and your personal finances. Think about your main bottle necks and what areas have the biggest impact in your life.

  1. Physical Health: Look at your diet, exercise, and sleep routines. Improving these can boost your energy and improve how you feel.

  2. Mental Well-being: If you notice yourself feeling unhappy, anxious or lacking confidence, you might want to consider improving your mental health.

  3. Career: Life is meant to be enjoyed! If you're not happy at work, it's time to act. Think about what you want to learn and where you want to go. Maybe now is the time to change careers or even start your own business.

  4. Financial health: Money can be a big contributor to poor mental health. If you find yourself struggling to make ends meet or don’t have enough savings to support yourself, it might be time to change! Look at how you spend and save, and set financial goals.

  5. Relationships: Good connections are key for a happy life. You could use your self improvement journey to build stronger relationships.

  6. Daily habits: Your daily habits have a BIG impact on your day-to-day. If you find yourself constantly running out of time, failing to follow through on goals or slipping into an unhealthy spiral, it might be time to change your daily habits.

Picking the right areas to improve is crucial. It lets you focus and make a solid plan. Remember, choose what matters most to help your life and health.

Top tip: Focus on just one area of self improvement at a time. This will help you to focus your efforts, set realistic goals and track your progress.

Step 3: Find helpful tools and resources

Self improvement doesn’t happen out of nowhere. To see results, you will need to invest in tools and resources that can provide you with the information and advice that you need to make progress.

There are tons of different resources available. Here are some of my favourites!

Guided Journals

Guided journals are structured for self-reflection and growth. They help you dive into your thoughts, feelings, and life experiences. This process can help you to understand your thoughts, pitfalls, triggers, copying mechanisms and much more.

Try to find a guided journal that is tailoured to your specific area of self improvement. I personally find most of my journals online but you can also find a lot of options in book stores.

Here is a list of my favourite guided journals for self improvement.

Looking to find your limiting beliefs, set up goals, or grow gratitude? A guided journal is a must-have. It can really support your self-improvement journey.

Personal Development Books

Self-help and personal development books are full of useful strategies and inspiration.

Personal development books can be highly effective for individuals seeking to improve their lives. These books offer valuable insights, practical strategies, and actionable steps for personal growth and self-improvement.

They can help you to gain new perspectives, develop crucial skills, and open your mind to different processes and activites.

To find good personal development books, consider looking for recommendations from reputable sources. Here is my list of the top 100 self improvement books.

It is also a good idea to ask your peers for their recommendations and use reviews on social media to find books that are worth reading.

Remember to choose books that resonate with your specific goals and challenges, and be open to trying out different authors and approaches to find what works best for you.


Listening to motivational podcasts can be a game-changer for your self-improvement journey.

By tuning in regularly, you expose yourself to inspiring stories, valuable insights, and practical tips that can help you stay focused and motivated.

These podcasts provide a constant source of positivity and encouragement, reminding you that you are capable of achieving great things. They can also introduce you to new ideas, perspectives, and strategies for personal growth.

So, next time you feel stuck or demotivated, plug in your headphones and let the power of motivational podcasts propel you forward on your path to success.

Step 4: Create a self improvement plan

The next step is one of the most important, but also most looked-over, steps when it comes to improving yourself.

A clear plan helps you to understand what you need to do, track your progress, measure success and stay motivated.

I have written a whole guide on how to create a self improvement plan.

If you don’t have time to read through the guide, here is an overview of how to do it:

  1. Get to know yourself (you have already done this in step 1!)

  2. Understand your strengths and weaknesses: This will help you to set realistic expectations and choose methods that are suitable for you.

  3. Prioritise your goals: Split your main goal into smaller goals that are realistic. Then prioritize these based on how much they will improve your life.

  4. Make your goals SMART: This will make it easy to follow them through, track your progress and measure success.

  5. Develop a plan of action: This should be a step-by-step overview of how you will achieve each goal.

  6. Set date targets: Set reasonable targets for when you will complete each step of your plan, this will help you to stay on track.

I like to create my self improvement plans on a simple Google Spreadsheet but you can use whatever tools you like to create yours!

Step 5: Set realistic goals

When starting your self-improvement journey, it's vital to set goals that are realistic and achievable. Break big targets into smaller, more manageable steps. Set clear timelines and milestones. This strategy keeps you motivated and makes success more likely.

Short-term goals can often be reached in a day or a few hours. Mid-term goals might need a few days to a month. But long-term goals require a lot of work and take longer. Aim for goals that challenge you but are still reachable.

Use the SMART method for your goals: make them Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This helps you know what success looks like. Share your goals with someone. This makes you more likely to achieve them thanks to the power of accountability.

Top tip: Start with just 1-3 goals before adding more to your plate! Its easy to get carried away and set hundreds of small goals for yourself but, this can be overwhelming and limit your success.

I personally stick to just one goal at a time.

Step 6: Optimise your daily routines

Optimising your daily routines is key to self-improvement. Look at your habits and schedules carefully. Then, tweak them to focus on what helps your goals.

Maybe you need a regular sleep pattern, to exercise often, or to make your tasks more efficient to get things done.

Here are some ways to make your daily routines better :

  • Identify your most productive periods. Studies show that early birds are usually at their best before lunch, and night owls thrive in the evenings. Try to match your activities with your energy peaks.

  • Schedule time for yourself. Make sure to take a break from stressful activites and do something that you enjoy for at least 30 minutes a day.

  • Schedule in positive habits. If you plan on starting positive self-improvement habits such as journaling, meditating or affirmations you should schedule these into your routine. Doing so will make it easier to stick to them!

  • Build in flexibility. Including breaks or free time is smart, and frees up time to handle surprises without stress. It keeps you feeling in charge of your day.

Your daily routine should allow you to complete all of your work and errands without feeling like you have no time for yourself.

If you are someone who struggles to stick to positive habits like working out or journaling, schedule these into your routine and treat them with the same importance as your work.

Also see: The ultimate morning routine checklist for success

Step 7: Introduce positive habits and reduce bad habits

Habits shape how our days unfold, affecting our health, mood, and success. Although they seem tiny, bad habits can build up throughout the day and negatively affect your outcomes.

On the flip side, fostering good, healthy habits can increase your chances of success.

With this in mind, its clear that you should focus on adopting positive habits throughout your day.

There are four parts to building a habit: cue, craving, response, and reward. Cravings push us towards change, while rewards keep us going by fulfilling those cravings.

This cycle keeps repeating: cue, craving, response, and reward. Eventually, the habit becomes automatic and we end up repeating behaviours (good or bad) without even thinking about it.

In an ideal world, you should aim to automate good behaviours so that you can work towards your goals seamlessly.

My favourite habit book: Atomic Habits by James Clear

To form new habits, we often need to let go of old ones. This means cutting out triggers, lessening desires, and making the bad choices hard. Stress can restart bad habits, so keeping stress low is vital. Small, realistic steps are better than trying to change everything at once.

To optimize your habits:

  1. Identify your existing habits, both positive and negative.

  2. Analyse the cues, cravings, and rewards associated with each habit.

  3. Develop a plan to replace negative habits with positive ones.

  4. Gradually introduce new habits, focusing on one at a time.

  5. Celebrate small victories and be patient with yourself as you work to create lasting, positive changes.

To really make new habits stick, stick with it daily and never give up. With effort and the right changes, small daily habits can add up into big changes!

Challenge: One of the most common bad habits is wasting time by scrolling through social media. You could try to turn this into a positive habit by reading one news story on your phone before opening up a social media app. At first, you will need to remind yourself to do it. But eventually, reading the news will become a new habit!

Step 8: Surround yourself with positive influences

You are who you surround yourself with!

Who and what you're around really matters on your self-improvement path. It's wise to be with people who uplift and motivate you. Avoid those who pull you down. Instead, connect with people aiming for similar goals. This way you can support each other on your personal development journeys.

Optimizing your social circle doesn’t mean that you need to cut people out completely! However, you should try to connect with as many positive influences as possible.

What does a ‘positive’ person look like?

Positive people are like rays of sunshine on a cloudy day, always ready to listen, support, and motivate you towards your goals.

They possess an innate ability to see the silver lining in any situation and encourage you to do the same.

These individuals not only celebrate your successes but also stand by you during challenging times, offering guidance and a shoulder to lean on.

These people often value self improvement themselves and strive to improve their lives through healthy habits, personal development and learning.

How to know if someone is a negative influence

It’s very rare that someone perfectly meets the above criteria. So, instead of searching for the ‘perfect’ positive influences, it is good to know what kind of people to avoid.

Here are some signs that someone might not be the best type of person to be around:

  • They constantly criticise you

  • They don’t respect your opinions or beliefs

  • They make you question yourself

  • They make you feel small or not enough

  • They don’t support you

  • They don’t respect your boundaries

  • They are manipulative or use gas-lighting

  • They create unnecessary drama

  • They are regularly dishonest

  • They lack ambition and/or encourage you to adopt bad habits

Sometimes it is difficult to cut toxic people out of your life entirely. But, it is good to be aware of who these people are so that you can protect yourself from their influence.

Step 9: Invest in your personal growth

If you wanted to become a top-level dancer, it would make sense to buy professional dance classes. You wouldn’t just teach yourself!

The same goes for your self-improvement. If you want to improve yourself, you need to spend money on effective resources and tools. There is only so much that you can learn from free YouTube videos and blog posts (although I’m hoping you can learn a lot from mine!).

When it comes to levelling up your life, there are various avenues you can explore to invest in your self-improvement journey. Here are some options for you to consider:

1. Personal Development Books: Expand your knowledge and gain fresh perspectives by delving into the wealth of personal development books available. From classics like The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey to modern bestsellers like Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis, there's a book out there to inspire and motivate you.

2. Podcasts: Tune into personal growth podcasts during your commute or while working out. Podcasts like The Diary of a CEO and Working Hard, Hardly Working are filled with valuable insights and practical tips to help you on your self-improvement journey.

3. Workshops: Attend workshops and seminars focused on personal development in areas you wish to grow. These interactive sessions offer hands-on learning experiences and the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals.

4. Coaches: Consider hiring a personal coach or mentor to provide you with guidance, support, and accountability as you work towards your goals. A coach can help you unlock your full potential and navigate challenges more effectively.

5. Subscription Services: Invest in subscription services that offer regular content to support your personal growth journey. Whether it's a meditation app, a fitness platform, or a language learning program, these services can provide you with the tools you need to develop new skills and habits.

6. Apps: Make use of apps designed to boost your productivity, improve your mental health, and foster positive habits. Apps like Headspace for meditation, Duolingo for language learning, and HabitBull for habit tracking can assist you in your self-improvement efforts.

7. Retreats: Treat yourself to a self-improvement retreat for a deeper dive into personal growth and reflection. Whether it's a wellness retreat, a meditation retreat, or a leadership retreat, stepping out of your day-to-day routine can offer you valuable insights and rejuvenation.

Explore these different avenues to invest in your self-improvement journey and watch yourself grow and thrive in new and exciting ways. Remember, the key is to stay committed, open-minded, and consistent on your path to becoming the best version of yourself.

Step 10: Take small steps every day

Improving yourself takes time. Don't try to change everything overnight. Instead, focus on making small, consistent steps every day.

You can discover more about the power of small steps in our guide on how to get 1% better every day.

Making small steps each day is far more important than striving for perfection. Remember, numerous small steps can build up and lead to significant changes in the long run.

By focusing on taking consistent small actions towards your goals, you are more likely to make progress compared to waiting for the perfect moment or trying to make giant leaps all at once.

Embrace the power of incremental progress, as each small step you take gets you closer to where you want to be. Celebrate every small victory along the way, knowing that they all add up to create real and lasting change. So, start today by taking that first small step – it will set you on the path towards achieving your dreams.

Small steps that you could take today:

  • Listen to 10 minutes of a self improvement podcast episode

  • Read 1 chapter of a book

  • Buy a journal and fill out the first page

  • Create a self improvement plan

  • Practice self care for 10 minutes

Aim to make a 1% improvement every day.

Step 11: Conduct regular check-ins on your self-improvement journey

By this point, you should have a good understanding of how to improve yourself.

Make sure to SAVE this blog post for later so that you can come back to each step.

Once you have started your self improvement journey, it's very helpful to check on your progress and hold yourself responsible.

As you progress, take time to revisit your goals and see how far you've come. Also, think about your past experiences and how you can tweak your plan. Doing this keeps you motivated and helps you spot areas where you can do better. Don't forget to celebrate your wins along the way.

  • Review your goals: Revisit the goals you've set for yourself and assess your progress. Celebrate the milestones you've achieved and identify any areas that may need more attention.

  • Reflect on your experiences: Think about the challenges, lessons, and strategies that helped you. This reflection can guide your future steps.

  • Make adjustments: Update your self-improvement plan after reflecting. This step could mean changing goals, routines, or finding new resources.

  • Celebrate your wins: Make sure to recognize and celebrate your successes, big or small. Doing so keeps you motivated on your journey.

To make your reflection easier, try to keep a journal and make notes for each day. This will be a lot easier than having to remember every step of your journey.

5 Easy Ways That You Can Improve Yourself Today

Reading this blog post is a great first step in your self-improvement journey!

Want to make today even better? Here are 5 easy ways that you can improve yourself today.

1. Do a Guided Journaling Session

Take 15-20 minutes for guided journaling. It can make your thoughts clearer and help you know yourself better. Think about your goals, what you can do better, and make a plan.

2. Complete One Task from Your To-Do List

Tick off one thing from your to-do list. It could be as simple as replying to an email or doing a small job at home. This makes you feel more in control and organised.

3. Compliment a Stranger

Spread positivity and empathy by praising someone you don't know. A small compliment can make someone's day. It also helps you be nicer and understand others better, which is important for growing as a person.

4. Learn Something New

Find 30 minutes to learn a new skill or read something interesting. It keeps your brain active, boosts your confidence, and opens doors for new things in your life.

5. Do 30 Minutes of Exercise

Exercising for 30 minutes is great for your body and mind. It could be a walk, yoga, or a quick workout. Exercise makes you happier, more energetic, and healthier.

Keep at it and take small, consistent steps for self-improvement. Adding these simple habits daily will help you achieve your personal growth goals.

Improving yourself is a big task. However, you can make it easier by splitting it up into smaller steps. Using this method completely transformed my own self-improvement journey and allowed me to see real results after years of trial and error.

Save this blog post for later so that you can work through each step at your own pace. By the end of 6 months, you should start to see positive changes in your life.

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