The Rich Girl Guide

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20 Healthy Habits To Start in Your 20’s

Your daily habits can have a big impact on your life. Therefore, it’s important to adopt positive habits that will lead to your desired outcomes.

I’ve been in my 20’s for 3 years now and I have learned a LOT along the way - including the importance of certain habits that I wish I started earlier!

In this post, I will reveal 20 daily habits for a rich life that I wish I had started sooner.

Why are daily habits important?

First, let’s take a look at why it’s important to adopt good daily habits if you want to become rich.

A habit is an action that is performed automatically without thinking about it. Common examples include clicking your fingers, brushing your teeth with a certain hand or grabbing your phone when you wake up.

We do habits effortlessly. Yet, they have a big impact on our lives.

So, what if we used this to do things every single day than can impact our lives for the better?

What if it became automatic to wake up an hour earlier, save money or work on our dream business?

Forming good habits can result in forming daily routines that guide you towards your goals. This can make the process of working towards your goals feel almost effortless.

We all know that consistency is key to achieving success AND the easiest way to be consistent at something is if it become automatic - part of our daily habits.

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20 habits to start in your 20s

Now that you understand a bit more about why habits are important, here are 20 habits that I WISH I had started early in my 20s.

1. Positive affirmations

In my late teens, I used to think that affirmations were a fad that didn’t really do anything. BUT I WAS WRONG!

Taking 10 minutes out of my day to focus on positive affirmations has made a huge difference to my self-esteem, confidence and overall mood.

Positive affirmations are simple statements that resonate with your ideal self or lifestyle. The idea behind affirmations is that you can change your thoughts by repeating powerful statements over and over again.

The way that you feel about yourself is often a result of your subconscious mind. So, by speaking positive affirmations, you can challenge your thoughts and develop a more positive mindset.

If you don’t make this a habit, affirmations can be easy to overlook. Try spending 10 minutes every single morning focussing on affirmations until this become an automatic routine.

2. Saying no when something doesn’t serve you

Learning the art of saying no is essential for maintaining our well-being and boundaries.

It may feel uncomfortable at first, but setting limits and declining tasks or commitments that don't align with our priorities is crucial for preserving our mental and emotional health.

It will also save you a LOT of time and energy that could be spent elsewhere.

By saying no when necessary, you can avoid overextending yourself and prevent resentment from building up.

Remember, saying no is not selfish; it's an act of self-care and self-respect.

3. Time blocking your day

Time blocking is a productivity technique that involves dividing your day into blocks of time dedicated to specific tasks or activities.

By assigning a specific timeframe to each task, it becomes a LOT easier to stay on track and avoid procrastination.

If you’re like me, you probably find yourself with a million things to do each day. Time blocking can make this a while lot easier to manage.

I started time blocking about a year ago and it has really changed the game for me. This is something that I would definitely consider getting into the habit of as early as possible.

Also read: 6 ways to be more productive on your lunch break

4. Working on your dreams before your 9-5

One of the best habits that I have recently adopted is waking up 1 hour earlier so that I can work on my goals before my 9-5.

This helps me to start my day productively and motivates me to keep going.

Doing this also ensures that I stay consistent and work on my goals every single day. When you have a 9-5, it can be WAY to easy to finish, turn on Netflix and do nothing for the rest of the evening.

One hour a day is better than nothing at all!

5. Budgeting

If you’re not already budgeting, now is the time to start -especially if you want to start an online business or invest.

Budgeting is the process of assessing your expenses and allocating yourself a certain amount of money to spend each week. This helps you to avoid overspending on things that you don’t need.

I found budgeting really useful when I started my business because it helped me to free up some extra cash for courses, tools and outsourcing.

I split my weekly budget up into 3 sections:

  • money for bills

  • money for socialising and coffee (my #1 priority!)

  • money for extra expenses such as buying new clothes or getting my nails done.

Work out how much money you need for each category and then challenge yourself to stick to this each week.

The most efficient way to budget is to make sure that you have some money left over from your paycheck to invest in your business or financial portfolio.

6. Practicing gratitude

Another lifechanging healthy habit to start right now is practicing daily gratitude.

This is another habit that I always thought was a fad! However, since practicing gratitude daily, my entire mindset has shifted to one that allows me to work towards my dream life.

Practicing gratitude daily has been shown to have numerous benefits. According to Mayo Clinic, practicing gratitude can improve sleep, immunity, mood, and much more.

The easiest way to practice gratitude is to write down three things that you are grateful for every morning.

Make it a habit to do this every single day. Over time, you will notice your mindset shift to one that is more optimistic.

7. Going for a daily walk

Daily walks are one of my favourite health habits. Walking outside is a great way to clear your mind, get some vitamin D, and maintain a gentle exercise routine.

If you don’t have time for this in your routine already, try waking up 30 minutes earlier or parking further away from your office. Those daily steps can make a HUGE difference to your health.

8. Calling your friends

I think calling your friends is one of the most underrated things that you can do for your health.

Studies have shown that calling your friends can have a significant improvement on your mood. Face-to-face interactions are even more beneficial!

If you haven't spoken to your friend in a while, this is your sign to do so.

9. Spend 1 hour each day working towards your goals

One of the most beneficial habits for the girls that want to build an empire is dedicating 1 hour EVERY SINGLE DAY towards your goals.

You can spend the hour doing anything that you like, as long as it is beneficial to your goals and ideal lifestyle.

Getting into this habit early on will help to speed up the process of achieving your dreams.

10. Start a creative hobby

Creativity is great for the soul, and the mind too!

If you’re looking to start a new hobby in your 20s, consider something that allows you to unleash your creative side.

Some good options to consider include:

  • Painting

  • Photography

  • Graphic design

  • Poetry

  • Playing a musical instrument

Want a create hobby that could also bring in extra income? Read: 12 best side hustles for artists

11. Practice optimism

Maintaining an optimistic mindset plays a crucial role in your overall well-being and success. Having a positive outlook on life can help reduce stress, enhance resilience, and improve mental health.

Being optimistic is especially beneficial for female entrepreneurs because it allows you to approach challenges with a sense of hope.

To increase levels of optimism, incorporating daily practices such as gratitude journaling, positive affirmations, and mindfulness meditation can be highly effective.

Over time, your mindset will shift and you will become a naturally optimistic person.

12. Get outside more

Research has shown that spending time outside can improve your mood, reduce feelings of stress and anger, help you to feel more relaxed, and improve your physical health.

Therefore, you should try to spend as much time outside as possible.

One great healthy habit to adopt in your 20s is to spend 30 minutes outside every day. This could be walking your dog, walking to work or even going for a cold water swim!

13. Getting enough sleep

Sleeping well is vital for your health. Try to get 6 to 8 hours each night. This keeps you alert and helps avoid stress and health problems. Make a bedtime routine to help you relax and sleep better.

Getting the right amount of sleep matters a lot. It helps your body and mind stay healthy. With enough rest, you can do better and be happier. So, aim for quality sleep every day.

My top tips for better sleep

Getting enough sleep is one of the trickiest habits to adopt. Try these tips to improve your sleep:

  • Stick to a Schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. This makes your sleep better.

  • Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: Do calming things before bed, like reading or deep breathing. It helps you relax.

  • Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Make your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Use earplugs or a sleep mask if needed. Also, pick a good mattress and pillows.

  • Avoid Electronic Devices: Don't use screens before bed. Instead, do things that relax you.

  • Limit Stimulants: Keep away from caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol before sleep. They can disturb your sleep.

14. Get out of your comfort zone

Getting out of your comfort zone is often seen as a daunting task, but it is essential for personal growth and success.

In your 20s, it is the perfect time to start embracing healthy habits that push you beyond your limits.

By stepping outside of your comfort zone, you challenge your fears and expand your horizons. It could be something as simple as speaking in public or trying a new sport. Whatever it is, facing your fears head-on builds resilience and confidence, traits that are crucial for success in all aspects of life.

15. Plan your meals

Planning meals is a great habit to start in your 20s. It lets you make healthy choices for your body. When you plan ahead, you're less likely to eat bad foods.

This way, you'll eat more proteins, fruits, and veggies. These foods keep you fit and strong. Planning also helps you say no to unhealthy stuff like trans fats and artificial sweeteners.

It stops you from grabbing quick but unhealthy meals. Instead, use fresh, whole foods in your meals. This gives your body the right fuel it needs.

16. Read self-development books and blogs

One of the best ways to level up your life in your 20s is to learn as much as possible about self-development.

You can make this part of your daily routine by actively reading self-development books and blogs (like this one!).

Try reading for 20 minutes each day until it becomes a habit. You could even try replacing your phone next to your bed with a self-development book. This might encourage you to reach for it when you wake up.

17. Fall in love with exercise

In my 20s, I have learned that the main reason that people don’t do enough exercise is because they don’t enjoy it.

The easiest way to fix this is to find a way of moving your body that you actually enjoy. Use your 20s to try as many types of movement as possible until you find something that you look forward to doing every single day.

This is the easiest way to exercise regularly and keep yourself healthy.

18. Meditation

Meditation is one of the most impactful healthy habits that you can start in your 20s. However, it is also one of the most difficult to adopt.

At first, meditation can seem boring and even unnecessary. This is particularly the case for people who struggle to focus for more than 5 minutes!

Nevertheless, meditation has been shown time and time again to have numerous health benefits. These include reducing stress, improving mood, and building mental resilience.

For the girls who want to start an online business, meditation can also help to boost creativity.

If sitting in silence for 20 minutes isn’t your thing. Try a simple 5 minute track or a walking meditation.

19. Invest regularly

In your 20s, you have the perfect opportunity to kick-start your financial future by developing healthy investing habits.

Consider using an auto-investing app that stashes away spare money from your spending. This makes investing easier because you don’t have to think about doing it.

The earlier you start investing, the longer your wealth will have to grow.

20. Keep up with what’s going on in the world

This one might sound a little tedious but, regularly checking in on the news is a great healthy habit to adopt in your 20s.

Engaging with current events not only gives you a better understanding of the world around you but also helps you develop healthy habits to improve your life.

By staying informed, you can make better decisions, stay connected to your community, and have more meaningful conversations with others.

One of my favorite ways to keep on top of the news is to . I find this MUCH easier than reading long articles.

Final thoughts

Being in your 20s is a key time to start healthy habits. They set the scene for a long and successful life. In this post, I have revealed the 20 healthy habits that I wish I had started sooner in my 20s.

Start by adding small healthy choices to your day. It’s never too early to start but it might one day be too late!

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