15 Empowering Things You Can Do For Yourself Today

Let’s be honest—life can sometimes feel like a never-ending to-do list, and somewhere along the way, we forget to prioritize ourselves.

But empowerment isn’t about massive, sweeping changes.

Often, it’s about taking small, meaningful steps that remind you of your own strength and value.

If you’ve been feeling a bit stuck, uninspired, or just in need of a personal boost, don’t worry—you’re in the right place!

Here are 15 empowering things you can do today that will make you feel more confident, more in control, and more YOU.

1.Voice Your Boundaries

When was the last time you really spoke up for yourself?

Setting and voicing your boundaries is one of the most empowering things you can do.

Whether it’s with friends, family, or colleagues, being clear about your limits shows self-respect. It doesn’t have to be confrontational either—a simple, “I’m not comfortable with that,” or “I need some time for myself,” can make all the difference.

Boundaries are essential for protecting your energy, and trust me, once you start setting them, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

2. Make a Clear Plan to Achieve Your Goals

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of knowing where you’re headed.

Whether it’s personal growth, career aspirations, or fitness goals, having a solid plan in place can give you a sense of direction and purpose.

Break down your big goals into smaller, actionable steps. Grab a notebook, map out your plan, and set realistic timelines.

This simple act of organization can make you feel incredibly empowered because you’re no longer wandering aimlessly.

You’ve got a destination, and you know exactly how to get there!

3. Make a Financial Investment In Yourself

Let’s talk money!

Investing in yourself financially can be one of the most powerful things you do.

This could mean putting money into a course that will further your career, starting a savings plan for your dream project, or even buying that high-quality skincare product you’ve had your eye on.

Whatever it is, when you spend money on yourself with purpose, it sends a message that you’re worth the investment.

And let’s be real— you absolutely are!

4. Start a Guided Journal

We all know journaling is a great way to de-stress and organize your thoughts, but have you tried guided journaling?

A guided journal provides prompts and exercises designed to help you dig deep and reflect on areas of your life that need attention.

Whether it’s focusing on gratitude, setting future goals, or breaking through emotional blocks, a guided journal can empower you to become more mindful and intentional with your day-to-day decisions.

5. Quit Something

Quitting gets a bad rap, but sometimes, it’s the best decision you can make.

Whether it’s a toxic relationship, a job that no longer serves you, or a habit that’s draining your energy, letting go of things that aren’t contributing to your happiness or growth is incredibly empowering.

Don’t be afraid to step away from what isn’t working.

Remember, quitting is not giving up—it’s making space for better things to come into your life.

Check out our helpful guide on how to know when it’s time to quit!

6. Ask For a Raise

Asking for a raise can feel intimidating, but it can have amazing benefits.

It’s about recognizing your value and advocating for yourself. Gather evidence of your achievements, prepare your case, and set up that meeting with your boss.

Whether you get the raise or not, simply standing up and voicing your worth will leave you feeling more empowered and confident in your abilities.

7. Have a No Makeup Day

We all love a good beauty routine, but taking a day off from makeup can be incredibly freeing.

Give yourself permission to embrace your natural beauty and let your skin breathe.

It’s a small act that can remind you that you don’t need external enhancements to feel confident.

You’re beautiful just as you are!

8. Pamper Yourself

Speaking of beauty, when was the last time you treated yourself to a little pampering?

A bubble bath, a home spa day, or even just a luxurious face mask can make a world of difference to your mood.

Pampering isn’t just about looking good; it’s about feeling good.

Taking time to care for yourself is a form of self-love that will leave you feeling refreshed and empowered.

9. Hit a New Personal Best

Whether it’s at the gym, in your career, or with a personal hobby, setting and achieving new goals can be incredibly empowering.

Push yourself a little further today. Run that extra mile, finish that project, or finally check off that task you’ve been avoiding.

Hitting a new personal best will give you a surge of confidence and remind you that you’re capable of more than you sometimes give yourself credit for.

Check out 10 other ways to increase your confidence.

10. Start a Second Income Stream

Financial independence is a huge source of empowerment. Starting a second income stream—whether it’s freelancing, selling products, or investing—can give you more control over your financial future.

Plus, it’s incredibly satisfying to know that you’re not relying solely on one source of income.

Take that first step today and explore ways you can diversify your monthly income. It’s empowering, and it sets you up for future security.

11. Revamp Your Wardrobe

Clothes may not make the person, but they sure do help boost confidence.

Go through your wardrobe and assess what makes you feel empowered and what doesn’t.

Donate or sell anything that no longer fits your style, and invest in a few key pieces that make you feel like the best version of yourself.

Empowerment comes in many forms, and sometimes it starts with a great outfit that makes you feel your best!

Read: How to look expensive on a budget

12. Read a Self Help Book

There’s a reason self-help books are so popular—they work!

Pick up a book that resonates with you and start reading today. Whether it’s about personal growth, financial empowerment, or mental health, immersing yourself in new knowledge can open up fresh perspectives and motivate you to take action in your own life.

Plus, it’s a great way to carve out some “me time” while learning something valuable.

13. Do a Guided Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for grounding yourself and finding inner peace, but if you’re new to it, the idea of sitting in silence might feel daunting.

That’s where guided meditation comes in.

With a calm voice leading you through the process, you can relax, let go of stress, and tap into a deep sense of empowerment.

It’s a quick and effective way to reset your mind and reconnect with your inner strength.

14. Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

There’s nothing quite as empowering as facing your fears and stepping outside your comfort zone.

Whether it’s trying a new hobby, striking up a conversation with someone new, or tackling a project you’ve been avoiding, pushing your boundaries helps you grow.

Today, take that leap!

It doesn’t have to be a big step—just something that challenges you.

Every time you conquer a fear, you’ll feel a rush of empowerment that will boost your confidence.

15. Book a Coaching Session

Sometimes, we need a little extra guidance to reach our full potential.

Booking a session with a life coach or mentor can be one of the most empowering things you do for yourself.

Coaches help you gain clarity, set goals, and break through barriers that might be holding you back. It’s an investment in your personal and professional growth that can pay off in big ways.

So, why not take the plunge and book that session today?

20 Empowering Daily Affirmations

If this guide wasn’t already packed with useful tips, here are 20 affirmations you can use daily to keep that sense of empowerment going strong:

1. I am capable of achieving great things.

2. I deserve happiness, success, and fulfillment.

3. I trust myself to make the right decisions.

4. I am worthy of love and respect.

5. I am confident in my abilities.

6. I am resilient and can overcome any challenge.

7. I choose to let go of what no longer serves me.

8. I create my own opportunities.

9. I am enough just as I am.

10. I have the power to shape my own future.

11. I am grateful for all that I have and all that I am.

12. I radiate positivity and attract good things.

13. I believe in my ability to succeed.

14. I am in control of my own happiness.

15. I embrace change and welcome growth.

16. I am deserving of all good things in life.

17. I have the strength to pursue my dreams.

18. I am proud of who I am becoming.

19. I am open to new possibilities.

20. I am empowered to create a life I love.

Empowerment doesn’t always come in huge, life-altering decisions.

Often, it’s the little things we do each day that build up our sense of self-worth and confidence.

Ruby Layram

Ruby is the founder of The Rich Girl Guide. She holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Winchester and previously volunteered with Mind where she helped people to improve their mental health. As well as running The Rich Girl Guide, Ruby contributes regularly to a number of personal finance publications including The Motley Fool UK and MoneyMagpie UK.


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