The Rich Girl Guide

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10 Easy Ways to Feel More Motivated

If you’ve been feeling stuck, lacking energy, or simply unmotivated to tackle the things you know you should be doing, don’t worry—you’re not alone. We’ve all been there.

Finding motivation can often feel like a mountain to climb. But here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be so hard. With a few easy strategies, you can rediscover your drive and take action.

In this guide, I will share why you might be lacking motivation and 10 easy ways to feel more motivated.

Ready to achieve your goals? Grab your FREE eBook below!

Why Are You Lacking Motivation?

One of the easiest ways to change bad habits is to understand why you do them in the first place. Understanding why you lack motivation could help you to create a better environment for yourself to eventually feel motivated in.

It’s important to understand the root cause before diving into solutions. Sometimes, it’s not as simple as "being lazy." There’s usually something else going on under the surface.

The effort outweighs the outcome

Have you ever started a project that just seemed like so much work for very little reward?

It’s no wonder you lost steam. When the payoff doesn’t feel worth the effort, it’s easy to give up before you’ve even started. The trick is to flip the balance—make the reward feel bigger or the effort smaller (don’t worry, I’ll show you how further down!).

Lack of clear goals

If you don’t know where you’re going, how are you supposed to get there?

Fuzzy, vague goals can make it impossible to feel motivated. It’s like trying to hit a moving target. Without clarity, you’ll struggle to take action.

Read my handy guide on how to set goals and stay consistent with them.

You’re aiming for the impossible

Setting the bar way too high is a quick way to crush your motivation. If your goals are so lofty they feel out of reach, you’ll soon be asking yourself, “What’s the point?”

The key is to break big goals down into manageable steps. After all, small wins lead to big successes.

Fear of failure

Fear of failure is one of the biggest motivation killers. You might feel paralysed, not because you don’t want to try, but because you’re afraid of messing up.

But here's a little secret: failure is part of the process, and it’s not as scary as you think.

Try these success affirmations to challenge thoughts that lead to fear of failure.


It’s tough to feel motivated when you’re running on empty. Burnout doesn’t just drain your energy; it saps your motivation too. If you’re not taking time to recharge, your body and mind will eventually force you to slow down.

Here are some quick and easy self care ideas to prevent burnout.

Lack of immediate gratification

Let’s face it: we live in a world where we want instant results. If the payoff is too far in the future, it can feel hard to stay motivated.

Delayed gratification is tricky, but there are ways to keep the excitement alive while waiting for the bigger rewards. Consider splitting up tasks into smaller goals and rewarding yourself more regularly or making the task satisfying (satisfaction releases dopamine in the brain).

10 Ways to Feel More Motivated

Now that you know why you might be lacking motivation, let’s get to the good stuff—how to actually get it back!

Here are 10 simple, effective ways to reignite that inner fire and start taking action again.

1. Set clear goals

One of the biggest barriers to motivation is not having a clear aim.

So, the first step is to define exactly what you want to achieve. Break your larger goals into smaller, specific, and measurable steps. Instead of saying, "I want to be healthier," try "I will go for a 20-minute walk every morning." This clarity gives your brain something concrete to work towards.

Use my FREE That Girl Planner to help!

2. Make the reward good enough to outweigh the effort

Let’s revisit that balance we talked about earlier.

If your brain perceives a task as all effort and no fun, it’ll resist. So, how do you tip the scales?

Simple: make the reward irresistible!

Treat yourself to something you enjoy after completing a tough task—whether that’s a delicious meal, a new book, or even just some time to relax.

This was one of my favourite takeaways from Atomic Habits!

3. Aim for small steps at a time

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by big tasks, so break them down into bite-sized pieces. Instead of saying “I need to write this entire report today,” focus on writing the first paragraph.

Once you get started, momentum will carry you forward. Small, consistent actions are the key to long-term success.

4. Avoid black and white thinking

Motivation takes a hit when we get stuck in "all or nothing" thinking. If you can’t do something perfectly, it’s easy to feel like there’s no point in doing it at all.

But life isn’t that black and white!

Give yourself permission to do things imperfectly—you’ll still be making progress.

5. Make it easier

Motivation often stalls because the task at hand feels too difficult. So, make things as easy as possible for yourself.

Lay out your workout clothes the night before, prepare meals in advance, or set a timer for just five minutes of work.

Reducing friction makes it much easier to get started.

6. Make it a habit

When something becomes a habit, you no longer rely on motivation to do it—you just do it automatically. Start by building small, consistent habits.

Maybe you begin with 10 minutes of journaling each morning or a 15-minute walk in the afternoon. Once the habit sticks, it becomes second nature.

Another gem I picked up from Atomic Habits!

7. Find an accountability partner

Accountability can work wonders for motivation. When you know someone else is counting on you or checking in on your progress, you’re far less likely to skip out on your goals.

Whether it’s a friend, family member, or even an online community, find someone to help keep you on track.

8. Raise the stakes of not doing it

Want a little extra push? Create consequences for not following through.

This could be something simple, like promising a friend you’ll buy them dinner if you skip the gym, or donating to a charity if you miss a deadline.

By raising the stakes, you add a layer of accountability that makes it harder to back out.

9. Use self discovery to understand what you enjoy

Often, a lack of motivation comes from doing things you don’t enjoy. Take some time to figure out what really excites you.

What activities give you energy? What are you passionate about?

Once you identify the things you love, incorporate them into your routine. You’ll find it much easier to stay motivated when you’re doing something that brings you joy.

10. Make it fun or satisfying

The more fun or satisfying a task feels, the more motivated you’ll be to do it. Find ways to make your goals enjoyable, whether that’s listening to music while you work, turning exercise into a social activity, or giving yourself a reward after completing a task.

Remember, the journey can be just as rewarding as the destination!

Motivation can be tricky, but it’s not impossible to find.

By setting clear goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and making things fun, you can regain your drive and get back to making progress.

Try a few of these tips and see what works for you—you might be surprised at how easy it is to feel more motivated when you make small, thoughtful changes to your approach. Here’s to feeling inspired and ready to take on whatever comes your way!