The Rich Girl Guide

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How To Change Your Life in 30 Days (Challenge)

If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I LOVE finding fun ways to make your life better. I truly believe that it is possible to transform your life into something that you dream of, all you need is the right tool kit! If you’re ready to transform, I’ve created this challenge that will teach you how to change your life in 30-days.

In this guide, I will explain why the challenge works, how to complete the challenge and provide you with everything that you need to get started.

Also see: 25 achievable 30-day challenges to try in 2024

Why This Challenge Works

Before I delve into the nitty gritty of my 30-day challenge, here’s why it works!

Low Intimidation

Starting a new habit or making a big change can feel daunting. A 30-day challenge is less intimidating because it’s a short-term commitment.

You’re not signing up for a year-long ordeal—just a month of focused effort. This bite-sized approach makes it easier to get started and stick with it.

Low Cost

Changing your life doesn’t have to break the bank. Most of the steps in this daily challenge are either free or require minimal investment.

You don’t need a gym membership, organic smoothie ingredients or an over-priced course—just a willingness to commit and a bit of motivation.


This challenge is all about you! While the structure provides a general framework, you can tailor each day’s activities to fit your personal goals and needs.

Plus, if one of the days doesn’t fit with your hectic life schedule, you can swap days around as you wish.


Life happens. If you miss a day or need to adjust, that’s okay! The goal is progress, not perfection. The flexibility of this challenge allows you to adapt as needed without feeling like you’ve failed.

I wanted to create a challenge that is achievable for everyone but still challenging enough to make a difference. And I think I nailed it!

Now, get out your notepad and pen because this is where things start to get a little more tricky!

Before you start…

Before you start my 30-day challenge, download my FREE 30-day challenge tracker below.

See this form in the original post

I will provide you with a few more free resources throughout the guide. However, this is by far the most important one!

Now, let’s get into it!

Day 1: Define Your Intentions: What Do You Want to Change?

Kick off your 30-day journey by pinpointing what you want to achieve.

Are you looking to boost your productivity, improve your health, or perhaps build better relationships?

Spend some time reflecting on your intentions and write them down. Clear intentions will guide your actions and keep you motivated throughout the challenge.

Tip: Use a journal or a digital note-taking app to jot down your thoughts. Be specific about what changes you want to see in your life.

Use these 100 questions to get to know yourself to understand what you want to change.

Day 2: Set Clear and Measurable Goals

With your intentions in place, it’s time to set clear, measurable goals.

Instead of vague resolutions like "I want to get fit," try something more specific, like "I will exercise for 30 minutes five times a week." Concrete goals make it easier to track your progress and stay focused.

Tip: Break larger goals into smaller, manageable milestones. This helps you stay motivated and gives you a sense of achievement along the way. Use the SMART framework to make sure that each of your goals are achievable.

Day 3: Define 3 Actions for Each Day to Achieve Your Goals

Action steps are your daily to-dos that drive you toward your goals.

Choose three specific actions you can take each day that will help you move closer to your objectives. For example, if your goal is to improve your fitness, your daily actions might include a workout, meal prepping, and drinking plenty of water.

Tip: Write these actions in a planner or app and check them off each day. This helps keep you accountable and track your progress.

Part of this challenge is to complete your 3 actions EVERY SINGLE DAY for 30 days. So, make sure to write them down!

Day 4: Identify Bad Habits and Bottlenecks

Take a closer look at the habits that may be holding you back.

Do you procrastinate? Find yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media? Identifying these bad habits and bottlenecks is the first step in overcoming them.

Tip: Reflect on your daily routine and pinpoint moments where things tend to go awry. Understanding these patterns will help you address them more effectively.

Make a note of anything that you find. Awareness is often the first step towards change.

Day 5: Make Your Worst Habit Impossible

It is a little unrealistic to try and break ALL of your bad habits in 30 days. So instead, choose your worst habit and do something drastic to make it impossible.

For example, my worst habit was comparing myself to others on social media. So, I installed an Instagram blocker on my phone to make it impossible for me to do.

If you find yourself snacking too much, keep unhealthy snacks out of the house. If procrastination is an issue, use apps that block distracting websites. If you really think about it, there are plenty of ways to make something impossible.

Tip: The goal is to reduce temptation and make it easier to stick to your new habits. Small environmental changes can make a big difference.

Day 6: Find an Accountability Partner

Having someone to share your journey with can be incredibly motivating. Find a friend, family member, or colleague who is also interested in making a change.

Share your goals and progress with them, and support each other along the way.

Tip: Regular check-ins with your accountability partner can help keep you on track and provide encouragement when you need it.

Also check out: How to stay consistent with your goals

Day 7: Invest in a Self-Help Book (Read a Chapter Each Day)

A good self-help book can offer valuable insights and inspiration. Choose a book that aligns with your goals and read a chapter each day.

This daily reading can provide motivation, new strategies, and a fresh perspective.

Tip: Consider books on topics like productivity, self-care, or personal growth. Make sure it’s something you’re excited to read!

By the end of the first 7 days, you should have everything in place to get stuck in on your self-improvement journey.

You should also be doing the following every day:

  • Completing the 3 daily actions that you planned on day 3

  • Using a habit blocker to stop your worst habit

  • Reading 1 chapter of a self help book each day

Day 8: Start a Daily Gratitude Practice

Gratitude can have a powerful impact on your mindset and overall well-being.

Each day, write down three things you’re grateful for. This simple practice helps shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life.

Tip: Keep a gratitude journal or use a gratitude app to make this practice a part of your daily routine. You’ll start to notice more positivity in your life.

Day 9: Develop a Productive Morning Routine

The next step of this 30-day challenge is to work on your routines. We will start with your morning routine because it has the biggest impact on the rest of your day.

A well-structured morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Create a productive morning routine that includes activities that energize and prepare you for a productive day. This might include exercise, a healthy breakfast, and a bit of planning.

Tip: Start small and gradually build your routine. The key is consistency, so find a routine that works for you and stick with it.

Make sure to write your morning routine down. You will need to stick to it every day for the rest of this challenge!

Day 10: Develop a Productive Evening Routine

Now that you’ve sorted our your morning, it’s time to work on your evening routine!

REMEMBER: Once you have made these routines, you will need to stick to them every day for the rest of the challenge.

Just as your morning routine sets you up for success, a good evening routine helps you wind down and prepare for restful sleep. Incorporate activities like reading, light stretching, or planning for the next day.

Tip: Avoid screens and heavy meals close to bedtime to improve sleep quality. Creating a calming evening routine can help you relax and unwind.

I love this guide on how to create an evening routine.

Write your routine down so that you can do it ever day.

Day 11: Spend 30 Minutes a Day Exercising

This is the next daily action that you will repeat EVERY DAY for the rest of the challenge (are you taking notes?)

Exercise is crucial for physical and mental health. Dedicate at least 30 minutes each day to physical activity. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a workout session, or yoga, find something you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine.

Tip: Mix up your exercise routine to keep it interesting. Try different activities to find what you enjoy most and keep yourself motivated.

If you already do 30 minutes of exercise a day, start stretching! Spend 10 minutes a day doing a gentle stretch routine or yoga. You will thank me in the long run!

Day 12: Sell Stuff That You No Longer Use

Okay, the last few days have introduced a lot of new daily actions into your routine (have you managed to keep up?). So, the next couple of days will be one-off challenges.

First up is a little challenge to make some money! Go through your belongings and sell items you no longer need. This can free up physical space and provide a little extra cash.

You will be surprised at how much money you can make by reselling items on platforms like Vinetd or Depop.

Tip: If you want to make the most of your reselling, put the cash that you make into an investment or high-yield savings account.

Day 13: Plan an Activity That Is Out of Your Comfort Zone

This step of the challenge will help you to improve your confidence.

Push yourself to try something new that makes you a bit uncomfortable. It could be speaking in public, trying a new hobby, or attending a social event. Stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to personal growth and new experiences.

Tip: Choose an activity that excites you but also challenges you. The goal is to grow and expand your horizons.

Put the activity in your diary so that it is set in stone. The challenge here is to follow through with whatever you plan. No backing out!

After 13 days, you should be doing the following things EVERY DAY:

  • Completing the 3 daily actions that you planned on day 3

  • Using a habit blocker to stop your worst habit

  • Reading 1 chapter of a self help book each day

  • Practicing gratitude every day

  • Following a morning routine

  • Following an evening routine

  • Exercising for 30 minutes a day

Day 14: Spend 10 Minutes a Day Learning Something New

Commit to learning something new each day. It could be a new fact, a skill, or a concept. This daily learning habit helps keep your mind sharp and engaged.

I like to use this time to learn a new language on Duolingo. But you can choose anything!

Tip: Use online courses, educational apps, or books to find new things to learn. Make it fun and interesting to keep yourself motivated.

Remember to do your 10-minute learning practice EVERY DAY for the rest of the challenge.

Day 15: A Good Dead a Day

Acts of kindness can have a ripple effect. Each day, perform a small act of kindness for a stranger or loved one.

It could be as simple as paying for someone’s coffee or offering a compliment. Do this every day for the rest of the challenge.

Tip: Small gestures can make a big impact. Look for opportunities to spread kindness and brighten someone’s day.

Day 16: Dedicate 10 Minutes of Your Day to Self-Care

This is where the list of daily actions might start to get a bit long (I never said this would be easy!).

Self-care is essential for overall well-being. Dedicate at least 10 minutes each day to activities that nurture and relax you. This could include listening to your favourite music, reading, or simply taking a long bath.

Tip: Prioritize self-care and make it a non-negotiable part of your day. It’s important to take care of yourself to maintain balance and health.

Day 17: Spend 10 Minutes Doing Something Creative

This is my favourite step in the self improvement challenge!

Creativity is a great way to express yourself and relieve stress. Spend 10 minutes each day on a creative activity, whether it’s drawing, writing, or crafting.

Just like self care, make this a non-negotiable!

Tip: Find a creative outlet that you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine. It’s a fun way to relax and explore your artistic side.

Day 18: Tick Off Any Outstanding Tasks on Your To-Do List

This day is all about getting stuff done.

Addressing tasks that have been hanging over your head can be incredibly freeing. Spend some time tackling items on your to-do list, no matter how small.

Completing these tasks can reduce stress and increase productivity.

Depending on the scale of the tasks, you might need to free up your whole day for this. But it will be worth it in the long run!

Tip: Prioritize tasks and tackle them one by one. Celebrate the completion of each task to stay motivated.

Day 19: Open an Investment Account

At this stage of the challenge, you should have some good daily habits in place and your life should feel a little more ‘together’.

Now is the perfect time to start thinking about money!

If you haven’t already, consider opening an investment account. Start with small investments and learn about different investment options.

This can be a step toward improving your financial health and future.

Tip: Research different investment platforms and options. Start with a simple account and gradually expand your investment knowledge.

I’m not expecting you to become Warren Buffet overnight. However, the act of opening an account is often enough to encourage you to start thinking about your finances.

Building a long-term investment portfolio is a challenge of its own! So start small.

Day 20: Start a 5-Day No-Spend Challenge!

This one is a mini challenge inside of the challenge!

Take a break from unnecessary spending by starting a 5-day no-spend challenge. Focus on only spending money on essentials. This challenge helps you evaluate your spending habits and save money.

Tip: Plan your meals and activities in advance to avoid the temptation of spending. Use this time to be creative with what you have.

If now isn’t the right time to start, save this challenge for another day and skip to the next day.

After 20 days, you should be doing the following things EVERY DAY:

  • Completing the 3 daily actions that you planned on day 3

  • Using a habit blocker to stop your worst habit

  • Reading 1 chapter of a self help book each day

  • Practicing gratitude every day

  • Following a morning routine

  • Following an evening routine

  • Exercising for 30 minutes a day

  • Spending 10 minutes a day learning something new

  • Doing 1 good dead a day

  • Spending 10 minutes a day on self care

  • Spending 10 minutes a day doing something creative

  • Only spending money on essentials

Day 21: Assess Your Progress and Reflect on Your Goals

Take a moment to reflect on your progress so far. You’ve only got 9 days left!

Review your goals and see how far you’ve come. Reflect on what’s working, what’s not, and any adjustments you might need to make.

Tip: Use a journal to record your reflections and insights. This can help you stay focused and motivated for the remainder of the challenge.

Day 22: Call a Friend or Relative That You Haven’t Spoken to in a While

Reconnecting with loved ones can be a wonderful boost for your mood and relationships.

Reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to recently. A simple phone call or message can rekindle relationships and strengthen bonds.

You don’t need to do this every day. But it is a great thing to do once!

Tip: Make a list of people you’d like to reconnect with. A thoughtful conversation can make a big difference in both your life and theirs.

Day 23: Participate in a Guided Journaling Session

Guided journaling can help you explore your thoughts and feelings more deeply. Find a guided journaling prompt or session that resonates with you and spend some time writing and reflecting.

Use day 23 to dig deep and get to know yourself a bit better. This will help you to align the rest of your journey with your true self.

Tip: Look for journaling prompts online or use a guided journal. This practice can offer new insights and enhance your self-awareness.

Day 24: Get Up 1 Hour Earlier and Use That Time to Work on a Side Hustle or Small Business

On day 24, try to wake up 1 hour (or more) earlier than usual.

Use an extra hour in the morning to focus on a side project or small business. Whether it’s working on a new idea or building your existing business, this extra time can lead to significant progress.

Tip: Plan your tasks for this extra hour in advance. Use the time efficiently to make the most of your early start.

If you don’t already have a side hustle, use this as your excuse to start one! Diversifying your income streams can do great things to your bank account!

Day 25: No Processed Foods!

Take a break from processed foods for the day. Focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

This can boost your energy levels and improve your overall health.

Tip: Plan your meals ahead of time and keep healthy snacks on hand. This challenge is a great way to reset your eating habits.

Day 26: No Social Media!

Give yourself a break from social media for the day. Use the time you would normally spend scrolling to engage in other activities, such as reading, exercising, or spending time with loved ones.

This one is harder than you might think! But, it’s totally worth it.

If you’re really up for a challenge, stay away from social media for the rest of the 30 days (do you think you can do it?)

Tip: Find alternative activities that you enjoy. This challenge helps reduce screen time and allows you to focus on more meaningful interactions.

Day 27: Declutter Your Space

Over the last few weeks, your space has probably become a little cluttered. Use this day to sort that out!

A cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind. Spend the day decluttering and organizing your home.

Focus on one area at a time and create a more serene and functional environment.

Tip: Start with small areas and gradually work your way through your home. Donate or recycle items you no longer need.

After 27 days, you should be doing the following things EVERY DAY:

  • Completing the 3 daily actions that you planned on day 3

  • Using a habit blocker to stop your worst habit

  • Reading 1 chapter of a self help book each day

  • Practicing gratitude every day

  • Following a morning routine

  • Following an evening routine

  • Exercising for 30 minutes a day

  • Spending 10 minutes a day learning something new

  • Doing 1 good dead a day

  • Spending 10 minutes a day on self care

  • Spending 10 minutes a day doing something creative

  • Only spending money on essentials

  • Waking up 1 hour earlier to work on a side hustle or business

  • No social media

Day 28: Define Your Intentions for the Next 60 Days and Make an Actionable Plan

You’re almost at the end of the challenge!

Now, it’s time to look ahead and set intentions for the next two months. Because you don’t want your progress to stop after 30 days!

Define what you want to achieve and create a plan to get there. This can help you maintain momentum and continue making positive changes.

Tip: Break down your 60-day goals into actionable steps. Use a planner or digital tool to map out your plan and stay on track.

Day 29: Identify 2 New Habits That You Would Like to Start

Tp continue making progress after this challenge, think about two new habits you’d like to incorporate into your life.

Develop a plan for how you will establish these habits, including specific actions and strategies for success.

Tip: Start with small, manageable steps and build gradually. Tracking your progress can help you stay committed and see results.

Day 30: Reflect on Your Progress

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of the challenge! (are you still doing everything each day?)

Take time to reflect on your journey over the past 30 days. Review your achievements, consider what you’ve learned, and celebrate your progress.

Tip: Use this reflection to plan your next steps and set new goals. Recognize the positive changes you’ve made and use them as motivation for future growth.

Changing your life in 30 days might sound like a tall order, but with a structured approach and daily actions, it’s entirely achievable.

Whether you’re looking to improve your health, productivity, or overall well-being, this challenge offers a roadmap for meaningful change. Remember, it’s all about progress, not perfection.

Embrace the journey, celebrate your successes, and keep moving forward. Here’s to a better, more vibrant you!

If you are in need of a little motivation, download my FREE eBook. The eBook covers everything you need to know to make it happen and achieve your goals.

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