The Rich Girl Guide

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30 Things to Write About In Your Journal When You Have No Ideas

We've all been there—sitting with our journal, pen poised, and absolutely no idea what to write about. The blank page can be intimidating, but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

Whether you’re looking to grow personally, find some clarity, or simply express yourself, there are plenty of ways to spark that creativity and get your thoughts flowing. Here are 30 things to write about when inspiration seems to have taken a holiday.

Also check out: 12 best guided journals for 2024

(Scroll down for your FREE list of 20 journal prompts!)

What Are the Most Effective Journal Ideas for Self-Growth?

Before we dive into the list, let’s talk about why journaling is such a powerful tool for self-growth.

A journal isn’t just a place to jot down random thoughts; it’s a space where you can explore your inner world, set intentions, and track your progress.

Although I will share 30 things to write about in your journal, here are three essential journal ideas that can help you on your path to self-growth (from my own experience!)


Gratitude is like a magic potion for happiness. When you focus on what you’re thankful for, you shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance.

It’s easy to get caught up in what’s going wrong or what you don’t have, but taking a few minutes each day to write down what you’re grateful for can really put things into perspective.

Whether it’s a sunny day, a kind word from a friend, or simply a good cup of tea, no gratitude is too small to acknowledge.


Setting goals is one thing, but keeping them top of mind is another. Use your journal to write down your goals—both big and small.

Break them down into actionable steps, and check in regularly to track your progress. Whether it’s a fitness goal, a career milestone, or something personal, writing about your goals can help you stay focused and motivated.


Reflection is key to growth. Take time to reflect on your day, your week, or even your year.

What went well? What could have been better? What did you learn?

Reflecting on your experiences allows you to gain insights and make better decisions moving forward. Plus, it’s a great way to unwind and process your thoughts.

If you’re REALLY keen to improve your journaling skills, check out this interesting study that looks at the power of creative journaling for overcoming blocks. it brilliantly reflects how transformative journaling can be and sheds light on some excellent tips for success!

30 Things to Write About In Your Journal

As I mentioned above, I wanted to help you, my lovely reader, to overcome the journaling block by providing a complete list of 30 things to write about in your next journaling session.

The journal ideas below are based on topics that I loved to write about - and so might you!

When you have found a few interesting topics to write about, make sure to download my FREE eBook that will help you to get rid of excuses and stick to your journaling goals.

  1. Your Ideal Day: Describe your perfect day from start to finish. What would you do? Who would you spend it with?

  2. Current Mood Check-In: How are you feeling right now? Write about your emotions and what might be causing them.

  3. Daily Highlights: What were the best moments of your day? This helps you focus on the positive.

  4. Lessons Learned: Think about recent experiences and what they’ve taught you.

  5. Personal Strengths: Write about your strengths and how you can use them more in your daily life.

  6. Things You’re Excited About: What are you looking forward to? This could be anything from an upcoming event to a new project.

  7. Challenges You’re Facing: Get honest about any challenges or obstacles. Writing them down can help you find solutions.

  8. Books or Movies You Love: Reflect on your favorite books or films and why they resonate with you.

  9. People Who Inspire You: Who do you look up to? Write about their qualities and what you can learn from them.

  10. Your Dream Job: If you could do anything for a living, what would it be? Explore the possibilities.

  11. A Letter to Your Future Self: Write a letter to yourself 5 or 10 years from now. What advice would you give?

  12. Mindful Moments: Write about a time when you felt truly present. What were you doing? How did it feel?

  13. Your Bucket List: What are the things you absolutely want to do in your lifetime?

  14. Favourite Quotes: Jot down quotes that inspire you and explain why they resonate with you.

  15. Something New You’ve Learned: Whether it’s a fun fact or a life lesson, write about something new you’ve picked up.

  16. Your Favorite Memories: Take a trip down memory lane and write about moments that make you smile.

  17. A Letter to Someone You Admire: Write a letter to someone who has positively impacted your life. You don’t have to send it—just get your feelings out on paper.

  18. Your Biggest Accomplishments: Celebrate your successes, big or small. Reflect on how you achieved them.

  19. Your Favorite Quotes: Jot down quotes that inspire you and explain why they resonate with you.

  20. Things You’re Letting Go Of: What are you ready to release from your life? Writing it down can be a powerful way to move on.

  21. Things You’re Grateful For: A gratitude list is always a great way to boost your mood.

  22. What’s on Your Mind: Free-write whatever comes to mind, no filter. Sometimes the most random thoughts can lead to surprising insights.

  23. Your Ideal Future: Imagine your life in 5, 10, or 20 years. What does it look like?

  24. Personal Affirmations: Write down positive affirmations that you can repeat to yourself daily.

  25. Your To-Do List: If your mind is cluttered with tasks, write them down. It’s satisfying to check them off!

  26. Random Acts of Kindness: Write about a time when you or someone else did something kind. How did it feel?

  27. Creative Ideas: Have any new ideas for a project, hobby, or anything else? Write them down.

  28. Your Favorite Self-Care Activities: Make a list of activities that help you relax and recharge.

  29. What You’d Tell Your Younger Self: If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?

  30. A Recent Achievement: Write about something you’ve accomplished recently, no matter how small.

Journaling doesn’t have to be a chore—it’s a personal space for you to explore your thoughts, track your growth, and get creative.

Whether you’re writing about your goals, reflecting on your day, or simply jotting down whatever comes to mind, the key is to just start.

Remember, there are no rules, so let your journal be a true reflection of who you are and where you want to go.

Next steps

I created The Rich Girl Guide to provide women with actionable advice that will help you to achieve your goals and improve your life.

After reading this post, I recommend spending some time experimenting with different journaling topics and techniques to find what resonates with you the most.

I also created THIS LIST of 20 FREE journal prompts that you can use to get things running!