Privacy Policy

This is the privacy policy statement for The Rich Girl Guide UK, owned and operated by The Rich Girl Guide Ltd.

What data do we collect?

At The Rich Girl Guide, we collect certain types of data to better understand our users and tailor our content to their preferences. The data collected includes IP addresses and email addresses.

IP Addresses:
IP addresses are collected to analyze trends, administer the site, track user movement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. This information helps us understand where our visitors are coming from and how they interact with our site.

Email Addresses:
We collect email addresses to communicate with our users effectively. By understanding our users through email interactions, we can create content that resonates with them and provide a more personalized experience.

Privacy Assurance:
It's important to note that we prioritize the privacy and security of our users. We want to assure you that we will never sell your data to a third party. Your information is solely used to enhance your experience on our website and to ensure that our content meets your needs and interests.

How do we keep your data secure?

At The Rich Girl Guide, we prioritize the security and privacy of our visitors' data. To ensure that all information shared with us remains confidential and protected, we have implemented stringent measures.

SSL Certificate

We utilize a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate on our website to establish a secure and encrypted connection between our servers and our visitors' browsers. This encryption protocol safeguards any data transmitted between the user and our platform, preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Encrypted Data

All data collected through our website is encrypted to add an extra layer of protection. By converting information into complex codes, we make sure that even if data is somehow intercepted, it remains unreadable and unusable to anyone without proper authorization.

These security measures reflect our commitment to maintaining the trust and confidentiality of our visitors' data.

Opting out of data collection

You can opt out of data collection by selecting ‘don’t allow cookies’ when prompted. If you opt out of data collection, we may not be able to tailor out content to your preferences.