How To Make Money on Vinted: 6 Tips to Get More Sales

If you're looking to increase your sales on Vinted and make more money, you're in the right place. In this article, we will share with you 6 proven tips and tricks to help you sell like a pro on Vinted. These strategies have been tested and recommended by experienced sellers, so you can trust that they work.

Keep reading to find out how to make money on Vinted in the UK 2024.

how to make money on vinted uk

Key Takeaways

We spent several weeks using Vinted ourselves to find out how to increase sales and maximize your earning potential. By following these 6 top tips, it is possible to make a decent amount of money by reselling on Vinted in 2024.

  1. List your items little and often to stay at the top of the new item feed.

  2. Take high-quality photos that accurately represent your items.

  3. Price your items realistically, considering buyers' offers and the lack of selling fees on Vinted.

  4. Engage with the Vinted community by following reviewers and liking other people's posts.

  5. Package and ship your items promptly and with care to ensure customer satisfaction.

Also read: What are the best-selling items on Vinted in 2024?

How To Make Money on Vinted in 2024

If you have an eye for fashion and love the idea of turning your clothing clutter into cash, Vinted is a great platform to explore. Vinted is an online marketplace that allows users to buy, sell, and swap pre-loved clothing items.

Vinted operates as a peer-to-peer marketplace, providing an easy and accessible platform for sellers to list their pre-owned clothing items. After creating an account, sellers can take photos of their items, write descriptions, and set prices. Unlike traditional e-commerce platforms, Vinted facilitates communication between buyers and sellers and offers a secure payment system.

When used correctly, selling on Vinted can be an excellent form of side income in 2024. The most successful sellers spend time testing different strategies, building up a good reputation, and constantly updating their stock.

If you’re looking for a free side hustle that is easy to start, Vinted could be a great option to consider. We spent time using the platform ourselves to figure out the key to success. In this guide, we will share our top tips for increasing your sales and making money on Vinted in 2024.

Selling Tip 1. Use Great Photos

Photos are the first thing that buyers will see when scrolling through Vinted search results. Therefore, it is important to spend perfecting your Vinted photography skills so that your images stand out.

When it comes to selling on Vinted, high-quality photos are essential. Here are some tips to improve your photography skills:

  1. Show the whole item in your photos, not just a close-up.

  2. Use good lighting, preferably daylight, to ensure accurate colors.

  3. Keep the background plain and uncluttered.

  4. Display your item well, whether on a hanger, mannequin, or even worn by yourself.

  5. Clearly indicate which part of the photo is for sale if showing multiple items.

  6. Take photos of any defects to be transparent with your buyers.

Remember, capturing your items in the best possible way will attract potential buyers and increase your chances of making sales on Vinted.

Selling Tip 2. Understand Listing and Pricing Strategies

When it comes to making money on Vinted, listing and pricing your items strategically can significantly increase your chances of making sales.

We spent time experimenting with different selling and listing techniques and found that the following strategies saw the most results.

List your items little and often

This strategy was the most effective for increasing sales on Vinted. By consistently adding new items to your Vinted store, you can stay at the top of the new item feed. This visibility can help you attract potential buyers and increase your chances of making a sale.

vinted buying and selling tips

Group items by size

Encourage bundle purchases by grouping items of the same size together. This not only makes it convenient for buyers who are looking for multiple items in their size but also allows you to turn on bundle discounts in your settings, offering attractive deals to your customers.

Also read: How to make money by renting out your clothes

Price your items realistically

Consider the offer and negotiation culture on Vinted. Set your prices in a way that leaves room for potential buyers to make offers. Remember, unlike many other platforms, Vinted doesn't charge selling fees, so you have the flexibility to adjust your prices based on buyer demand and market conditions.

It is also important to make sure that you price your items in-line with other sellers. If the price of your items is much higher than other items on the platform, it might be harder to attract customers.

Upload your items strategically

Timing is key. Take advantage of browsing habits and upload your items when people are actively searching for new items to buy, typically in the evening. This increases the visibility of your listings and attracts more potential buyers.

Consider payday listing

Listing your items around payday can be a smart strategy to tap into increased buying power. Many buyers are eager to spend their hard-earned money after receiving their paycheck, so aligning your listings with these periods can boost your sales opportunities.

By implementing these listing and pricing strategies on Vinted, you can optimize your sales potential and improve your overall selling experience. Remember to monitor your listings regularly, adjust prices when necessary, and stay engaged with potential buyers to maximize your chances of success.

Selling Tip 3. Focus on Increasing Customer Engagement

To make more sales on Vinted, it's crucial to increase your engagement. Here are some effective strategies:

  1. Follow reviewers and other Vinted users to build connections.

  2. Like other people's posts and send messages to those who have shown interest in your items.

  3. Edit your listing prices to notify likers and capture their attention.

  4. Utilize the wardrobe spotlight feature to promote your entire closet.

Connect with Reviewers and Users

Building connections with reviewers and other Vinted users is a great way to increase your visibility and engagement. Follow their profiles and interact with their posts by liking and commenting on them.

Engage in conversations and discussions within the Vinted community to establish yourself as an active participant.

Interact with Potential Buyers

Show interest in other people's listings and send them messages to initiate conversations. This not only increases the chances of making a sale, but it also helps build relationships with potential buyers. Be friendly, helpful, and responsive to their inquiries or requests, providing excellent customer service to establish trust.

Create Buzz with Price Edits

Keep your listings fresh and attention-grabbing by editing the prices of your items. When you lower the price, Vinted notifies the likers of your item, drawing their attention back to it. This creates a sense of urgency and may prompt them to make a purchase or engage with you regarding the price.

Promote Your Closet with Wardrobe Spotlight

Take advantage of Vinted's wardrobe spotlight feature to showcase your entire closet. This feature allows you to highlight a selection of items from your closet, putting them in the spotlight for Vinted users to see. Use compelling photos and catchy descriptions to entice potential buyers to explore your closet further.

Selling Tip 4. Optimize Your Listings

Your listings are crucial in attracting buyers. We found that the best strategy is to be transparent and as helpful as possible which involves providing relevant details and being honest about item specifications.

To optimize your listings on Vinted, follow these tips:

  1. Take high-quality photos: Capture accurate representations of your items to grab buyers' attention. Include multiple angles and close-ups for better visibility.

  2. Write detailed descriptions: Highlight important features and provide relevant information to give potential buyers a comprehensive view of your items.

  3. Price your items appropriately: Consider competition, item condition, and buyer preferences when setting the price. Research similar listings to determine a competitive and attractive price point.

  4. Consider cross-listing: Expand your reach by listing your items on other platforms to tap into a wider audience.

By following these Vinted selling tips and optimizing your listings, you can increase your chances of attracting buyers and making more sales on Vinted.

Importance of accurate listing descriptions

Accurate descriptions play a vital role in gaining the trust of buyers and ensuring their satisfaction on Vinted. When listing your items, it is crucial to provide detailed and objective descriptions that give potential buyers a clear understanding of the item.

Mentioning important details such as size, condition, and any special features can help buyers make informed purchasing decisions. By being transparent and accurate in your descriptions, you can build buyer confidence and reduce the likelihood of returns or complaints.

Remember, honesty is key when describing your items. Provide an accurate representation of their condition, highlighting any flaws or imperfections. This will help manage buyer expectations and avoid potential issues down the line.

To enhance your descriptions, consider using bullet points or numbered lists, making it easy for buyers to quickly scan the information. This formatting can also draw attention to the key features and specifications of your items.

Also read: How to sell your clothes on Depop

Selling Tip 5. Encourage Positive Reveiws

Reviews are an integral part of building trust and attracting potential buyers on Vinted. The best way to receive good reviews on the platform is to leave positive reviews for buyers. By doing this, buyers will feel inclined to leave you a good review in return.

Another way to encourage buyers to leave reviews is to offer a discount on future purchases if they leave a good review. You could include a small thank you note with this offer as part of your packaging.

It's important to be honest and specific in your reviews, highlighting positive experiences or offering constructive criticism.

Reviews serve as valuable social proof for potential buyers, providing insights into the experiences of previous customers. Whether it's praising the quality of an item or offering suggestions for improvement, reviews help create transparency and establish trust in the buying and selling process.

To attract organic reviews, you will need to provide excellent service. This involves offering fast shipping, attractive packaging and good communication throughout the process.

Packaging and shipping best practices

When it comes to packaging and shipping your items on Vinted, attention to detail is crucial. By following these vinted selling tips UK, you can ensure a smooth and positive buying experience for your customers.

  1. Ship promptly: Timely shipping shows your commitment to customer satisfaction. Dispatch orders as quickly as possible to provide a positive buying experience.

  2. Use high-quality packaging materials: Protect your items during transit by using sturdy packaging materials. This ensures that they arrive at their destination in excellent condition.

  3. Include a contact information note: Create a personal touch by including a note with your contact information in the package. This makes it easy for buyers to reach out to you if they have any questions or concerns.

By paying attention to packaging and shipping, you can increase customer satisfaction and encourage positive reviews. Ensuring that your items arrive safely and on time is essential for building a reputation as a reliable seller.

Remember, packaging and shipping are important aspects of your overall selling strategy on Vinted. Implement these vinted selling tips UK to create a positive buying experience for your customers and increase your chances of success.

vinted buying and selling tips

Handling Customer Inquiries

Another way to improve customer experience is the effective management of customer enquiries. By providing excellent customer service, you can build trust with buyers and ensure a positive selling experience.

  1. Respond to messages as quickly as possible. Prompt communication shows buyers that you value their interest and are committed to providing a smooth transaction.

  2. If you anticipate being unavailable for a period of time, such as during holidays or vacations, let buyers know in advance. This transparent approach helps manage buyer expectations and avoids any potential misunderstandings.

  3. Communicate openly and honestly to resolve any inquiries or issues that may arise. Transparency is key to building trust with buyers and fostering positive relationships.

Punctuality and Packaging

Punctuality and packaging also play a role in receiving good reviews from buyers and making more money on Vinted. Sellers are expected to handle packaging and shipping themselves which means that you must prioritize fast shipping and high-quality packaging.

Ship items promptly

One of the key aspects of maintaining a positive reputation on Vinted is to ship items promptly. Meeting buyer expectations in terms of shipping time is crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction. By dispatching your items in a timely manner, you not only meet buyer's expectations but also demonstrate your professionalism as a seller.

Use sturdy and protective packaging materials

Ensure that your items arrive in excellent condition by using sturdy and protective packaging materials. This includes boxes, bubble wrap, and cushioning materials to prevent any damage during transit. Taking the extra effort to package your items securely shows your dedication to delivering a quality product to your buyers.

Selling Tip 6. Relist Your Items Regularly

Relisting is a valuable strategy for increasing visibility and making more sales on Vinted. By relisting your items, you can keep them at the top of the feed and attract more potential buyers.

One of the key benefits of relisting on Vinted is the opportunity to reach a wider audience. When you relist an item, it appears as a new listing, catching the attention of users who may have missed it before.

Moreover, relisting allows you to refresh your listings and make any necessary updates. You can improve your item descriptions, adjust prices, and upload new photos to showcase your items in the best possible light.

Another advantage of relisting is the ability to take advantage of available tools or bots to relist your items easily and for free. These tools can save you time and effort, allowing you to relist multiple items with just a few clicks.

There is no limit to how often you can relist an item on Vinted. From our experience, we found that relisting items daily was the most effective way to stay at the top of search results.

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Selling on Vinted can be a profitable venture when you implement the right strategies. By optimizing your listings, engaging with the Vinted community, and providing excellent customer service, you can increase your sales and make more money on Vinted. It's important to adapt your approach based on your specific audience and item inventory, continuously refining your selling techniques.

To make money on Vinted, successful sellers spend time experimenting with different strategies and adapting their methods based on the market. We spent several weeks trying and testing different methods to find the best Vinted selling tips and tricks.

We found that the most effective factor is honesty. Being honest in your listings will contribute to a better customer experience which will encourage positive reviews and build trust.


  • You can make more money on Vinted by listing your items at busy periods and pricing items high so that buyers can negotiate a lower price, without the final sale price falling too low.

  • According to Eightify, the most profitable items to sell on Vinted are jeans and sneakers. These items have a higher price point and steady demand.

  • To be successful on Vinted you should relist your items regularly and add new listings to your store as much as possible. Also, encourage positive reviews to attract more buyers and increase your reputation.

All of our articles are written to help our readers to learn about different side hustles, how they work and how to start earning money from them. Although we mention potential earnings, it is important to understand that there is no guarantee that you will make money from any of the side hustles that are mentioned on our site. Making money from a side hustle requires consistency and significant effort. While we aim to provide useful insight into each side hustle opportunity, it is down to you to follow the right steps towards making any profits.

About The Author

Ruby is the founder of The Rich Girl Guide and has been writing content around personal finance, side hustles and wellbeing for over 3 years. You can find some of Ruby’s published articles on The Motley Fool UK, and