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30 New Year Journal Prompts for 2025

The New Year is the perfect time to sit down with a cup of tea, your favorite journal, and do a bit of thinking!

The New Year is about more than just setting resolutions—it’s about creating space for reflection, intention-setting, and growth. Journaling is a brilliant way to do just that, helping you explore your goals, take stock of the past year, and envision the future with clarity.

In this blog, we’ll dive into what makes journaling such a fantastic tool for the New Year and give you 30 inspiring prompts to kick off 2025 with purpose and positivity.

What Should You Journal About in the New Year?

The start of a new year feels like a clean slate, doesn’t it?

But the key to making the most of this fresh start is not just in wishing for things to change—it’s about planning, reflecting, and taking action.

And this is where your journal can work wonders.

Here are some of the most powerful things to journal about in the New Year.

Your Goals

I love using this time of the year to write about goals! It is the perfect time to think about the year ahead and make a strong intention.

Whether they’re big, life-changing goals or small daily habits, writing them down gives them weight.

What do you want to achieve this year?

Whether it’s a career move, financial security, or prioritizing self-care, your journal is the place to map it out.

Your Plan of Action

Having goals is one thing; having a plan is another. Take some time to think about how you could break your goals down into achievable steps.

This prompt can help you identify the specific actions you’ll need to take and keep you accountable.

Once you make an actionable plan, you will find it a LOT easier to move in the right direction.

Also read: How to stay consistent with your goals.

A Reflection on Last Year

Before diving into new goals, it’s important to look back.

What worked in 2024, and what didn’t? How have you grown? This reflection can give you valuable insights into where you’re heading next.

Use your journal to write down everything that comes into mind during your reflection and use this as a guide when setting goals.

A Life Audit

Take a good look at different areas of your life—career, health, relationships, finances. Are you happy with where you are? What would you like to change or improve?

Asking yourself these kind of questions will set you on the right path for the new year.

A Wellness Assessment

Check in on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. What do you need to feel your best in 2025?

This is a great way to identify areas where self-care might be lacking or where you could make positive adjustments.

You might like: 100 good habits for a better you

Your Intentions for the New Year

Setting intentions can be more powerful than resolutions because they focus on who you want to *be*, rather than just what you want to *do*.

What kind of mindset or energy do you want to bring into 2025?

I like to set my intention for the year as soon as I wake up on the 1st of January. I say my intention out loud, write it in my journal and write it in the notes app on my phone.

A Letter to Your Future Self

Write a letter to the version of yourself that will be reading this at the end of the year. What advice do you have for them? What do you hope they’ve achieved or learned?

This can be a fun and insightful exercise.

30 Transformative Journal Prompts for the New Year

Now, let’s get to the heart of it—30 prompts that will help you start 2025 on a reflective and empowered note.

1. What are three things I’m most proud of from last year?

2. What were the biggest lessons I learned in 2024?

3. What do I want to let go of before starting the new year?

4. What are my top five goals for 2025?

5. What are the habits I want to cultivate this year?

6. How can I make more time for the things I love?

7. What’s something new I want to try in 2025?

8. What does success look like for me this year?

9. What are three things I want to improve in my daily routine?

10. How can I be kinder to myself in 2025?

11. What fears or doubts do I need to overcome this year?

12. Who are the people I want to spend more time with, and why?

13. What areas of my life feel cluttered or overwhelming, and how can I simplify them?

14. How can I better manage my time and energy this year?

15. What boundaries do I need to set to protect my time and energy?

16. What’s one habit I can adopt that will improve my well-being?

17. What do I need to do to get out of my comfort zone this year?

18. How can I practice gratitude more consistently in 2025?

19. What’s one thing I’d like to learn this year?

20. What’s one way I can contribute to my community or the world in 2025?

21. What does my ideal day look like, and how can I make it happen?

22. What would my life look like if I achieved everything I want this year?

23. How can I prioritize my health and wellness more in 2025?

24. What limiting beliefs do I want to overcome this year?

25. What’s one thing I’ve been putting off that I need to tackle?

26. What can I do this year to nurture my relationships?

27. What does living my best life look like in 2025?

28. What’s one risk I’m willing to take this year?

29. What’s the one word I want to focus on in 2025?

30. What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail this year?

My Favourite Journals for 2025

If you’re looking for the perfect guided journal to get started, here are a few of my favourites for the New Year:

1. The Five Minute Journal – A quick and effective way to practice gratitude and set daily intentions.

2. The Growth Journal – A guided therapy journal that will help you to improve your mindset.

3. The Daily Stoic Journal – If you’re a fan of philosophy and mindset work, this journal encourages thoughtful daily reflections.

Journaling is one of my favourite new year activities. It helps you clarify what you want, release what’s no longer serving you, and align with your goals and intentions.

Make sure to save this post to your Pinterest and use these prompts as a guide to unlock more insight and direction as you move into 2025.