How To Find a Niche For Your Online Business in 5 Steps

Last updated: 04/04/2024 Written by: Ruby Layram

how to find a niche for your online business

What Is a Niche?

In business, a "niche" is a specific corner of the market. It has its own unique features. It aims at a specific group of customers with their own needs and likes. A niche market is smaller and serves a particular audience.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, a niche is “a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.”

Niches are more focused than the broad market. Instead of reaching lots of customers, niche businesses go for a certain group. They create products or services just for their target audience's needs.

Take the fitness sector for instance. The big market has all kinds of fitness stuff. A niche could be "home workout gear for busy people." Targeting this niche lets businesses serve the exact needs of people who like to exercise at home.

A niche has a few signs. It looks after a special customer group with unique needs. It focuses clearly and specializes, making businesses stand out as experts. Also, there's usually less competition in a niche. This gives businesses a chance to be leaders there.

Knowing about niches and how they're different from the broad market is key for business success today. Finding a good business niche lets businesses focus their work and resources better. This brings in devoted customers and gives them an edge over others.

The Importance of Finding a Good Business Niche

Starting an online business means you need to find a good niche. Doing so helps you become an expert and build a strong brand. This is key for success in the long run.

Choosing a niche boosts brand loyalty. You can make products that meet the specific needs of your target audience. This helps customers feel connected to your brand, keeping them coming back.

It also makes marketing easier and cheaper. You can create campaigns aimed directly at your ideal customers. This means more sales and less money wasted on marketing to the wrong people.

Being in a niche lets you become seen as an expert. You’ll be known for your knowledge and skills. This reputation brings loyal customers and lets you charge more.

To wrap up, it’s very important to pick the right niche for your online business. Niche marketing helps with loyalty, cuts costs, and establishes you as an expert. By focusing on a special niche, you stand out, draw in loyal customers, and grow your business.

how to find an online business niche

How To Find an Online Business Niche in 5 Steps

Want to start an online business but can't find your niche? We're here to help. We'll show you how to find a great business niche in five easy steps.

I used these steps myself when I started The Rich Girl Guide and I will be using my own business as an example for each step. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Make a list of your existing skills and interests

First, list your skills and what you love to do. Think about your job, hobbies, and what you're good at. Consider what makes you excited and happy. This helps you pick the right area to focus on.

To build a sustainable and scalable online business, you need to pick something that you will be happy to continue doing for the long run.

Most businesses take more than 1 year to start making a profit which means that you will have to stay consistent, despite not seeing instant results. This is much easier if you actually enjoy what you do.

My own business example:

Before starting The Rich Girl Guide, I worked as a professional SEO editor which meant that I already new a lot about writing content that could rank on Google.

I also loved listening to Podcasts about female entrepreneurs and found the idea of making money online really exciting. I put these altogether and came up with a blog about starting an online business.

Step 2: Identify potential problems that you could solve

Next, think of problems you can solve with your skills. Look for issues that people struggle with. Your knowledge could offer solutions. This is how you add value and stand out with your business.

Identifying existing problems will give you a great foundation for creating products that will sell well. After all, the easiest way to persuade someone to buy something is to convince them that it will change their life for the better.

My own business example:

When I started looking into starting my own online business, I realised that a lot of existing content was either overpriced or misleading. I realized that I could solve this problem by providing free information that is realistic and actionable.

Talking about sales…

I have recently launched my first online business guide that will change your life. The guide removes the guesswork from starting an online business and walks you through every step of the process so that you don’t miss anything out. You can find it here.

Step 3: Search the web for existing businesses that solve that problem

Now find businesses that solve the problem you've picked. Look into their offerings and how they reach their customers. This research shows you what's already out there. It gives clues on how to do it better.

Once you have found your competitors, start to think about how you can stand out from what they offer. Perhaps you can price your items cheaper, make your products easier to use or target an even more specific niche within the niche.

My own business example:

When I researched existing online business websites and blogs I found that most of them were targetted towards men. So, I decided on pink, feminine branding that would make my site stand out from others.

Step 4: Use keyword research tools to determine search volume/demand

Keyword research is key. Use tools like Google Trends or Ahrefs to see how many people are interested in your niche. Seek out keywords within your niche. Check how often they are searched. This tells you if there's a big enough audience.

Even better, try to look for keywords that have high demand and low competition. Targeting these keywords will make it easier to rank well on Google which could speed up traffic generation and results.

My own business example:

My main keywords are ‘how to start an online business’, ‘how to make money online’ and ‘best side hustles’. These are all keywords that are relevant to my niche, have a healthy search volume and low(ish) competition.

I use these keywords throughout my website to rank on Google and attract my ideal customers.

Step 5: Narrow down your niche by picturing your ideal customer

Lastly, think of your perfect customer. Sketch a profile including age, likes, and needs. Aim your products or services at them. Focusing on specific people makes you a known expert. It builds a group of loyal customers.

Once you have created a picture of your ideal customer, make sure that all marketing efforts are directed at them. This will improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and increase your chances of making a sale.

My own business example:

My ideal customer is a woman who wants to achieve financial freedom by starting an online business that is scalable and sustainable. She is tired of get rich quick schemes and wants to build an empire rather than starting a series of small side hustles. She is already aware of what an online business is but has been hesitant to start because she doesn’t have any business experience or a huge initial investment fund. She needs affordable and valuable information.

Top tip: Mold your ideal customer around yourself or someone who personally know. This will make it much easier to picture them clearly.

Final Thoughts

A niche helps you become noticeable in a busy market and gain loyal customers.

A niche is different from the wider market. It targets customers with special needs and wants.

Choosing a great niche brings many advantages. You'll see more brand loyalty, spend less on marketing, and be seen as an expert. Niche marketing connects you with an audience that really cares about your offerings.

To pick a niche, we shared a five-step plan. It includes listing your skills and interests, finding problems to solve, checking out competitors, researching keywords for demand, and imagining your ideal customer.

To wrap up, understanding how to find a niche for your online business is vital for your success in 2024. By focusing on a specific group and their unique needs, you'll stand out and grow your business.


  • The key to finding your specific niche is to think about interests as well as problems that you have personally faced that you could provide a solution o.

At The Rich Girl Guide, we aim to provide realistic and helpful content about online businesses and side hustles. Some of our content may mention potential earnings however, it is important to understand that profit is not guaranteed. The outcome of your online venture will depend on your ability to successfully follow the processes that are required to see results. Not all online businesses and side hustles will be suitable for you. Therefore, you must take time to carefully research different options before investing any time or money.

About The Author

Ruby is the founder of The Rich Girl Guide. She started her first freelance writing business in 2019 and created The Rich Girl Guide to help other women achieve freedom through online businesses and side hustles.

Before starting The Rich Girl Guide, Ruby studied Psychology at The University of Winchester. During her degree, Ruby developed an interest in consumer psychology and went on to work on the marketing teams for successful startups such as Cryptonary and Finixio Ltd.

Her role in marketing gave her first-hand experience in scaling and growing online businesses within the Fintech space.

Ruby started The Rich Girl Guide to provide realistic and helpful information about making money online in a space where there is a lot of misleading content and false promises. Ruby believes in the power of planning and strategy and wants to help other people achieve their online business goals in a way that is realistic, actionable, and sustainable.