50 Best Faceless YouTube Channel Ideas- Make Money Online 2024

In the ever-evolving world of YouTube, content creators are continuously finding innovative ways to engage their audience without showing their face. From animated videos to ambient soundscapes, there is a vast array of faceless YouTube channel ideas that make money to explore. In this blog post, we have curated a list of 50 exciting channel ideas for 2024 that can captivate viewers and inspire your own creative endeavors.

Also read: What is a faceless YouTube channel?

50 YouTube Channel Ideas Without Showing Your Face for 2024

It is possible to make a comfortable side income without showing your face on YouTube. In fact, faceless YouTube videos are one of the most popular passive side hustles in 2024 that have made millions for the people that create them.

If you haven’t already, check out our guide on how to make money on YouTube without showing your face to learn more! Here are 50 faceless YouTube channel ideas to consider in 2024.

1. Life Hacks and Clever Tips for Everyday Situations:

One of the easiest types of faceless YouTube videos to create are ‘top tips’ videos. You can create this type of content using free video editing tools on your phone or laptop by simply putting text over different backgrounds and recording a voiceover.

You could create faceless YouTube videos that share practical and ingenious tips to simplify and enhance daily life, covering various topics like organization, productivity, and problem-solving. You can make simple infographic videos to demonstrate each life hack and engage your audience. Self-improvement is a growing niche on YouTube and these types of videos are very popular among individuals who want to level up their lives.

2. Animated Book Summaries and Recommendations:

Animated book summaries are popular with book lovers who need help deciding whether or not they would enjoy reading a new title. You could create faceless animated summaries and insightful reviews of popular books from various genres or new releases that readers may be interested in. You can easily find book summaries online and then turn these into engaging videos for your audience to enjoy.

3. Ambiance and Background Noise for Relaxation or Focus:

Ambiance videos are often used by people who have trouble sleeping or winding down after a long day. These videos include a soothing soundtrack and a simple photograph which makes them very easy to create. You could create soothing ambient soundscapes on your phone by recording rainstorms, fireplace crackling, or calming forest sounds, to help viewers relax or concentrate. Put the soundscape over a relevant image (make sure that this is royalty-free!)- you can find free images on websites such as Pexels.

4. Compilation of Funny or Cute Animal Moments:

Everyone has seen a cute pet video on YouTube. Not only are they very entertaining but pet videos are a great way to make viral YouTube content that doesn’t show your face. Delight viewers with adorable and amusing animal videos, showcasing heartwarming and hilarious moments that can be shared across social media. This is a great idea for pet owners who can make income from filming their furry friends.

5. Virtual Tours of Famous Landmarks and Travel Destinations:

This is a great idea for people who want to make money whilst travelling the world. As you travel to different destinations, you could film your experiences and take viewers on virtual journeys to iconic landmarks, offering immersive experiences without leaving home. You could film your own footage or there are a number of great AI tools that can be used to generate realistic vieos of the world.

youtube channel ideas

6. ASMR Soundscapes:

ASMR is a popular YouTube category that helps people to relieve stress and reduce anxiousness. ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response which refers to a tingling sensation that is felt when people are exposed to certain sounds and sensations. Videos that fall into the ASMR category aim to produce this sensation through sounds that are recorded close to a microphone. Common ASMR triggers include whispering sounds, brushing sounds, tapping sounds and rustling sounds.

It is possible to create your own ASMR content by recording sounds with everyday objects such as tapping your finger nails on glass or using a rain shaker. Put the sounds over a simple image and upload this to YouTube with an SEO optimized title and description. ASMR videos are simple but incredibly effective with the most popular channels receiving millions of followers worldwide.

7. Animated History Lessons and Educational Content:

Teachers regularly use YouTube videos to make lessons more engaging. You could make faceless YouTube videos that present history lessons through animations, covering various eras and historical events with a unique visual approach. There are thousands of video opportunities for channels that fall into this category which means that it is a chance to make laods of content for your channel.

8. DIY Crafts and Creative Home Decor Ideas:

Many people find it easier to follow instructions when they are presented through a video rather than reading long chunks of text. Another good idea for a faceless YouTube channel is to share step-by-step instructions for DIY crafts and innovative home decor projects. You can share these ideas as animation videos to help viewers understand each step.

Another way to create this content is to simply film yourself doing the DIY without showing your face. You could film just your hands or face away from the camera, for example. You don’t need any advanced editing skills or software to make this type of content.

9. Time-lapse Videos of Art Creation and Painting:

Art creation timelapses are both relaxing and informative which makes them a great faceless YouTube video idea to consider. If you have artistic talents you could document the process of creating art pieces, capturing captivating time-lapse footage of paintings, drawings, or sculptures. These videos are super easy to make and can be filmed as you work.

Simply film yourself creating, speed up the footage and add a soundtrack to the video. As your channel grows, you could receive sponsors from craft suppliers which is a great way to monetize your faceless YouTube channel.

10. Animated Science Explanations and Experiments:

Another great idea for a faceless YouTube channel is to film fun experiments. Make complex scientific concepts accessible through animated videos, demonstrating experiments and unraveling the wonders of the natural world. You can film yourself from the shoulder down to avoid showing your face on camera. These videos could be useful to teachers who want to demonstrate different experiments to their pupils. They cold also be used by parents who want to engage their kids in scientific activities during the holidays and weekends.

Also read: 30 Digital Products To Sell on Etsy

make youtube videos

11. Compilation of Satisfying and Mesmerizing Visuals:

Mesmerizing videos are watched by people to relax and unwind. Furthermore, they are very easy to create as a faceless YouTuber. Curate visually captivating and satisfying clips, such as kinetic sand cutting, soap carving, or domino chain reactions. Satisfying YouTube videos are very simple to make and rake up millions of views every year!

12. Cooking tutorials:

Millions of people search for cooking videos online to help them in the kitchen. You could profit from this trend by filming your own cooking demonstrations that don’t show your face. Protein recipes are very popular on YouTube at the moment amongst gym goers who want to make delicious, protein-packed treats. However, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one category. There is an audience for every type of cooking video from protein goods to kids snacks.

13. Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Sessions:

If you are comfortable with the sound of your voice, you could lead viewers through guided meditation sessions, fostering mindfulness, relaxation, and inner peace. Guided meditations are one of the most popular faceless YouTube video categories and are very easy to make.

You can find simple meditations online and then use stock images to create the video with your voice as a soundtrack. They key is to speak clearly, slowly and softly.

14. Animated Language Lessons and Vocabulary Practice:

The ability to speak multiple languages is a useful skill that thousands of people want to master. This is a great opportunity for faceless YouTubers who speak multiple languages themselves. You could each different languages through animated lessons, helping viewers expand their vocabulary and language skills. This is a great side hustle for language tutors or anyone who knows a second language. Simply record your voice and use animations to demonstrate each lesson.

15. Educational Content on Psychology and Self-Improvement:

Self improvement is a hot topic in 2024. You could jump on the trends and make faceless YouTube videos that explore topics like psychology, personal development, and self-improvement, offering valuable insights and actionable advice. You can effectively share advice through animations or use infographics to demonstrate different tips to your viewers.

Another angle to peruse is to take your viewers through animated self improvement exercises. Simply record yourself talking through the exercise and use animation to accompany your voice over.

Learn more with The Rich Girl Guide

youtube video ideas

16. Compilation of Interesting and Unusual Facts:

Interesting facts videos have always been popular on YouTube. They are watched by a range of people and are a super easy to create a monetizable YouTube channel without showing your face. Curate intriguing and lesser-known facts from various fields, from science and history to pop culture and beyond. You can put these together as a simple slideshow and use music to make the video engaging.

17. Virtual Workouts and Fitness Routines:

Provide virtual fitness classes and workout routines, catering to different fitness levels and goals. To avoid showing your face you could wear a cap, film from the back/side, use animation to show each exercise or film from the shoulders down. You can film these faceless fitness YouTube channel videos from your garden or a room with lots of space and a good backdrop. Home workouts are very popular amongst people who want to save money on a gym membership!

18. Animated Videos on Coding and Programming Tutorials:

Anyone who has every tried their hand at coding will understand how difficult it can be! Therefore, coding tutorials are very popular on YouTube. Offer animated coding tutorials for beginners and advanced programmers, simplifying complex concepts and fostering coding literacy. These videos are very useful to coders as it is often easier to watch someone demonstrate coding rather than reading about it.

Of course, to make these videos you will need to have good knowledge of coding and programming yourself. This is a great faceless YouTube channel idea for people with coding skills.

19. Product Reviews and Recommendations:

This is one of the easiest faceless YouTube channel ideas that is relevant to a number of niches! Evaluate and recommend products from various categories, helping viewers make informed purchasing decisions. You could review clothing, gadgets, cleaning tools and much more.

20. Compilation of Impressive Sports Moments and Highlights:

Sports fans love to watch historic moments to learn more about the team or athlete that they support. You could turn this into a lucrative faceless YouTube channel by showcasing jaw-dropping moments and highlights from various sports in history. These videos don’t need to be long but it is important to check copyright regulations before using any clips.

An even better idea is to film sports events that you attend yourself to produce content that is entirely unique.

Also read: How to create a faceless Instagram account

21. Exploring and Discussing Famous Conspiracy Theories:

Conspiracy theories are incredibly popular on YouTube with the biggest videos raking in millions of views and subscribers. Luckily, these videos can be created very easily and without showing your face. If you are a fan of conspiracy theories yourself, you could delve into intriguing conspiracy theories, examining different perspectives and sparking thought-provoking discussions. You could create animations to explain each theory or use simple images of suspicious sightings/relevant events. You can easily make these videos with a simple video editor and a voiceover tool.

22. Animated Videos on Personal Finance and Money Management:

Personal finance is a hot topic during the cost of living crisis which makes it a very lucrative niche for faceless YouTube video creators. This is a good niche to get into if you are interested in making money yourself or have any financial qualifications! Delve into the realm of personal finance, offering animated videos that cover topics such as budgeting, investing, saving strategies, and wealth creation. There are plenty of great personal finance affiliate programs that you could use to monetize these videos.

It is important to note here that you need a Financial Advisory qualification to give financial advice in the UK. However, it is possible to make finance related videos that are nutural and don’ give specific advice. Good examples include reviews, how to’s and personal experience storytime’s.

23. Virtual Reality Game Reviews and Experiences:

Gaming is one of the most profitable YouTube categories in 2024 with the most popular gaming creators earning millions per year. If you are a gamer yourself, why not jump on the trend and film your own gaming videos. This is a great way to make a video from your point of view without involving your face. You could film anything from gameplay POV to video game tutorials. The key is to have an engaging personality and to use humor and drama to keep people watching.

24. Animated Discussions on Philosophy and Ethical Topics:

Many people are interest in philosophy and ethics in 2024. If you have your own opinions to share, you could engage in philosophical and ethical conversations through animated videos, exploring profound questions and stimulating critical thinking. These videos could also be turned into podcasts for people to listen to on their daily commute work. In fact, it is very easy to make money podcasting in 2024. The key to success with the faceless YouTube idea is to take a clear stand and develop opinions that are though provoking and valuable.

25. Compilation of Funny or Entertaining Challenges:

JackAss is a great example of YouTube content that turned into a global sensation using funny and entertaining challenges. The main concept of JackAss is a group of men challenging each other to do funny (and sometimes dangerous) challenges. Although these videos are simple, they are hugely entertaining to watch.

You could curate your own JackAss inspired videos by using viral clips from other internet users. If you use other people’s footage, make sure to check copyright policies and give credit to other creators.

passive income ideas

26. Exploring and Discussing True Crime Cases and Mysteries:

Similar to conspiracy theories, true crime stories are very appealing to a wide range of YouTube users. You could turn these into faceless YouTube videos by delving into true crime stories, analyzing unsolved mysteries, and examining forensic evidence. Record yourself talking through the crime and use relevant images and animations to accompany your voiceover in each video. This is another YouTube channel idea that could easily be turned into a profitable podcast.

27. Animated Videos on Environmental Issues and Sustainability:

If you’re a sustainability enthusiast, you could easily make a faceless YouTube video that raises awareness about environmental issues. You could promote sustainable practices through animated videos on topics like climate change, recycling, and conservation. These videos could be used by environmental educators to support their presentations and encourage sustainable behaviours.

28. Compilation of Viral Dance Trends and Tutorials:

This faceless YouTube channel idea is very easy to start. Simply create step-by-step dance tutorials for viewers to follow along. You could film yourself from the shoulders down or wearing a onezie to hide your face. Since the rise of TikTok, dance tutorials are very popular and could be a great way to create a faceless YouTube channel that allows you to use your own dance talents.

29. News Round-ups

Another great YouTube channel idea is to create daily news round-ups that summarize the biggest stories from the day. Use clips from news stories to avoid showing your face and use a voice over tool to narrate each headline. These videos are useful to people who don’t have time to watch entire news shows but still want to stay on top of current events.

30. Animated Videos on Astronomy and Space Exploration:

Astronomy is a very interesting topics that thousands of people want to learn more about. If you already have knowledge of space, you could take viewers on a cosmic journey through animated videos that explore the wonders of space, covering topics like celestial bodies, space missions, and the universe's mysteries. This type of channel could be used by teachers and students to make learning more fun. Videos like this are also hugely popular amongst individuals who want to expand their knowledge of the world.

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youtube channel

31. Compilation of Optical Illusions and Mind-Bending Visuals:

Optical illusion videos are often shared across social media and can do very well as a YouTube channel idea. Baffle and amaze viewers with mind-bending optical illusions, intriguing visual puzzles, and illusionary art. You can create your own optical illusions with graphic design tools or use existing illusions that have been created by artists. If you choose the second option, make sure that you aren’t breaking any copyright policies.

32. Exploring and Discussing Myths and Legends from Different Cultures:

In a world where it is possible to travel anywhere, many people are interested in learning about different cultures and the myths and legends that are important to them. You could create engaging faceless YouTube videos that uncover the rich tapestry of myths and legends from various cultures, exploring folklore, mythical creatures, and ancient stories. Use animations to accompany your voice or film ancient artifacts and sites yourself.

33. Animated Videos on Health and Wellness Tips:

Promote healthy living through animated videos that provide practical tips on nutrition, exercise, mental well-being, and self-care. You could film yourself demonstrating tips in a way that covers your face such as from a behind angle or a POV of your hands. These videos are very popular with people who want to improve their daily lives which means that the potential audience is huge. It is also very easy to monetize this type of content with affiliate marketing or sponsored posts.

34. Karaoke Lyric Videos:

If you’re a music lover, you could make lyric videos for your favorite songs that can be used by other for Karaoke. Remember to check copy right rules before posting anything on your channel! These faceless YouTube videos are very easy to make and can easily become a source of passive income through YouTube ads.

35. Exploring and Discussing Famous Works of Art and Artists:

This is a great faceless YouTube channel idea for anyone who knows their stuff about art. Dive into the world of art by exploring renowned masterpieces, discussing influential artists, and uncovering the stories behind iconic artworks. You don’t need to show your face to talk about art! Instead, record a voice over and use high quality images of each art piece that you discuss.

36. Travel vlogs with voiceover

Create travel vlogs using voiceover narration and captivating visuals, taking viewers on virtual journeys to different destinations. These videos are very helpful for people who are planning a trip and need inspo. You could film the process of organizing the trip, getting to your location and navigating your way around a new place. Include recommendations and advice for other travelers in your videos to build an audience that keeps coming back. This is another example of a faceless YouTube channel that is easy to monetize.

37. Compilation of Motivational and Inspirational Speeches:

You can create compilations of motivational speeches that can be used by people who are looking for a pick-me-up. Pair each speech with a captivating visual or try to find original videos of the speech if possible. It is very important to check copyright policies before using another person’s footage. If you’re unsure, simply get in touch with the original creator to ask if you ca use their video in your compilation. Sometimes, creators might ask you to give them credit for the footage that you use.

38. Compilation of Time-Lapse Gardening and Plant Growth:

This is a great faceless YouTube channel idea in spring or summer that can be easily monetized. Capture the beauty and growth of plants through time-lapse videos, showcasing gardening tips, plant care, and transformational journeys. Gardening timelapses are often used as inspiration by other budding gardeners who want to transform their own gardens. You could monetize your videos through sponsored content or affiliate marketing.

39. Compilation of Satisfying Cleaning and Organizing Transformations:

People find cleaning videos very satisfying which makes them a popular category on YouTube. Next time you need to clean your home, think about filming the process and turning it into a timelapse. You could also record a voiceover that explains each step of your cleaning process to help viewers understand what you’re doing. These videos are very helpful to home owners or anyone who needs to give their space a bit of TLC.

40. Werid facts compilation videos

We’ve mentioned interesting facts but what about strange facts? Weird fact compilations are very popular and easy to create. Create a 60 second video of weird facts to entertain your audience. Each video could fit a different niche. You can easily create these videos with a simple editor tool. Discover the best YouTube video editing tools.

41. interviews with inspirational people:

Do you have a friend or family member with an inspiring story to tell? If so, you could conduct an interview with them and upload it to YouTube. Motivational stories are a popular niche that draw in millions of viewers. You could film your friend talking or upload the interview over a simple image. This type of YouTube channel idea could easily become a profitable podcast which is a great way to diversify your streams of income.

42. What I eat in a day videos:

People use ‘What I Eat In A Day’ videos as inspiration if they are trying to lose weight, gain strength or improve their diet. If you are a healthy eater you could film your daily diet to provide other people with healthy meal and snack inspiration. This one works exceptionally well if you’re a fitness fanatic, nutritionist or dietician. However, you don’t need to be super healthy to be successful in this niche! Videos of people eating 10,000 calories a day or ‘only chocolate’ are also hugely popular and entertaining on YouTube.

To avoid showing your face, simply film yourself making different recipes and choosing different snacks throughout the day.

43. Makeup tutorials using models:

If you’re a makeup artist, you could film makeup tutorials using models instead of your own face. This is a great way to showcase your skills and you could receive affiliate parentships from some of your favorite makeup brands. A good idea is to ask family members or friends to model for you so that you can avoid using your own face in your videos.

44. Hotel tours:

Film in-depth tours of hotels and air bnbs for people to watch before they go on holiday. This is an excellent Faceless YouTube channel idea for anyone who likes to travel. If you do well. you could get paid by hotels to feature them on your channel. You don’t need to show your face to give a good hotel tour. Simple film as you walk through each room and narrate what you see.

University students could also use this faceless YouTube channel idea and film tours of their uni halls and houses. Tours are helpful and insightful which makes them a popular YouTube category.

45. Interior makeovers

Interior design videos are popular amongst people who need inspo for their own homes. If you are planning to do your own house makeover, consider filming the process and uploading it to YouTube. This is a great idea for a faceless video because you only need to film your hands or from a POV perspective. As your channel grows, you could easily receive sponsorship from décor companies and brands.

make money from home

46. POV vlogs

One of the easiest faceless YouTube channel ideas is to create faceless vlogs of your daily life. Simply films snippets of your day and use a voiceover tool to narrate what you’re doing in each clip. This is a particularly good channel idea if you have a unique or interesting job. Daily vlogs are usually watched in the background whilst people study, cook or do chores. They are very popular and provide a great way to build a loyal following of interested fans.

47. Hair tutorials

It is possible to film hair tutorials without showing your face. Film from the back or use a hair model to demonstrate different hairstyles and techniques to your audience. Successful hair YouTube channels often receive sponsorships from big brands to promote their products.

48. Reality tv summaries

Many people don’t have time to watch every episode of popular reality TV shows such as Love Island or Vanderpump Rules. Instead, they watch summaries on YouTube to stay updated with the shows. You could monetize this by filming summaries and deep dives of reality TV shows for fans who don’t have time to watch entire episodes and need a catch up. You can create these videos with any basic editing tool and upload them each time a new episode of a show comes out. Use screengrabs from each episode to accompany your voiceover and avoid showing your face.

49. Animated children’s stories

Animated bedtime stories are popular among parents who want to entertain their kids before bed. If you have a clear voice, you could create animations for popular children’s stories and upload a voiceover narration. It is a good idea to check copyright policies before using stories that have been published by authors. If you can’t find any pre-existing stories to use, create your own by tweaking elements of popular children’s books.

50. Fashion look books

You can create fashion look books without showing your face by displaying clothes on a mannequin, laying them out on your bed or hanging them on your wall. You can easily monetize these videos by signing up to fashion affiliate programs and linking your outfits. They key to success in this category is to place each video into a theme such as ‘brunch outfits’ or ‘holiday outfits’. Link all of the clothes that are featured in your videos to help your viewers find items that they like.

How To Start a Faceless YouTube Channel in 2024

To start a no-face YouTube channel, there are a few key steps to follow. Firstly, identify your niche or area of interest. Determine the YouTube channel topics you are passionate about and have knowledge in, as this will form the foundation of your channel's content. Next, brainstorm ideas for faceless videos that align with your chosen niche. This could include animated content, voiceover narrations, or screen recordings.

Once you have a clear idea of your content, start creating and uploading videos to YouTube. Ensure your videos are well-produced, and engaging, and provide value to your target audience. Additionally, optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords to improve visibility in search results. As you gain traction, promote your videos across social media platforms to expand your reach.

Remember, consistency is key, so strive to maintain a regular upload schedule and engage with your audience through comments and community interactions. With dedication and quality content, you can build a successful no face YouTube channel.

Read our full guide on how to make money on YouTube without showing your face to learn more. Alternatively, follow our step-by-step guide below.

Step 1: Brainstorm 10 easy faceless YouTube channel ideas

The best way to generate a successful faceless YouTube channel idea is to have a brainstorming session. This should be your first step in the faceless YouTube channel creation process.

Try to think of as many potential ideas as possible. You could use our examples above as inspiration. However, at this stage, it is also important to think outside the box and come up with your own ideas for a faceless YouTube channel.

Think of topics that you’re passionate about and could easily make a high amount of content for. You can’t be successful with just a handful of videos. The top YouTube creators have hundreds of videos on their channels.

Step 2: Video creation

After choosing a niche, the next step is to make your faceless YouTube videos. It is a good idea to spend a lot of time on this step to perfect the videos that you make. Try different video styles. scripts, structures, and strategies to find a method that works best for you.

A lot of successful YouTubers started with low-quality videos so don’t be disheartened if your first video isn’t Oscar-worthy! It takes practice to become a skilled video creator.

Step 3: Create your YouTube channel

Create your YouTube channel after successfully filming a few videos. It is a good idea to have videos ready to post so that you can update your channel regularly to build followers.

Here are the steps to creating a YouTube channel:

  1. Create a Google account

  2. Sign into YouTube (or create a YouTube account) with your Google account

  3. Click on the profile icon

  4. Select ‘Create a channel’

  5. Fill in your channel name and details

  6. Confirm

Step 4: Create a logo and banner

Once you have created your YouTube channel, it is a good idea to upload a logo and banner image. This will make your channel look professional and attract subscribers.

The best tool to use to create free logos is Canva.

Step 5: Upload your faceless YouTube videos

The final step of the process is to upload your faceless YouTube videos to your channel. This can take several hours to complete, depending on the size of your video.

The most successful faceless YouTube channels will stick to a regular uploading schedule to keep their subscribers interested. Start with uploading one video per week and then increase this as your channel grows.

What Are The Best Topics For a Faceless YouTube Channel?

The best topic for a YouTube channel depends on your experience and interests. Viewers can tell if you’re not passionate about the content that you create and this can lead to low engagement. Therefore, it is a good idea to choose a topic that you genuinely love and can create enthusiastic content around. It is also a good idea to research current trends to make sure that you channel is something that viewers will find interesting.

The two main reasons that viewers use YouTube is for information (educational content answering a question) or entertainment (funny, interesting or unique content). Channels that fit into each of these categories an do well with the right persistence. To be successful on YouTube you need to upload regularly, make sure that your content is high quality and engage with your audience.

What topic is most searched on YouTube?

The most searched topic on YouTube is ‘music videos’ which has been the most popular topic on the platform since it’s launch in 2005. Other highly searched topics include video games, TV shows and vloggers. You can use analysis tools such as SEMRush and Ahrefs to find the most searched topics and use these as inspiration for your own YouTube channel ideas.

Most profitable faceless YouTube channels

Here is a list of the most successful faceless YouTube channels in 2024. It in difficult to work out exactly how much each channel earns in revenue however; we have created a list of faceless YouTube channels that have the most subscribers and views. This is a good indicator of profitability.

Bright Side - Best interesting facts faceless YouTube channel

Bright Side is one of the biggest faceless YouTube videos with over 44 million subscribers and over 6 thousand published videos. The channel published informative and educational content about everything from animals to languages.

The faceless YouTube channel is the go-to for anyone who enjoys learning interesting facts. The videos use a combination of animation, video roll and images to create YouTube videos that are completely faceless. The channel does use a voice-over to narrate each video. You will notice that the narration is engaging and story-like to grab the attention of viewers.

Everyday Money - Best educational faceless YouTube channel

Another example of a successful faceless YouTube channel is Everyday Money. The channel makes educational content about making money in easy and creative ways.

Everyday Money has over 200 thousand subscribers and over 300 published videos. This is another example of a faceless YouTube video that uses a mixture of stock video and animation to accompany a voiceover narration. The videos use attention-grabbing titles and intros to attract viewers.

Note: Always double-check your facts before posting any educational content and use disclaimers where necessary if you make claims.

Fail Army - The best faceless compilation YouTube channel

Fail Army is a great example of a compilation YouTube channel. The channel has over 16 million followers and over 400 published videos.

The concept of Fail Army is very simple. Each video is a string of funny ‘failures’ such as people falling over, stunts going wrong or unfortunate encounters. The channel uses videos that are taken by subscribers and edits each one into a compilation.

Fail Army has managed to build its impressive following in just 10 years.

Top Tips For Creating A Successful Faceless YouTube Channel in 2024

Coming up with faceless YouTube channel ideas is the first step towards making money from YouTube without showing your face in 2024. Here are a few top tips to make sure that your faceless YouTube channel is a success.

  1. Provide value: The best faceless YouTube channel ideas will offer value to your viewers. Whether it's educational, entertaining, or inspiring, ensure that your videos fulfill a need or solve a problem for your audience.

  2. Quality is key: Invest in good equipment, such as a quality microphone, video editing software, and reliable camera or screen recording tools. Deliver clear and professional-looking videos with high audio and video quality.

  3. Engage with your audience: Encourage viewer interaction by responding to comments, asking for feedback, and incorporating viewer suggestions into your content. Building a sense of community will help foster loyalty and attract new subscribers to your faceless YouTube channel.

  4. Develop a consistent schedule: Establish a regular upload schedule and stick to it. Consistency is crucial for retaining subscribers and attracting new ones. Plan your content in advance to ensure a steady stream of videos.

  5. Optimize your content: Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags to improve discoverability. Conduct keyword research to understand what terms your target audience is searching for.

  6. Collaborate with others: Collaborate with other YouTubers or influencers in your niche. This can help you tap into their audience and gain exposure to new viewers who might be interested in your content. This is a great way to build a fan base when starting a YouTube channel without showing your face.

  7. Promote across platforms: Share your videos on other social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, to reach a wider audience. Use compelling snippets or thumbnails to entice viewers to click through and watch your content.

  8. Analyze and adapt: Monitor your analytics and pay attention to what works and what doesn't o your faceless YouTube channel. Track metrics like watch time, audience retention, and engagement rates. Use this data to refine your content strategy and improve your videos over time.

  9. Be patient and persistent: Building a successful faceless YouTube channel takes time and effort. Stay committed, be patient with the growth process, and keep refining your content based on audience feedback and market trends.

What are the top faceless YouTube channel ideas?

Creating a faceless YouTube channel is one of the best side hustles for busy women in 2024.

Here, we have covered 50 excellent YouTube channel ideas that you could consider and start making today! For more tips on making money, improving your mindset or achieving your dream life, make sure to subscribe to our blog!


  • YouTube videos that use commercial sound recording cannot be monetized. Videos that contain adult language, violence or sexual content can also not be monetized by YouTube.

  • The best faceless YouTube course is Matt Par's Tube Mastery and Monetization. The course includes everything that you need to get started with a faceless YouTube channel. Matt himself has built 9 successful faceless YouTube channels and the course reveals how he was successful.

  • Yes you can monetize your YouTube videos without 1000 subscribers through affiliate marketing and sponsored content.

About The Author

Ruby is the founder of The Rich Girl Guide and has been writing content around personal finance, side hustles and wellbeing for over 3 years. You can find some of Ruby’s published articles on The Motley Fool UK, Tradingplatforms.com and Buyshares.co.uk.